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Joe Troyer

How to Build a $10,000 Per Month Business in Just 30 Days with Joe Troyer

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In this episode, Joe shares a proven prospecting system that will consistently generate quality leads & appointments and help you build a 6-figure business.

For years, Joe was doing prospecting the hard way – cold calling, in-person meetups, direct mail, etc. He had some success running these systems, but the inconsistency made him feel stuck in building his agency. Through trial and error, Joe figured a way to build a steady stream of prospects that’s 99% automated, and this made all the difference.

Topics Discussed

  • What you need to focus on to move your business forward

  • The math to get to six figures

  • Two ways to do consults

  • Core offers and upsells

  • List building and Lead Kahuna

  • How to create high value FITD offers

  • Delivering promises and transitioning to consults

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Joe Troyer 0:45
Hey, Hey guys, it's Joe Troyer from Digital triggers. Man, I am so stoked to be hanging out with you guys all today. Today, I'm gonna share with you guys a process show you guys how to build a $10,000 per month business in just 30 days. And to be frank, I know this title sounds very, very hypee. But I will back it up like usual with lots and lots of proof. Okay, the fact of the matter is, is that we all overcomplicate what it means and what has to be done to build a $10,000 per month business, the fact of the matter is, in order to build a business of that size, at the end of the day, all that you need is a stream of opportunity, a stream of prospects that want to talk to you, right, or that will talk to you that you can pitch your product or service. And you don't need hundreds of them and 1000s of them, you need two to three a day. And folks, that's really it. Right? That's all that we really need. But all of us focus on all these tasks, that really at the end of the day, don't really move our business forward.

We think that they're necessary, we think that they're important. But at the end of the day, this is the most important thing, right? That we generate two to three prospects per day that will sit down and chat with us. Okay, sit down in person or virtual, okay, my business works 100% virtually, I don't meet with people in person. Don't get me wrong. I have I live in South Florida. There's lots of prospects, there are some clients here, but every time I do I just suck away half the day going and talking with them and meeting with them, it just takes too long. So folks, at the end of the day, I want you guys to make the commitment that you're going to focus in on your business. And the fact that all you need is to generate two to three appointments per day with local business owners. That's it. And you have a six figure business.

Okay, taking home $10,000 per month. So today guys, I'm going to share with you the easy way to do this. Okay, the easy way. And trust me when I say that, I discovered this the hard way, and I'm sure that lots of you guys have too. Okay, you guys are going to be able to cheat and get this the easy way. Understand that for years and years and years. I did this the hard way. I did prospecting the hard way. Okay, I went to all the local chamber of commerces and meetups and did my pitch in front of everybody and did lots of follow up and schmoozed and rubbed elbows with everybody, right? I don't do in person meetings anymore. Okay, I did lots of them in the past, the cold calling in the past.

And folks, I want you guys to understand that what we're going to talk about today is not some shot in the dark that maybe maybe this prospecting system will work. Okay. The worst part is I don't know about you guys. But repeatedly, as I was trying to build my agency, I got stuck in what felt like quicksand, where I'd start a prospecting method, I'd see somebody, you know, roll out a case study where they got 33 clients using direct mail. And so I go jump over to direct mail, I'd play with it for a week, it wouldn't work, or it wouldn't give me the results I expect. And I jumped to the next one.

And that process would just continue on and on and on all the while. Me Not really making any progress in bringing on new customers or a steady flow of new customers in my agency, okay, I think at the end of the day, we just all need to be cognizant of it. We need to be aware of it. Okay, so that we can fight against it. When we see those symptoms and we see it happening, right that we can make an educated decision to fight and to stand against it. At the end of the day, building a six figure business comes down to math comes down to numbers.

Okay, so I want to take a second. I want to kind of walk through this with you guys, if you will. I want to show you guys what this really looks like at the end of the day. So let's say here that we're going to do two to three appointments per day with prospects Monday through Friday, I don't expect you guys to be working every day, right? And over the weekend on Sunday and everything else. Here's the thing, if you do three appointments, on average one isn't going to show, okay, or no show rate is actually less than that.

But you should really count on one person not showing. Alright, so two appointments per day. So and again, we're just doing this Monday through Friday. So that's going to generate us two appointments per day holding 20 days per month, right we're doing it is actually 40. These appointments, folks, at the end of the day, inside of our business, we call these consults, okay. And there's two different ways that you guys can do these consults. What I mean by that is there's two different ways that we end up in these consults with local business owners who are interested in our services. Number one, we just offer a consult straight up, meaning we tell the prospect that we can help them with X, Y or Z, right, and then we offer to sit down and chat with them about it the other way.

Number two, is that we give them a free foot in the door type of offer. Okay, which we're going to talk about in a little bit. Okay, once we do and deliver the foot in the door offer the free offer for the local business, then, when we're delivering that and showing that to the customer. At that point, we do the consult with them, okay, and that's our opportunity to upsell them and pitch them on a paid service. Let's say then, that the main offer that you're selling, this could be we're gonna call this your core offer.

Okay, core guys just stands for your main offer. Okay, let's say that one and five will take you up on your core offer in our mastermind through 1000s and 1000s of these appointments we have seen one in four to one in five is average. Okay, so these numbers are based upon real life stats, right? So one in five takes you up on your main offer your core offer, okay, your main offer your core offer, the thing that you're making your money from, you should not be selling for less than $1,000 a month.

The other core thing that you need in your business or the other big thing that you need in your business is an upsell. Okay, and so typically, once somebody buys we have about a one in four take on our upsell, okay, and that upsell guy, we priced at an additional $1,000 per month, right? You got a core offer, talked about the conversion rates, how many people take the core offer, then you got an upsell. And how many people take the upsell one and four buys the upsell eight sales. one and four take you up on the upsell. Okay, so this would be $2,000 per month. Okay, we're at $10,000 per month. All right. And we'll can talk later about specifics about what I would sell for 1000. Or what I would sell for my core offer or what I would sell for my upsell offer, okay, but this is just the very basics.

And this is me kind of dumbing down the numbers, saying that a third of the people won't show which our no show rate is more like 10, maybe 12%. Okay, and also one in five, you being able to sell, when in reality, that's okay for somebody that's brand new to the program. But we have people that are brand new, selling at 15 and 20, and even 25 and even 30%. Okay, so just know that I kind of pushed these numbers down and made them real easy estimates.

It's not that hard to have a $10,000 per month business, okay, in literally just 30 days, if all that you're doing is generating three appointments per day, right, like the rest of the math backs out, in fact, doing this, you're generating $10,000 per month in your first month. Okay, obviously, this is just going to continue to grow and grow and grow. So the key here, right is this, this is the key. This is what we all have to figure out how to do. In all of our businesses, the most important thing is that we figure out how to build this steady stream of prospects. So folks, I'm going to share with you guys how to do this.

I'm going to share with you guys how to do this, but I need you guys to understand that this isn't quote unquote, new for me. This isn't some half baked idea that I think or that I hope will work. So the great thing with this system is that once you set it up like I teach you guys how to do it really is 99% automated. Okay, getting those two to three appointments per day really is 99% automated. Okay, so we do this through an evergreen cold email system. Okay, and I call this a sale step. It's all the ingredients and all the pieces that we use to do this on our in an automated fashion. Okay, so real quick, high level, step one is we build a list of prospects. Okay, we build them based upon the city that we want to go after. And we build the list of prospects based upon the niche that we want to go after.

I can tell you guys, I've done a lot with, with blue collar types of niches, like contractors, and all over the country here in the United States. Okay, but to build a list, we need to know who we're targeting, right? What niche is it? And what areas in the country are we going to go after. So once we have that list of prospects, and we know their website, we know their email, we know their first name, the business owner's first name and last name. Then once we have that data, step two, we're then going to send those prospects via cold email or through cold email, a set of emails, a series of emails, not just one, not just to a whole series that contain an amazing what we call foot in the door offer. Okay, just to note here, folks, you cannot use MailChimp or Infusionsoft or any of those other mainstream email platforms to send cold emails.

Okay, you have to have a cold email specific platform. Okay, so, dive in just a little bit deeper. Okay, step one list building, right? I've gotten a list of people. Okay. For us, when you're generating a list of people, we have tried a lot of things we've tried buying lists, from all different types of providers, we've tried scraping lists, with all types of different tools. Okay, at the end of the day, nothing has been nothing, nothing, nothing has been running and building this list with a tool called Lead Kahuna. So we've been running Lead Kahuna, for literally years, I think we were probably one of their first 20 or 30 customers. And the two big reasons why we use Lead Kahuna, and I've stuck with it for literally years.

Number one is that they have more data than other sources. They'll tell us all kinds of things. How many reviews do they have? What's their average review rating? Right? They'll tell us their website URL, they'll tell us what platform their website runs on. Okay, all those additional data points help us really personalize our offer. Okay, and it also helps us stay out of the spam. Why? Because when we're able to inject the email and really change it up and make it really dynamic based upon the data that we found, it ends up being very unique, and it helps us scale. Okay, the second reason why is it has a better success rate at generating first name and last name of the business owner and correct contact details like email, and phone number. But understand guys that this data, all this data that we get is what helps us really make a compelling offer. This helps us make great offers, it helps us come across very unique as well in the emails and helps us not end up in spam, right actually get through in Gmail inbox.

So once we have that list, okay, then the next step, step two, is we're going to send the prospects a series of cold emails with an awesome, amazing foot in the door offer. Okay,and again, using the data from Lead Kahuna, we're able to do that a lot easier, because we can see the problems or the issues that they have. And we can put them into sequences based upon those issues. Right. So if they're not, if they're Google Maps isn't claimed, right, I can send out a series of emails to the prospects whose Google Maps isn't claimed. Right, I can reach out to people that don't have reviews and tell them I'll help them get 10 reviews in 48 hours for free. I can help people that have negative reviews, and an average of three stars say I'll help boost you to four stars over the next week for free. Folks, would anybody turned me down on any of those offers? No. Why? Because I'm offering a value list building that you need two to three a day. Okay, how we do it. We're doing it with cold emails and a series Lead Kahuna is super important because of all the data that we're getting, right and then we're making a really, really good offer. Right? That's it. Okay. When it comes to the foot in the door offers, we do one of two things a foot in the door for us as either a free strategy session.

Okay, and when we're doing cold email to a free strategy session we're saying something to the effect like this. Okay, listen up. We're saying something to the effect. Like, I know advertising in the roofing business can be very difficult. I know that some months it can work great and other months, it doesn't barely work at all. And I know that can be hugely inconsistent. Bob, I found a way to predictably generate three to four roofing leads a day, would it be worth a 15 to 20 minute chat to see if this could be a fit for you. That's how we push free strategy sessions. Okay, I just gave you guys the cold email, at least one of them. There you got some free shit. Okay, the other way that we do foot in the doors is with a free little micro product or offer.

Like I said, claiming their Google My Business folks, this takes five minutes. Okay, login to the Google My Business, send the postcard in a week, follow up with the customer ask them if they got the postcard, right? Put in the digits on the web or inside of GMB, the little code and you're done. Right. So for us the the free services, or the free micro little services as a foot in the door. total time investment has to be less than 30 minutes. For us. That's kind of the criteria. So step number three is just we deliver our promise, whatever we said that we were going to do, we're going to show them how we're getting two to three leads a day, or we're going to give them we're gonna help them claim the GMB, we always deliver our promise first.

Once we've delivered our promise, then we transition into a consult. Okay, inside of that consult, the first step of that consult is we do rapport building with the prospect, right, we're gonna get to know their business, we're gonna get to know what their pains are, what their issues are. Right and what the opportunities are for us, where can we help them? Where can we provide value in return get paid for a service, you guys got the process. You guys understand how me and all of our mastermind members and students are generating two to three appointments per day using this system. And you guys actually understand how you guys could do this for yourself.

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