Want to Succeed in Life? 5 Ways to Start Believing in Yourself

believing in yourself

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Do you want to become one of those people others look up to because of their confidence? Do you want to feel confident not only in your skills but in your everyday life? Look no further, your improvements can start today, and we’ll help you.

Everyone has had a moment of self-doubt, but what happens if this becomes a recurrent mindset? How does this affect the ability to believe in yourself? Do these beliefs hold you back? These questions come along when discussing positive self-talk, too. 

If you want to change your life, achieve your goals, and see an overall self-worth boost, hang around because we’re taking you on the ride to positive thinking.

The Power of the Mind

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The mind, an individual’s area where the faculty of thoughts and awareness take place, is one of the most studied parts of human beings. The brain itself continues to be a matter of study. Neuroscientists, psychiatrist, and other brain researchers keep their efforts on understanding how the brain works, its diseases, and how these can be prevented.

The mind, part of the brain, plays an essential role in our existence. It manifests itself every day of our lives in everything we do. Furthermore, our minds are significantly influenced by our environment. The people you spend time with, the media you consume, the many experiences of life, and many other factors are significant regarding our minds and their health.

The truth is that self-confidence isn’t a piece of cake, something built-in within us. However, that does not mean you cannot work on it and change for the better. Negative self-talk is extremely common nowadays, and that holds you back from believing in yourself and limits you, and can even lead you to illnesses related to the brain, like depression or anxiety, and these conditions can endanger your physical health. 

Self-Limiting Beliefs

Self-limiting beliefs are the thoughts that hold you back from the things you want to achieve. These beliefs can take you to a point where it might be impossible to believe in your skills, knowledge, and other fortes, even if you are a college graduate with a successful start-up, for example. 

Here are some of the beliefs that could be stopping you from building confidence:

Personal Limiting Beliefs

Some of the thoughts that could be affecting your general self-belief are:

  • I’m not worthy of this. 
  • I do not deserve this much/deserve that. 
  • What I say does not matter because my opinion is not necessary. 
  • I’m too old/young for this.
  • I am ugly/not good-looking/ They look better than me. 

Finances Limiting Beliefs

Pay attention to your thoughts regarding money, and notice if you hear a voice within you saying these words: 

  • I come from a poor family/My family never had enough. 
  • I never make enough money. 
  • Gaining a large amount of money is impossible. 
  • I don’t know how to handle money.
  • I don’t deserve this amount of money. 

Expertise and Knowledge Limiting Beliefs

Some ideas that might be stopping you from reaching your full potential at work and in your general knowledge are: 

  • I don’t have the experience needed. 
  • I’m not smart enough. 
  • I could learn to do it (a task), but I don’t think I’ll do it properly.
  • I don’t think this business idea is good enough. 
  • I’m not good with numbers/sales/customer service/etc. 

Overcoming Roadblocks

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To start the walk on the self-belief path, we must first take action regarding the negative thoughts that are becoming a part of our internal scripts. 

Many people indeed need the help of therapists and psychiatrists, but it’s also true that we can put in the work and start compassionately exploring ourselves. 

To begin this path, consider putting these tips into practice: 

Identify the Negative Thoughts

Of course, we begin the path to confidence building with what could be one of the most complex tasks within this topic. While we might be aware of some negative thoughts, they can also slip through our fingers.

Self-reflection is where we start shifting our beliefs since it is here that we start understanding how we sabotage ourselves along the way.

Identify Where These Thoughts Are Coming From

Understanding where your struggle lies can help you see the relevance of these thoughts based on their sources. Most of the time, you will find that they are the result of a situation that left a mark on you. However, some of these beliefs can come from sources like media or someone that plays a crucial role in your life. 

Check the Veracity of These Thoughts

Your feelings are important. But sometimes, they come as the result of self-sabotage or by thinking of things to harm ourselves instead. Browse through your thoughts and do a throughout revision.

Do you have evidence to back up these thoughts? Is it an assumption, or did someone tell you this? If you find that the beliefs have a backup (logical evidence, not something you are coming up with to justify it), then take the action steps required to change these situations. 

But if it’s not, it is time to start learning to believe in yourself. 

Start Believing in Yourself

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We are reaching the most significant part of our journey: building self-confidence. To start this work, make sure that every step you take is based on your perception, stay in touch with the people who inspire you, and take these tips into account:

Discover Yourself

You can’t feel more confident if you don’t understand who you are, right? 

Self-trust comes from understanding who you are at your core. See where your inner compass inclines to, whether you are an introvert or extrovert or if you prefer active jobs or more laid-back tasks. Try to take a deep look inside you. 

Of course, when doing this, you must learn to accept everything about you, even if you don’t necessarily like it. 

Be Honest With Yourself, but Do It Kindly

We know by now that believing in yourself is essential to achieve anything you want. But, as you start self-reflecting, don’t do it harshly. 

You want to identify what holds you back and give yourself permission to stop these thoughts and take a leap of faith. But as you try to get closer to your goal, start exercising positive self-talk. You can’t develop faith in your abilities or feel good about your skills if you start working from a place of self-loathing.

Remember, you want to work on things to help you see how valuable you are. You are learning how to believe in yourself. 

Identify Your Strengths

Your strengths are some of the tools that can help you reach your goals. Yes, you must work on your weaknesses, but that doesn’t mean you should focus on your positive qualities too. 

Look at it this way: how will you believe in your abilities if you don’t strengthen them? When you have faith in your abilities, you also gain the confidence you need to feel good about getting where you want to be in life. 

A skilled life coach can accelerate this process with tailored strategies and encouragement. Also, using a coaching system, life coaches can provide personalized guidance to help individuals achieve their goals with confidence.

Don’t Let Fear Control You

So you have worked on your weaknesses, identified your strengths, and developed a new-found belief in your abilities, but now find yourself afraid of trying new things. 

We all have been there at least once in our life. Maybe we’re afraid that we’ll make a mistake, or get worried about what others think, but guess what? Everybody has made mistakes. Everyone has been in an embarrassing situation, with no exceptions!

So take that step, set your goals, speak up! Let the world know who you are, show them you are a force to be reckoned with. 

Challenge Yourself

Increasing our belief in ourselves means we must also work on our challenges. Successful people face challenges as much as the next person does, but here’s where skills and confidence step in.

Instead of waiting for the challenges to find you, go after them yourself. Conquering these obstacles helps you believe in yourself even more, as it will make you feel good about your judgment and overall improvement. 

Maybe giving conferences sounds dreadful to you, but it is a required step you must take to further your business and career. Maybe you want to work on your fitness but believe you aren’t meant for the gym. Consider stepping away from your comfort zone, even if it is through small, fear-ridden steps. You’ll feel like there is nothing you cannot accomplish when you are done with the challenge. 

Be Yourself

Being yourself is the ultimate tool to gain confidence. Look at it like this: did you go through self-reflection, take the time to discover who you are, and face challenges bravely to hide who you are in the end? Probably not!

Be proud of who you are. Show your most authentic self always, and don’t be afraid to stand out. Believing in yourself means owning that power, doing all you can with it, and inspiring and helping others. Being confident does not mean you are conceited. On the contrary! This confidence will help you understand everything that requires improvement, teach you how to approach your mistakes humbly, and show you there is always room for growth. Even something as seemingly simple as your clothing choices can reflect this confidence.

Benefits of Believing in Yourself

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We have mentioned the benefits of believing in yourself throughout this article, but why don’t we take a deeper look into the power of self-confidence? 

For example, you got to believe in yourself if you want to have successful business partnerships. Think about it, would you work with someone who shows doubts about their skills? 

Would you hire somebody who barely looks at you during the interview process? Would they want to work with you if you look like you would rather flee than be there? 

The power of believing in yourself allows you to build bridges with businesses. Furthermore, it helps you have an established idea of the team you want for your company. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Believing in Yourself a Skill?

Yes, it is. You can learn how to believe in yourself, practice or improve it. Furthermore, believing in yourself is a powerful tool to further your career and increase the quality of your relationships. It may sound odd to you but try working on your self-confidence, and see how the world will bloom for you. 

Is Believing in Yourself the Same as Ego?

No, it is not. While not everyone has self-confidence, everyone has an ego. Psychologist state that the ego is our conscious mind, the part of our identity we consider our true selves. Based on this, you can see that believing in yourself is not the same as ego, but it can be interconnected.

Your confidence can come from your own identity, but if it gets to a point where you believe there is no more room for growth, almost as if having achieved a level of near perfection, then you might be having issues with your ego. 

Can You Get Rid of Ego?

No, you cannot get rid of your ego entirely, as it is part of your mind. However, you can work on shattering it if it’s leading you to become a conceited person. The presence of ego in a person is crucial to understand themselves further than what they see on the surface. If you work on it from a healthy place, it will serve as a foundation to believe in yourself. 


Believing in yourself is crucial to help you achieve your goals. We hope this article serves its purpose and that you begin a journey of growth and confidence. 

Focus on the positive skills you have, work on what needs improvement, and become the person you want to be while allowing yourself to keep growing. 



Joe Troyer

Joe Troyer is the Founder of Digital Triggers. He is leading expert in all things Internet Marketing: Pay Per Click Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Google Business, Reputation Management, Landing Page Conversion, and Call Tracking.

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