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Joe Troyer

How to Build Your Digital Marketing Agency Offers with Joe Troyer

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In this episode, marketing expert Joe Troyer reveals how top digital marketing agencies can scale a lot faster by following a proven set of criteria for creating products. Drawing from his years of experience in the industry, Joe has put together a collection of 13 rules that will guarantee results. Joe goes through each of these rules and cites real-world scenarios that demonstrate their effectiveness.

How to Build Offers for Your Digital Marketing Service

Joe emphasizes several key principles for building digital products and offer services. Here’s a step-by-step approach to building them:

Identify your target market

Determine the specific market or markets you want to focus on. Understand their needs, pain points, and desires to create offers that resonate with them.

Create a big marketing idea

Develop a unique selling proposition or angle that differentiates your offers from competitors. This big marketing idea should highlight the value and benefits your products or services provide.

Ensure broad market appeal

Make sure your offers have wide appeal and can be sold to a significant portion of your target market. Aim to create offers that can attract most, if not all, of your desired audience.

Craft individual products with standalone value

Each product within your digital marketing offers should deliver value on its own. Avoid relying on other products to justify its worth. Customers should see the value in each individual offering.

Build a value ladder

Construct a value ladder that showcases a range of products at different price points, each offering increasing value. Ensure that each product enhances or adds value to the previous ones, encouraging customers to progress along the ladder.

Communicate with a big marketing idea

Effectively communicate your big marketing idea to potential customers. Emphasize the unique mechanism or value proposition that sets your offers apart and positions you as the go-to solution in your market.

Demonstrate long-term value

Show how your digital marketing offers provide long-term value and benefits beyond the initial purchase. Highlight the return on investment and ongoing results customers can expect, increasing customer satisfaction and retention.

Maintain healthy profit margins

Price your offers to allow for a minimum 75% profit margin. This ensures profitability, covers expenses, and provides room for business growth and scalability.

Streamline deliverability

Create standardized processes and systems to deliver your products efficiently. Minimize customization requirements for each client, enabling smoother operations and faster delivery times.

Minimize client interactions

Aim for no more than one client interaction per month, excluding the onboarding phase. Efficiently manage your time, your marketing  team , and resources by minimizing unnecessary communication while still delivering exceptional results.

Solve identifiable problems and capitalize on opportunities

Focus your outbound prospecting efforts on identifying specific problems or opportunities that your digital marketing offers can address. Tailor your messaging to showcase how your solutions can solve their challenges or capitalize on their growth potential.

Reduce client dependency

Aim to minimize reliance on client actions to ensure a smooth and consistent delivery of your digital marketing offers. Design your processes to be primarily driven by your team’s expertise, reducing potential delays and miscommunication.

Align with the larger value ladder

Ensure that each digital marketing offer fits seamlessly within your overall value ladder. Create a cohesive customer journey that facilitates cross-selling and upselling opportunities as customers progress through your product lineup.

How to Optimize Your Digital Marketing Agency Offers

Building effective digital marketing offers requires a strategic approach that aligns with your clients’ needs and business goals. By incorporating various digital marketing strategies and services, you can create compelling offers that drive results and contribute to the growth of your clients’ businesses. .

Understanding Business Needs and Goals

Before developing your digital marketing agency offers, it’s crucial to understand your clients’ business needs and goals. Conduct a thorough assessment of their current online presence, marketing efforts, and target audience to identify areas for improvement and opportunities for growth.

Comprehensive Digital Marketing Services

For full-service digital marketing agencies, it’s important to offer a wide range of services to meet diverse client requirements. Incorporate social media marketing, email marketing, content marketing, SEO agency services, website design, video marketing, and influencer marketing into your offerings to provide a comprehensive solution that covers various aspects of online marketing.

Customized Marketing Plans

Tailor your digital marketing agency offers to align with each client’s unique marketing goals. Develop customized marketing plans that outline specific strategies and tactics to address their target audience, competition, and industry landscape. These plans should encompass a mix of digital marketing channels and activities, focusing on driving qualified traffic to their website and enhancing their online visibility.

Professional Design and Creative Services

Offer website design, creative services, and branding solutions to optimize your clients’ online presence. Ensure that their website is visually appealing, user-friendly, and optimized for search engines. Create compelling graphics, engaging content, and impactful messaging that align with their brand identity and resonate with their target audience.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Services

Integrate SEO services into your digital marketing agency offers to enhance your clients’ website visibility in search engine results. Conduct thorough keyword research, optimize on-page elements, build high-quality backlinks, and develop content strategies that improve organic rankings and attract relevant traffic to their website.

Influencer Marketing and Partnerships

Leverage the power of influencer marketing to amplify your clients’ reach and drive brand awareness. Identify relevant influencers in their industry or niche, develop social media campaigns and strategic partnerships to promote their products or services. This collaboration can help generate buzz, increase credibility, and expand their online audience.

Measurable Marketing Campaigns

Create marketing campaigns within your digital marketing agency offers that are measurable and trackable. Set clear objectives, define key performance indicators (KPIs), and implement analytics tools to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of your campaigns. This data-driven approach allows you to optimize strategies and make informed decisions to improve campaign performance.

In today’s competitive landscape, optimizing your agency offers is crucial for achieving the best digital marketing results. By leveraging design services and employing effective marketing strategies, you can effectively grow your business and drive targeted traffic to your website and maximize your digital marketing efforts.

Topics Discussed

  • Creating offers that cover a wide percentage of the market 1:00
  • Why every single product you create should be able to stand on their own 3:36
  • Todd Brown’s big marketing idea concep 4:26
  • Creating products that enhance your other offerings 6:00
  • The minimum profit margin that you should be making 7:34
  • Why you should never make exceptions to the process when delivering a product 8:45
  • Selling long term value 11:10
  • Buy Now Buttons 12:41
  • Not being replaceable by Google 16:50
  • Client interactions 17:40
  • Outbound prospecting and likely suspects 21:00

People and Resources Mentioned

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Joe Troyer 0:57
The 13 rules, every product must be. Alright, so first and foremost, number one is in every single offer, we need to be able to sell the offer to most, if not all of the market, or markets that we decide to go after is a big mouthful. I was I sat at funnel hacking live, I took a picture and I posted it, posted it on Twitter, I think on LinkedIn, there was a picture of me doing a selfie with the entire crowd of 5000 people behind me. And in that post I talked about my aha moment, right was that none of my offers are big enough or wide enough. And what I really mean by that is that all of my offers today, everything that I sell to an agency.

And to be frank guys, like it's a little weird to talk about. But everything that I sell to you guys as well applies to a percentage of a percentage of a percentage of a percentage of the marketplace. And I used to think that that was really cool. Intel I was surrounded by 5000 people at Russell Brunson's event. And it all came in thinking, holy shit, I'm missing the boat. So that has to change, right?

Like, I need a big honkin, sexy foot in the door offer that delivers amazing value that everybody can see the value in, right, and that I can sell to every Tom, Dick and Harry in the marketplace. And if I can do that, if I can. just do that, and I can build a great value ladder. In terms of sales, it's fucking game over. I mean, it seems frickin obvious for guys like literally 10 years in the making. I've been shitting the bed so to speak, I've been letting this one just pass me by. Rule number two is that each and every product has to stand on its own with the value that it drives.

What I mean by that is if somebody kind of skips their way in the value added, and they skip option number one, and they buy option number two, right, like what I want to sell after they buy number one, if they go directly, they skip go, they pass product offering number one somehow, and they buy number two, and want it to be able to stand on its own with value. I don't want them to have to purchase one to make two worthwhile, which then makes three worthwhile. Okay, each and every product needs to and must stand on its own with value. I see a lot of people packaging in and adding in I got a bronze I got a silver I got a gold, but they're they're packaging in and they're adding in things that are, can I just say it? Shit, right?

They're fluff. They don't work, they don't deliver results. They don't make you look good. And they definitely don't stand on their own. Rule number three of the 13 rules every product must fit is that it's gotta be capable of being communicated with a big marketing idea. So this comes from my, my neighbor hereittle west of me, little south west of me, Todd Brown. And if you guys don't follow Todd Brown, I would highly suggest it. We've got a great interview with Todd Brown on the digital triggers site.

And on the YouTube channel just go back aways to like the start of the channel. One of the first interviews that we did here at Digital triggers was with Todd Todd is a brilliant brilliant copywriter and angles guy and the the thing the thought process is, is that each and every product that you sell has to be able to be communicated with what he calls this quote unquote big marketing idea. That makes it your product better than every other product in the marketplace, even if there's similar, so there's got to be some type of unique mechanism in the product that you can sell, right with this big marketing idea.

So that you become the thought leader and you become the standard, you become the go to, none of them are not, you know, Jamie's product doesn't have the whiz bang, right, I'm going to Joe's because he's got the whiz bang, right. And that's what makes this whole thing work. It's that type of quote, unquote, big marketing idea that that type of big hook or angle that you need to really stand out, if I'm going to go try to sell a product, and I'm going to go try to compete in the marketplace,

Joe Troyer 6:00
I'm going to need that big marketing idea. So that I can grab the prospects like I'm fishing, fishing in a barrel. Okay, so think about that unique mechanism. And think about how you can communicate that and what Todd calls his big marketing idea.

So again, if you're not familiar with that, a little studying that you guys can do, go look up Todd brown on the digital triggers, site, or on YouTube, fantastic, fantastic resource, Number four, each and every product should add on value, or enhance the value of our other products. Right? So everything should be like doing multiplication, not just addition. If that makes sense. It's not just going to help it a little bit. It's gonna help it a lot. Why is that important? Guys, the value ladder, right? So one plus one, I'm not interested in getting to two, how do I have one plus one equals five? That's the context. Right?

So how do we build a menu of offerings, right and upgrade path of offer offerings, a value ladder, where each and every item that you sell, enhances, and multiplies the value of the other products, because if you can do that, you can get your customers to upsell themselves. Number five is to be capable of delivering your product. at a minimum, I should be getting a big fat thank you for this one than the 75% margin. Way too many of you guys are running super skinny profit margins. It's no wonder you're not taking home the money that you should be. Right, Joe, I got a business doing 30 grand a month. Great, fantastic. You're crushing it. Now.

I'm taking home three grand a month, what the hell? So it is a rule, it is a rule, rule number five, that every product we can deliver at a minimum of a 75% margin. Why is this so important? Guys, this isn't me being greedy. This is me being happy. This is my team being happy. This is us being able to fulfill and get amazing results, right? And this is me being able to scale. see a lot of businesses get to 10, 15, 20 grand a month, even like the example that I gave 30 grand a month as an agency. And then they just run into a wall. And a lot of times the reason is that margin. Number six, you guys love this one too.

For all you fulfillment experts out there. For all of you guys sales guys that are selling custom off things, you're gonna hate me for this one. Each and every product that you sell should be deliverable in a single process that does not require customization for each client. Now, does that mean if you're creating, you know, banners that you can't change out the logo? No. What I really want you guys to get though is that the process doesn't get customized for each client, right? The process is the process. If the process is we're going to take the logo and apply it to the website, that's fine.

Your process can't change. I know a lot of you guys are selling deals and you're selling deals with a tweak here a tweak there, you're making exceptions here, you're making exceptions there, folks, that doesn't work at scale, right when you're bringing on 10, 15, 20 customers a week, or for some of you guys it would be in a month and your fulfillment team you have to communicate all these tweaks and changes with and they have to communicate it to right all your product managers or fulfillment managers have to communicate it to everybody on the team. And then when they're checking the work, it has to be communicated as well. Right? You're gonna mess it up, and that shit is gonna end up losing you customers. So don't think that you're doing the customer a favor.

When you make an exception to changing your process right when you agree When you let a customer talk you into changing your process, you are doing them a disservice, not a failure, because you're going to ship the bed, your team is going to mess up. And it's going to be your frickin fault. So when we do sales training, when I do sales training, we talk about selling with quality. And the goal of selling with quality is to ensure that one thing happens when you take a prospect from a prospect to a customer that they stick around. Once they buy right, and that they're happy. One of the easiest and most Surefire ways to screw that up and to not sell with quality is to make exceptions to the process. Yeah, no problem.

Joe Troyer 10:41
I'll include that too. Oh, yeah, I know, we don't actually do that. But I'll make it happen for you. It's going to piss off your customer, you're going to lose them. What's going to happen when you do when you don't sell with quality, you're going to be onboarding people, as fast as people are canceling and off boarding. Which means your company isn't growing, and you're running 100 miles an hour, to not grow.

Trust me, I've been there. It sucks, really sucks. Completely spinning your wheels. Next point number seven is show long term value for retention, who like a lot of people are in the agency market are selling things to local business owners that have short term value. Right? So hey, Mr. Customer, I hope you get a bunch of reviews really quick, great, how much is it gonna cost? it's gonna cost 1000 bucks. And then they're like, why didn't that customer stick around, everything should be delivering long term value.

And if you're delivering long term value, you're going to have retention, folks, at the end of the day monthly billing a monthly recurring revenue is the thing that's going to make you able to exit and to leave your company one day, right without that you can never leave. So I want you guys to understand that you are building a company that you can never leave, you can ever get out of it. I mean, you can but it's gonna be ugly. retention is the name of the game. Right? Nobody wants to buy a business that doesn't have retention.

So when we're building out the product and the value ladder, the suite of products that we're going to offer, we 100% have to be able to show and demonstrate the value the return for retention, long term, not just in month one. Alright, so number eight, this is kind of this is gonna ruffle some feathers, this is really gonna ruffle some feathers on my eighth criteria. My eighth rule, right of the 13 rules, every product must fit is that each and every product has to be capable of being bought with a Buy Now Button. Does it mean that they have to be bought with a Buy Now button? No. But they have to be capable of being bought with a Buy Now button. So let's unpack that a little bit.

What does that mean? I believe that a lot of us, a lot of people in the industry have sold low ticket kind of front end products to get their foot in the door with a customer. I think it's a great way to to blow up the number of customers that you have really fast. I think that the downside is, is that at scale is tough, right? And the reason that people do that is then to upsell into another offer. So me personally, I want to challenge that in my business. Right? So I'm getting on a call to give away something, to then get on a call and upsell something to seems like a lot.

Not saying a foot in the door offer is wrong. But if I really do a good job with one through seven, and I do a really good job. On the other list of one through six, I really challenged myself, I challenged the big idea I challenged the unique mechanism, I challenged the value ladder, right and every other thing that we've walked through so far, should not be able to get them to buy now with a Buy Now button. Instead of having to jump on a consult or a phone call or strategy call. If it's that good if it really fits all of these rules, why I see a lot of people in the industry zigging and I believe that the money is made when you zag I'm going to zag So what I mean by that I'll give you an example in the industry. I'm sure you guys can come up with other other examples.

I see a lot of people in this space saying that you should run a strategy call from the get go with a cold prospect. Then with that strategy call you should build out a marketing plan or the start the bare bones of the marketing plan. And from there right after that marketing plan is built out on this strategy session call. You know you get their help in building out the plan. Then you charge 10 grand to help flesh out that plan for you not to do it, right, not step by step just to flesh it out, right? Then once you sell that $10,000 package, right and you fulfill on it, then you go from there and you sell a

Joe Troyer 15:17
$10,000 a month offer, folks, that's what your competition is doing right now. That's what's being taught. That's what most quote unquote, big successful agencies are a lot of them are doing, I believe that we can skip that. I believe that we can scale it, I believe that we can scale this whole thing, this whole agency a whole lot faster. If we follow the criteria that I've been through so far, right, and the left the rest of these 13. And we think about this truly being capable of being bought with a Buy Now Button that doesn't mean that we can't jump on a webinar to have people buy that doesn't mean that we can't provide a footman door value first. That doesn't mean that if we have a really good qualified prospect on the line, that has one question that we can't jump on the phone with them, right. So number eight, again, is that the product is capable of being bought, or being sold with a Buy Now Button. Number nine. You guys don't mean I deal a lot with Google. I love Google. I also hate Google. Right? It's a very much give take a lot of take relationship. It seems like Google is a big public company. You know, they throw all of us the the zoo, the pandas, the penguins, and hummingbirds and everything else. With Google, you see them itching in and taking kind of market share, you could argue away from agencies, do I ever think that there won't be a need for agencies now, like business owners aren't marketers and they don't know what's happening, they're not up to speed, there will always be a need.


For people that understand what they don't. It's mostly just an education point. They haven't went through the hundreds of hours of education on marketing that you guys have for the 1000s of hours. So number nine, for me is a lot about fundamentals. And not being able to be replaced by a Google we will do it for you. Offer Number 10 require no more, no more than one client interaction per month. So outside of onboarding a customer, I don't believe that there's any time that you should need more than one client interaction.

Take this from a guy that has sold huge whales, right spending $100,000 a month and PPC $80,000 a month and PPC sold one gentleman that was doing about that across two different accounts. So double those numbers right? In one sale. Right? That's a frickin whale of a client. Trust me when I say there is no need for more than one client interaction per month. If both parties come to the table prepared, it will be an effective and efficient meeting. There are no reasons, quite literally, there are no reasons for calls at three o'clock in the morning.

Frankly, that's bullshit, right. And we need to do a better job as agencies, setting the proper expectations. Number 11 is we need to not be dependent on clients actions. How many of you guys have products that you're selling right now that you're onboarding customers for that you literally can't onboard a customer, meaning you can't actually start doing work for them without them doing something. So let me get this straight. I just paid you X amount of dollars. And now you need me to do something else. How many tasks is it? I thought it was one I need to do 10 things. So think about how you can make that process as seamless as possible. And you need to not be dependent on your clients actions. So I'll give you an example of how we overcome some tricky scenarios like this.

So what we're doing in 11, is once we sell a deal, the first thing that happens we always get paid right away immediately right? So a deal doesn't get on boarded. And so we get paid that should be obvious everybody should be falling in line with that right? But immediately what happens in in the sales process, we get the customer to sign right we get the credit card information. We've got the agreement sign we charge the card. Yes, it went through. All right, great, Mr. customer. We quite literally have them open up the calendar, and we Schedule a call with our fulfillment team, the fulfillment manager then runs that call, she comes on, he comes on, right. And what they do on that call is very strategic. What we're doing is we're

Joe Troyer 20:14
getting access to Facebook, we're getting access to Google, we're getting access to everything that we need access to. And we're doing it on the phone with the customer. Why? So when they send us their login, instead of actually having the onboard call that they don't get the text message verification, they don't get the somebody from India's logging into your account. Right, somebody from the Philippines somebody from right, one of the outsourcers that we're using doesn't set off security metrics.

For those of you guys that has scenarios like this, you know exactly what I'm talking about. And then your client goes, like I'm paying you, you know, a lot of money for this, who's logging into my account, I thought you did this stuff, guys, this, this feels this, this makes some pretty sticky situations, and just the back and forth, even if your team's all in the States, let's take the outsourcing off the table, your team's all on the states.

Just onboarding a customer to run ads on any platform and get access to Google Analytics and install this tracking code, that tracking code and all that stuff. I challenge you guys that that couldn't be done on one phone call in onboarding number 12 is that there has to be identifiable problems or opportunities that enable us to outbound prospect to what I call likely suspects. This simply means that I can find that if I'm going to sell PPC, that they're not using things that they should be, right. If they have a website, right? Is it mobile optimized?

If they're in Google My Business is it verified, right? So I need to be able to find prospects that have problems. And guys, all problems are really opportunities. There are opportunities for you as an agency to solve them. But there are also opportunities for the local business to get fixed. Right? That will make them money that will save them money. Every problem is a potential opportunity. Okay. And so that's why I call them problem slash opportunities. Okay, but we need to have those triggers that we can find that make us able to outbound prospects, to people that we can help. So many of you guys know that my messaging for all of my prospecting is, I know that you have this problem. I've helped other people do it. Here's proof. Would it be worth me helping you to? That's how complicated my sales messages? It's not hard. Number 13. Guys, this is it. The 13 rules, every product must fit number 13 is, of course folks be part of that larger value ladder. So if your product matches everything, the last criteria is where do we stick it in the value level? And does this make sense but meets every other criteria that meets all the other 12 criteria? Where does it fit in? Does it fit? Or is there a conflict? Don't stick a product into your services right into your value ladder how they have this criteria.


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