Show Me The Nuggets

Joe Troyer

How to Grow a Six-Figure Agency in Just 90 Days [Part-1]

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In part-1 of this interview, Joe sits down with Digital Triggers mastermind student Justin to discuss the key takeaways in his road to success, growing his agency to 6-Figures in 90 days.Brand new to the digital marketing industry, Justin struggled to break even with his agency. Things turned around when he started implementing proven systems and processes under Joe’s guidance.

Topics Discussed

  • Early struggles with starting an agency
  • Working with HVAC and roofers
  • Common traits of great customers
  • Subtle upsells
  • Building solid client relationships
  • Tips on customer retention
  • How to enjoy the process

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Joe Troyer 0:40
Let's real quick, let's talk about before the mastermind, like what your experience was, I know that you had some sales experience, what were you doing, and then we'll jump into like, you know, the next step.

Justin 0:50
I mean, I've always been a business minded person, you know, I've had a couple small businesses always kind of hit the same level and never really got past it. And there was stuff that wasn't, you know, I wasn't passionate about the I was good at, like, you know, sales and marketing, things like that. And, you know, just about eight months before the mastermind came around, and I decided to go ahead and follow my passion and dream, you know, owning marketing agency and, you know, SEO agency or whatnot, and started doing that and struggled out the gate and kept struggling, kept, you know, not being able to really even make any profit, just enough to kind of cover the bills and breakeven.

So when the, you know, the lead gen mastermind came around, I know Digital Triggers, always has great content, you know, it's always good instruction. So I was like go ahead and do it. But I was like, you know, at the time, because I wasn't making a lot of profit, like, it was like, everything, I had pretty much to do it. So if I was like, Well, I'm gonna do it, I gotta do it. You know, I can't buy this and leave in the box. Yeah. So, you know, I just jumped into it and started going hard with it. And at the end of the day, it's you know, it's a simple, simple business model. And it works. And it's a value for everybody involved. So it's easy to get into full time and easy to just jump into and go hard with it.

Joe Troyer 1:56
So let's step back a little bit when you started doing client services before the mastermind, you were doing like, all kinds of stuff, right? Social SEO, whatever. Whatever, right? If you can make a buck if it was in the marketing wheelhouse, like, all right, all fair game, right.

Justin 2:09
Syndwire actually, mainly video for like, 200 bucks a client or whatever else? Easy sale

Joe Troyer 2:16
Okay. And, like no specific verticals, even though right? Yeah, all over the freakin map

Justin 2:21
If you'll pay me I'll do it.

Joe Troyer 2:23
So, obviously, when when you're in those shoes, which you guys, a lot of you guys have been in, right? Like just no solidified product or a bunch of different things. You can sell no real target market. It's everybody. It leaves you just sitting there like what's next? Right? Because there is no clear path. So I want to point that out, and something that we've talked about before. So then you jumped in the mastermind? Do you know how long it took you to get like your first sale or any stats like that roughly?

Justin 2:53
I kind of procrastinated the first couple weeks just having that fear of actually doing it. You know, I was on webinars and you know, going through the content, but I didn't actually do what I need to do to get started with it. Now, is that for the fast start? Yeah, well, you know, so that was a good addition to this last quarter. And, you know, after like, after, like that started really getting into it that third week or so it took me I want to say it was like, like another two weeks or so for that my first sale. And it was like the worst time I was like, two years in between Christmas, and New Year's.

That that really helped to spur my confidence to be like, this is supposed to be like the worst time of year to do that. And I'm getting the sale. And you know, my first clients still with me, you know, all my first clients are still with me. And you know, once I got past that first barrier and got that first Yes, I was like, wow, this is easy. And then when I saw their reaction to like the leads coming in, and you know, the service, I was like, this makes sense. You know, it just makes sense.

So, you said, Your first client is still on that roofing or hvac? And do you mind sharing with everybody about his target monthly budget?

Justin 5:48
You know, he's, he's at 5k. Now, you know, he started off at 1000. And, you know, he's at the end of the day, it's, it's very easy for them to see the ROI. So it's having that conversation each month, where it's like, well, Hey, can you take more, you know, what else can you do? I've got extra, you know, 20 calls, 50 calls, whatever else is coming in? Can you take those? And they're like, Yeah, no problem.

Joe Troyer 6:09
What do you think that customers like average return has been

Justin 6:12
average return as probably right around 700%. On a one month, he had 1,000% return, you know, so he put in like, was like 3600 and made like, $35,000 off of it. It was pretty, pretty crazy.

Joe Troyer 6:25
So that's one of the great things about hvac right is like how fast it turns roofing can take longer, especially when their primary focus is reroutes. And they're cherry picking the deals, and they're flushing the service calls down the toilet, right? They're just they don't even do anything with them. Right? They're like, Oh, yeah, we're three weeks out. And then somebody else calls with like a huge leak. And they're like, yeah, we can be there today. Right? Like, because they see it as an opportunity to upsell them, but they won't do it for everybody, they just cherry pick. So that's one thing that's very interesting with the HVAC is that they live and they breathe, and they die by those service calls. And they understand that they are a service based business and that the installs are icing on top of the cake. And they understand that they're gonna get a lot of installs from service work. roofers have the opposite fucking mentality. So just a little interesting note there, obviously, to bring it back. You know, the The reason I think it's important is because they can, they can collapse those numbers and they can show the return so quickly, right?

And if you're able to get them to commit to showing you those numbers, right. It's like, Alright, well, your returns awesome. Let's bump it up. Okay, your returns awesome. Let's bump it up. Your return still freakin awesome. Let's bump it up. Right? So it seems like correct me if I'm wrong. And I could be very well wrong. But it seems like about every other month, the client was upping, right. Yeah, it was like, Look, let me snap up a little bit. I need to make sure I can handle this. And then Okay, we bump up and then Okay, a month, and then, you know, get used to that. And then Okay, we pump up the next month. Is that right? Okay,

Justin 7:53
just go by tiers instead of go trying you know, go for like, hey, look, let's go $10,000 a month. It's like, you know, hey, listen, this was an extra 20 calls this time? Yeah. Okay, it's for no problem, you know, bottom up.

Joe Troyer 8:04
As you look at that customer versus your other, like best customers, let's say, the ones that have retained the longest Do you see any common traits? Do you see any commonalities? Do you see? Do you see something that's the same between your best prospects? Or your best customers?

Justin 8:20
Yeah, absolutely. It comes down to the guys who understand marketing to the extent they know, they have to market their business, you know, you have the the old school contractors from the yellow pages, and they have the ABC, you know, a number ones, they get all the calls, and they wish the everything was still like that nowadays, you know, and it's not, they're still kind of stuck in that mentality, when you also have the other guys, you know, who, you know, maybe cheap, or whatever reason, you know, they have that, you know, limiting belief where they, you know, they don't want to pay for marketing, or they don't want to, they don't understand what we do, or they don't appreciate it for whatever reason. So like, the best clients that I've had are the ones that understand that have the market understand that they spend money to make money. And you know, the the conversation from there is as easy as a conversation versus a sale.

Joe Troyer 9:01
So would you say then you can tell a lot of times when you're doing the consult, if this could potentially be a really good customer if it's, I don't even really want to deal with it.

Justin 9:12
Yeah, yeah, definitely. I try not to prejudge to on the other side of that token, too, because you never know, once you get the person doing that, see some calls, and they definitely switch their attitude to. But um, yeah, you can definitely tell the problem ones, the ones who are gonna, like already starting to, like, cherry pick calls before even get a call, you know, are the ones that you know, have objective a bunch of negatives right away, and each time you address it, they still kind of come back to it? Yeah, you know, it doesn't mean it's gonna be a bad client. That's somebody you're gonna have to work more with.

Joe Troyer 9:42
You know, I think one of the things that you said was really good that that I think is worth repeating is right on your monthly meetings, right. Can we send you 20 more calls instead of will you commit to this budget or right like just, you know, slipping it in? Right every single month, we take 10 more. Right? All right, this month was great. It looks like we have some more can we can we send you 20? More? Right? And it can be that subtle of an upsell. Right versus Alright, can we you move your marketing budget to $7,000 a month, please. Right. So that that was something that I picked up that was really good. Absolutely. Um, how many? How many retained clients do you have right now?

Justin 10:27
Right now current clients? 14.

Joe Troyer 10:31
Okay. And in the first, in the first mastermind, last session, we were at 90 days. So you did 12 sales in 90 days, right? Basically, you've built a six figure business from 12 to 14 clients.

Justin 10:48
Yeah, exactly. Just focus more on the upsell, as well as you know, getting on prospects and you lose, you know, couple here and then follow up that one, that one bad client. That was a headache, too, as well, you know, it just happens, you know, there's, there's going to be an attrition, but, you know, I focus on the relationship building and really keeping that client long term.

Joe Troyer 11:04
Yep. So the reason that I spelled that out and probably made Justin uncomfortable was because I think that's important, right? A lot of people like their first initial goal when they're not thinking crazy and making themselves sick and nauseous, like I talked about earlier this morning with their big fucking goal is six figures, right? netting six figures, or, or taking home six figures. And not to say that, you know, you don't have any expenses, right. But fulfillment is obviously in any business, the biggest expense. Fair enough. So I think that that's everybody, you know, most people's like entry goal when they get into this business, and that's why I wanted to kind of peel back the curtain a little bit specifically with that.

So I mean, basically, in 90 days, six figure business, I mean, by all means, it hasn't been all roses and butterflies. Right, right. So let's, let's, uh, let's switch up the story a little bit. And let's talk about or kind of the angle A little bit, let's talk about, like, some some learning experiences for you. Right? I know that, you know, from last quarter to this quarter, you've had some shakeups. And by all means, like, things are still going very, very well, and you continue to grow, but it's, you know, businesses and always butterflies and rainbows, right? I mean, let's face it. So, as you look back over the last quarter, what are some of the big learning curves are the big gotchas that that we could share with people to watch out for?

Justin 12:24
I mean, I would definitely say, you know, have that relationship and talking to the client, you know, versus like the sale and always trying to sell them, you know, and having a sales conversation versus having a regular conversation. That was the big thing that I learned once I started, like having a more relaxed conversation with with even prospects or clients, you know, the whole dynamic relationship changes. So that'd be number one. Number two, like pre qualifying, like when you're talking don't don't just accept anybody, you know, like, have them on a little bit, you know, going back to the Yo, do you have the reviews? Are you going to take care of the customers, things of that nature? Have them qualify with you just as much as you're qualifying, qualifying them? And I mean, that was probably like, the biggest the biggest, you know, change that I had to realize the biggest paradigm shift is that, you know, not trying to sell everybody, nobody wants to be sold, but everybody wants to buy. Yep, so having that conversation, building that relationship, you know, to where they, you know, it's a regular conversation, definitely.

Joe Troyer 13:21
Any tips on retention obviously, brought up having, you know, monthly reviews with the customers, talking them through having a real conversation, talking about their ROI, obviously, those are all kind of things that you already brought up. But anything else in terms of retention, and really building that relationship.

Justin 13:38
I mean, stay on top of things, if you see something that pops up, like if they get a bad call, or crazy call, you know, like, let them know that you that you saw that, hey, look, you know, I saw that happen, you know, don't worry, that's not going to count. Obviously, if that happens in the future, ABC XYZ, you know, you know, forecasting pre casting, like any problems that might come up in the future, maybe like, their business model, their specific area has a certain thing that's happening. You know, it's showing that that authority, you know, that you're on top of things, you know, little things here and there like that.

Joe Troyer 14:11
Um, the other thing to note is that, I think in talking with you, like, all these businesses are human too, right? Like real shit happens in their lives. And they're not all huge businesses. Is it? Is it okay, if I talk a little bit about the conversation we had yesterday?

Justin 14:29

Joe Troyer 14:30
So one of Justin's best customers has been with us for a really long time. first sale second sale, something like that. Spending a good amount of money with us every month and his top service guy was selling like $100,000 a month for doing like $100,000 a month for sell in a box two. And and the guy died on the job, right? Like, Hey, can you please You know, like lower my volume for The month like I just I can't do anything with it. So make sure that you know, like what's happening, right? And why. So that you don't become insensitive to it, right? I think that says a lot about you building rapport with the customer, right?

You know, you could have, or maybe some people in here and maybe even me, right if I had didn't have that relationship, and they said, Can I pause? I would have been like, No, you can't fucking pause and keep it going or cancel, right? Like, you know what I mean, I could have just been blocked with them right? And not really understood why they're asking the question that they're asking. Right? So build that relationship, the same client at a point in time earlier, right, was having issues with with answering the phone, and I think they had to fire the receptionist, and at a time where he was like, taking the calls and tried to train somebody, right? And it's like, can you tone down the calls a little bit for me, please.

So I can, like, get business under control? Right. But all this coming from one of your best customers, if not the best customer? Right? Yeah. So so you know, by all means, you know, build a relationship, but know what's going on. Right? And be willing to be flexible, it doesn't mean that you have to bend over and take it, so to speak, right? But be flexible. Right? Can we lower your calls by 20%? This month? And that'll really help you? Sure. No problem. Right? Like, it's not that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things. Look at how much revenue has been earned from that one customer. Right? How much has went directly into your pocket to feed you and your family and do what you have to do you know what I mean? Like,

Justin 16:29
and, you know, like with that, with that guy, that that's not an easy conversation to have, you know, because he was like, his top guy, who had been there for a while, he's selling over 100,000 per month. And at the same time, the receptionist you know, she was seven months pregnant and couldn't take the calls anymore, so she had to go. So he's hired a new receptionist, he's taken the calls for the first time, I've heard him actually answering the phones, he's still going in the field and actually doing the installs and doing the work himself because he had to let go of another tech because, you know, for whatever reason, so at least, like, as I'm, as I'm talking to him, I can hear in his voice, like, he's a strong guy, you know, he's like, a Christian guy in the church and whatnot, but at the same time, like, I can hear it, right, he's almost at like, a breaking point, you know, so I'm talking to him, I'm like, Well, hey, what do we need to do to help you out, like, you want to put some ads on Craigslist, so you can get some more, more techs in? and he's like, that would help out a lot.

And he's like, he'll put out like, 10 ads, I'll give you the 350 at the end of the month, I'm like, worried about it, man, let's get your business back on track, you know, little things like that, I think that I, you know, he appreciates that, you know, finds appreciate that because it does bring it up a little bit more of a personal, you know, aspect to it too, as well shows that you care, it's not just about the money. At the same time, I was still I'm still gonna bill you for what we are essentially, you know, so for that month, I'm still gonna bill you for that same amount. And he's like, I understand that. That's cool. You know, so it's a trade off with a business and personal there. But you know, having that personal aspect of building that relationships gonna keep that guy on for a long time.

Joe Troyer 17:49
Um, as you look back over the last month, it's crazy to think about seven months, eight months, yeah, no, we've known each other any other big learning curves or like, times that you've gotten distracted and why you got distracted or any, you know, any other things that we can share with everybody. You know, my goal is to give everybody a different perspective, right. And we all have our unique perspective of where we've been in the business and how far we've gotten. And that's the goal, right to share the takeaway. So any other big things that you can think of?

Justin 18:21
Yeah, like always stay prospecting, always stay prospecting, I don't care. You know, like if you feel like you're at your limit, you can't really handle what you're doing. Always stay prospecting and always keep you know, email stack or your calls, you know, whatever it is you're doing to get your prospect and always, always stay prospecting, because it happened like twice where I was relying just on cold email and the email provider, the quick mail for whatever reason, wasn't working or wasn't working right. It wasn't send out emails in the right time or it was like delayed or stopped for a couple of days.

And I felt that you know, not only you know, what I'm doing the day and what I'm not doing like having those conversations but also on the pocket too as well. And then also, you know, have multiple clients in one city like you know, even though I have that one big client that one city for each back, I still have two other small ones that I'm trying to build up to as well the other day, you never know what you know, person is gonna say into what's going to happen next month, and I don't want to rely on anybody else for my income. So I might have that two or three contractors in one territory, if possible, and constantly prospect and even if you already have your territory, where you have a contractor and it's already full, I'm still gonna follow up with him once every couple weeks or once a month to keep myself my business fresh on his mind. So when I do need him, we still have that relationship.

I'm not just calling you out the blue four months later, that'd be Another good tip. Have fun. That's the main thing. I have fun if you guys like or you know sound like a robot if you guys are like Oh man, I gotta go on the phone. This sucks. You know that the person is going to hear that you know in your voice. So make sure you're having fun, you know, listen to music, you know, take breaks throughout the day. enjoy what you're doing. Enjoy the process. You know, like when you're prospecting and You know, going through and making the calls like, is it? Is it something you want to be doing at that time? No. But if you don't enjoy that process, then you know, when you get that client or you get somebody who is a good prospect on the phone, you're probably not going to come through and your best voice and your best self, you know, so have fun with the process. That's something someone else I would definitely, that's probably the most important that actually you know, is enjoying the process enjoying the building up, you don't go from zero to 10 clients overnight, you up from one to three to

Joe Troyer 20:29
any tips on the enjoying the process, anything that's worked for you like, Is it like the creating the habit has been really important for you. And that's like helping you enjoy it. Because it's like, you know, what you need to do or like, what's helped you enjoy the process? what's helped you in good spirit? You know what I mean? Like, yeah, what are the takeaways there for you

Justin 20:48
scheduling, like, I'll be a little creative with my schedule sometimes and do something for myself, you know, during the daytime, like, in the middle of the day, when I like, I know, I need to get on the phone. And in my head, I'm like, you got to be on the phone. What are you doing? It's 12 o'clock, you can't not be on the phone. And I'm like, you know what, I'm going to go for, you know, a walk for 30 minutes or I'm going to go just get lunch you might I don't know, go leave and get lunch during the daytime. You know, that that's one thing I definitely do. I take multiple, multiple breaks throughout the day, instead of taking like an hour for lunch, you know, I'll take like a 15 minute break here. 15 minute break there. I like music, you know, so listening to music and getting hyped up, you know, something like some sometimes I'll just take 10 minutes and just listen to music. And just get really hyped up again. You know, watch a webinar. You know, same with you guys. And you know, you know, just think about Okay, well, what's my end goal here? Why am I doing this reminding myself of that then you know, take some time for yourself spend a little bit money yourself sometimes and on top of that, why don't spend money on myself only to do stuff like that, you know, so little things here and there whilst getting a little a couple extra bucks and you know, get out of my comfort zone with that. And you know that that's definitely helped that a lot.

Joe Troyer 21:57
Yeah, I can say that. middle of the day, if you don't have consults, you're not getting anybody on the phone unless you're calling West Coast. I mean, take lunch, but do something different. Go for a walk on the beach, go you know, go do something, go for a run, go exercise you like playing a sport, go play a sport. I have a really, really bad back. And what helps me is a couple things. I get a chiropractic adjustment every week I get a massage every week. There's something called cryo therapy where they literally like freeze you. I do cryo therapy

Now, like I have a friend that does the to where you like in a dark water tank was that called? It keeps it fresh. It keeps it interesting, right like, oh man, that looks cool. Like the cryo therapy thing. When I saw it, I'm like, freeze me like all week, really. I'm like, dude, I want to go do that. Right? But it's like busting it and I keep holding it away from myself so that I keep pushing to make it happen. And finally I'm like, Alright, it's Thursday. I'm gonna go do it. Right. I did it in the middle of the day when there was nothing going on anyways, I mean, but I've been working Yes, but what have you been the best use of my time?

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