How To Send Cold Emails To Get Clients (What You Miss)?

How To Send Cold Emails

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Joe Troyer: When it comes to scaling your business, when it comes to scaling your business right now, not in the future, not what you guys are gonna need 10 years from now, when it comes to scaling your business right now, like today, right? What’s the single biggest challenge that you have right now?

Joe Troyer: Caroline says my own biggest block, it’s about mastering not perfectionist, i.e. get it done. All right, so I completely agree. Done is better than perfect, especially to start. So Caroline, right now, what needs to be done to get you to the next level? What has to happen now, right? You’re your biggest block, what are you blocking? What’s the number one thing that you’re blocking? What’s the thing that you need to get done every day, right? What’s that thing that you’re just not doing?

Joe Troyer: I need to get email rolling, so Caroline are you talking about cold email? All right, we need to get cold emails going with prospect rocket. All right, Caroline, do you have a niche picked out? Do you have your prospects picked out? Do you have your foot in the door product picked out? Do you have your email copy done? Hang on one second. Let me know in the chat. Let’s get open, I guess Google Slides maybe would be easy. Actually let’s just do keynote since it’s already here.

Joe Troyer: This is going to be a little checklist for you here, but I want to get some feedback from your exact scenario. In case there’s some people on the call that are in a similar situation, let’s make sure we get a picture of it. You guys can see my slide right now right? It’s blank, but let me know in the chat.

Joe Troyer: First thing that we need here is you’ve got to decide on a niche, right? Once you decide on the niche, you need to get a list built of prospects. Next up, you need to decide on your foot in the door product. Finally, you need to write your cold email sequence. Again guys, I say sequence here, if you’re the type of person that’s blasting an email list one time with one email and you don’t have a long term followup sequence, you are missing the boat entirely.

Joe Troyer: Don’t do cold email yet. Don’t hit send on a fresh new batch of leads. You are missing the boat. I would venture to say 50% of the leads and results that we get come after email one, come after email two, come after email three. They’re part of that longer term followup. Do you have to have 30 emails ready to go at once? No, but make sure that you’ve at least got a 7 to 10 day promo sequence done before you start adding prospects into your cold email sequence.

Joe Troyer: Karen. She has decided on the niches. Two very closely related, sometimes own the same type of business. That’s good. It’s really two niches but it can sometimes be considered as one. That’s good and she has her foot in the door. She needs to update the emails and has to update the website.

Joe Troyer: Caroline, you ready for a challenge Caroline? Let me know in the chat. We’re close man, we’ve met in person so many times. I’ve heard you on the phone, I’ve heard you prospecting, we’ve got a relationship, you’re not some random person. You ready? She’s got three emails so you’re good. Space those out over 7 to 10 days. Make sure they’re sending out on business days inside of Prospect Rocket. You’re good. You need to make a couple of email updates you said, and then you need to make some website updates.

Joe Troyer: Caroline, emails need to be done, website updates need to be done Friday by the end of the day. The sequence needs to start on Monday, period. Point blank, there’s no reason. Don’t get caught in perfection mode. Your website isn’t done, I don’t care. Make a one pager. Have your calender on there with your offer, that’s it. Put your phone number in there, make it somewhat presentable. Don’t build 100 pages, don’t build five pages, build one page. Launch it on Monday. One fricking page, that’s all you need.

Joe Troyer: Our company generated literally thousands of appointments with local business owners using cold email without a website. The truth is, you don’t really have to have it. Worst case scenario, you don’t get it done Friday end of day, change all the links in your emails to not to go to your website landing page anymore, you’re coming soon page anymore. Change them all to go directly to Calendly and have that promo sequence start on Monday.

Joe Troyer: Caroline, I want to know on Monday that this thing has went live. I want to know Monday morning that this thing has went live. Send me an email. I ain’t playing Caroline Huff. Calendly is free, right. I wouldn’t use the free version, you get reminders with the other one. You get more customization with the other one and it’s like $5 a month. It’s ridiculously cheap.

Joe Troyer: The number one problem that I see people have once they get their cold email going, is people don’t show to the appointments. You’ve got to get the appointments being set first, but then you’ve got to work on making sure that those appointments hold, meaning that people show up to them. The number one thing that you can do to increase your hold rate, meaning that people actually show up, is send reminders. Calendly does that with the premium plan. It’s so premium it’s $5 a month. That’s all that you need.

Joe Troyer: Is that good guys? Everybody get value out of that besides Caroline? Give me some feedback in the chat all right? Caroline, Monday by 9 AM Eastern. I want an update. Done is better than perfect. Stop the procrastination. Got to go out.




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