Pay Per Click – Finding Clients, Selling Pay Per Click Management and Focusing Solely on It

PPC Management and Focusing Solely on It

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Usman Ahmad: If I can find clients running PPC using Lead Kahuna PPC options, would it be a good idea to sell PPC first and focus just on PPC?

Joe Troyer: Yeah, absolutely, okay, let’s talk. Let’s talk about that. Susan, can you mute? All right, cool. Okay, so Lead Kahuna is how this guy, I say guy, cause I don’t know who asks a question, so sorry about that. We’ll make sure we get that in, in the future. By the way, [inaudible 00:00:27]. So basically, can I prospect using lead Kahuna and then to the people doing PPC then pitch them PPC Management? Yes, of course you could. Just a couple of thoughts though for you, I guess sidebar, first and foremost, I would definitely niche down, right? So niche down into one vertical, two verticals if you have to until you can pick one that you really liked the best. You’re stuck on too. Fine, go after two to start. But don’t go after Ted. Don’t just take on any Tom, Dick, or Harry.

Joe Troyer: The cool thing and the magic happens when you do pick a vertical and you start to be able to build up your portfolio. You start to be able to build up your case studies, you start to be able to build up your testimonials, and I know so many of you guys like that’s a concern for you, like, yeah, but I don’t have any case studies on this. Guys, if you just went after one vertical, you’d have a Shitload of case studies and testimonials, right? But by being so scattered, and I know you guys are scattered, right, because I’ve been there and I talked to so many of you guys on a daily and weekly basis, that picking all these different verticals, it makes it really, really hard to truly show how valuable you guys are and to have just like a literally, a stack of case studies and results and testimonials. So pick a fricking niche, stick with it, right, and again, if you have to pick two images, right?

Joe Troyer: Pick a niche first and foremost. Okay, the second then in terms of prospecting and who do you target them in that niche? I would definitely use a tool like Lead Kahona to go find the prospects, but I would use that tool first because that’s like a bulk tool. That’s a leverage tool, and I love that tool. We use it all the time in our business, obviously, we talk about that tool, we endorse that tool. If you’re prospecting and you need leads, the prospect too, you should be using Lead Kahona, you don’t have blank, let us know. we’ll get you an affiliate link, we’ll make a little commission for recommending it and for you guys tons of value.

Joe Troyer: Then after you’re done with that, like Lead Kahuna isn’t go find every prospect’s information and email address. So after you’re done and you already have a message and an offer that work, then go fill in the gaps that Lead Kahuna couldn’t find. Go pay a VA 50 cents a contact record to go update the data that Lead Kahuna couldn’t get. Go update the emails that we Lead Kahuna did get. We do that all the time, but I wait until I’ve used the bulk tool, and I’d gotten all the leverage I can out of it, because it’s a lot cheaper than having somebody go get data for you, one record by one record

Joe Troyer: Okay, so you got, you’ve got a niche, you got to lead gen method, right? Then third, whenever I do prospecting, I like to reach out and I like to have a goodwill campaign. Okay? By all means guys, I’ve made a killing. I’ve helped people make a killing in their emails, essentially going more of the expert route angle. What I mean by that is the cold emails are very kind of generic and it’s like I know that this industry has a problem with marketing and that it’s not always the best and it can be very inconsistent. I figured it out. Here’s a case study, would you like to jump on a phone call? That will crush and get you guys’ phone calls? Wind up, back to back, back to back. I’ve built, I’ve built several businesses myself and sold them using that method, and I’ve helped a lot of people in the community do that too. Using that same angle.

Joe Troyer: But, here’s the thing, like those prospects, they’re so cold, they don’t know you from Adam, right? They have no idea who the hell you are. So they book an appointment, but are they going to show? Not all the time. Right? Did it have any pre, pre conceived notions or thoughts about you and your company? No, they’re like, so what I’m doing now is on specifically in my cold email campaigns and in my marketing when I’m doing outreach, I’m specifically going after a problem, and for me it’s a prospects’ problem, but it’s an opportunity for me, and it’s an opportunity for them too. So I’m gonna find something that’s wrong, that’s related or that feeds into, that leads into whatever my service is that I’m trying to sell.

Joe Troyer: So if I’m trying to pick up PPC clients, let’s say that we’re trying to pick up people for the retargeting and remarketing method, like I shared with you before, right? What can I do? I can use Lead Kahuna, I can go ask for my niche, I can get them all in bulk. We’ll worry about the people that are, that Lead Kahuna doesn’t find in the emails, they don’t find until later, so we’re already freaking crushing it and making a killing. We’re gonna look at the data that we Lead Kahuna finds, and one of them is they tell you if the prospect is using retargeting or remarketing, there’s two sections.

Joe Troyer: There’s the Facebook section, and then there’s like another bulk section, which is like Google Display Network, and Perfect Audience and AdRoll, a bunch of networks. I just did a, an analysis on one vertical, and less than 10% of the prospects are using either of those networks to run retargeting or remarketing. There’s some 90% of the market has this missing that. So why not make an offer to them to help set up a basic retargeting remarketing campaign, right? Why not make an offer to set it up for them, and then you charge them to actually run it. Or why don’t you offer them some banners, right? That our temp put it out, for free but offer something of value that has great value for free. It’s a problem. It’s an opportunity, and then use that to get your foot in the door. Make the offer too good to be true, like truly make it fricking amazing and tell them your ulterior motive. So in the emails, I make a ridiculous offer, but then I also tell them why I’m doing it. Just be real. I’m trying to grab by case sets, from this niche. I’m trying to, I’m trying to bring on five new consulting clients in this niche. This is the niche we just started playing with and I want to do some Betas, right?

Joe Troyer: I’m doing this and I’m willing to do this for you for free, but I need three referrals. So the reason that you’re doing it is referrals. So, again, if I was to do this, I would lead with value to set myself up, so by the time I go to pitch them, they already know, like, and trust me, versus me coming in completely cold. Does going in completely cold work? Yes. Does this work better? I believe so, especially if you want to go after one vertical, right? Like you need to build your relationship with that vertical. You’re going to stay in front of them, over time if you don’t get them today, you’re gonna get them in a week, in two weeks, in a month, in two months, in three months, to be a customer, to get on your email list to be a part of your company to some degree. So another Joe Troyer rant right there. I think though that I answered that pretty well. We got any questions there?

Usman Ahmad: Not too many questions. We have one call out, they said, so you had to leave the country to bring the thunder Joe? I thought that was very funny, thank you Willy.

Joe Troyer: So again, if I’m prospecting, the thing I want you to take away is, find a problem, off to provide a solution, and figure out what data points do you look at to find the problem.

Joe Troyer: I would specifically, if you’re using Lead Kahuna, just go look at all those, all the data that Lead Kahuna returns. Then just make sure that, that leads well into whatever it is that you’re trying to sell. So don’t give away like don’t give away a website on it. Like nobody freaking cares, man. Find a problem, offer to fix it. Instead of doing a generic website audit and saying like some people, I’m still getting cold emails from people like doing the fake audit. No, like, “Hey, I just did this video audit of your website,” and they include a thumbnail with a play button on it. Like if you want it, email me back. So then the only recording those video audits to people that respond, like come on bro, like find a problem, make an offer. So what happens when you go to their website and it’s like built in front page and they have no budget and there are shitting prospects? Now you’re stuck on the hook recording a 30 minute video, versus what I’m talking about, like you can just hand it off to your team and they can go run with it.

Joe Troyer: So find a problem, offer a solution, and look like a freaking rockstar. Then you’re getting your prospect thinking about remarketing and retargeting and they’re like, man, this is just going to go crazy for my business, and that leads right into you running this campaign for him each and every month. That’s how you do it, and that’s how you do it with value and that’s how you don’t look like a sleazy salesperson.

Joe Troyer: Real quick if you would say no to that offer, give me a two in the chat. If I said Willy, and Willy I’m going to call you out since you were in the chat recently, so if I sent you a cold email, willy, and you were in the roofing business and I said, “Hey Willy, I was looking at your website and I noticed you’re not running remarketing and retargeting. It’s Uber critical you do. I find for roofers, we can provide anywhere from 10 to 20% more leads just by doing route, just by doing retargeting or marketing and it’s pretty simple and straight forward to get it set up. Would you like me to do it for you? Joe Troyer. PS, here’s a case study of me driving 25% more leads using retargeting or remarketing.” I’d add link to the case study.

Joe Troyer: How many of you guys, [crosstalk]

Usman Ahmad: Willy says, “Sold right away.” …




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