Does Your Clients Need Help Converting The Leads You Sell Them?

Get Our Step-By-Step Blueprint And Turn
Your Clients Into Appointment Booking Machines!

Know What To Do To Ensure That Your Clients’ Customers Aren’t Just One-And-Dones!

What Good Is A Lead If They Don’t Convert?

Most local businesses are so focused on getting more leads, they completely ignore the process of turning those leads into customers, leaving a TON of money on the table.

And while there’s nothing wrong with buying as many leads as possible, my question is, how many of those leads are actually turning into paying customers?

“But Joe, How Does This Affect Me?”

Have you ever thought, “I’m sending this client, all this business and all these leads, and all these phone calls – I HOPE they can convert them!”

Or the person answering the phones, you listen to the call recordings, and THEY SUCK. They couldn’t get an appointment to save their life.

Or your client, or any of his/her staff, has no idea how to turn a lead into an actual booked appointment.

At the end of the day, it’s really not your fault. It’s not your fault that they suck, right? But if they can’t get it under control, if they can’t take the leads you’re sending them and actually turn it into a return on investment and start booking some more of these calls and actually doing jobs, you might end up getting fired.

The scenario above is probably one of the top reasons, if not the very top reason, that you’ve lost clients or you haven’t been able to retain clients as as long as you’d hoped for.

Inside the course, I’ll share with you how to properly show your clients that there is a problem, like the one above, without the client getting defensive. I’ll also share with you how to get around the most common objections that are killing your clients’ lead to appointment conversion rates, or phone calls to appointment conversion rates.

Get your clients paying you more money fast… Double or triple your average customer value with ease and EVEN get paid as a 1x or even monthly upsell just for helping them out!

I Could Easily Charge Hundreds of $$$ For This. But for a limited time…

Get Our Step-By-Step Blueprint For How To Improve Your Clients’ Lead‐To‐Customer Conversions For Only…

$497 $197!

Here’s What You’ll Get In This Course:

Frequently Asked Questions

It’s literally only limited to your imagination!

I’m super excited because this has needed to be out there for a long time. Most of the people in this space aren’t willing to take the time and create this for you. And most of the quote-on-quote gurus, frankly, don’t even know the things inside this course. A lot of them never have.

Yes. It actually doesn’t matter since the system is FULLY customizable. 

The Guarantee is simple: When you purchase you’ll get access. We’ve done the testing you get the process. That’s it. There is a very strict No Refunds policy due to the nature of the sale.

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