How to Sell Pay Per Click or PPC Management

How to Sell Pay Per Click or PPC Management

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Joe Troyer: Let’s see. So I know people are charging a thousand to $5,000 a month for PPC management, and that’s where I want to be, but I can’t see that in my head yet. Okay. So at the end of the day, if you guys are going to go sell PPC management, if you’re going to sell PPC management. So this is going to be a service for you. It’s still freaking like going up hill.

Joe Troyer: All right? So PPC management is going to be a service for you? The first golden rule of selling PPC management for me. Guys, just understand. I don’t like battles that I can’t win. I don’t like trying to fight to get a customer. I liked the, the, the low hanging fruit and, and I suggest that you guys go pick up the low hanging fruit too. Like go pick up the easy to win shit. Right? So what I like to do in terms of PPC management deals is the opposite of what a lot of people do. All right? So I think that the first rule, the first golden rule is only sell to Google ad. Let’s say Google advertisers.

Joe Troyer: So at the end of the day, if I’m going to go try to sell PPC management, I’m going to go only sell the people that already get it, okay. That already spending money with Google and my pitch going to be, I’m gonna save you money and I’m gonna help you get more, right? That is my pitch. So essentially it’s more for less, okay. Only again, to people that are selling or people that are, uh, I’m only going to sell it to people that are already spending money with Google, okay. If they’re spending money with Google at the moment, right? And let’s say that they’re spending, for example, let’s say that they’re spending $5,000 a month, okay. I know that I, for example, or you for example, you go in and you guys could pitch a deal for 20% of management, okay? Meaning that if they’re spending $5,000 a month, right?

Joe Troyer: That you will get $1,000 a month to manage the account. Okay. And the way that I would get this is by showing them some opportunities of how they can get there, how I could help them save that and make that and get more right. How they can get more for less. All right? So this can be done in multiple ways, okay? You can take a look and see what they’re doing and what they’re not doing, right? So if it’s a, a very localized type of business, let’s say that they’re in that kind of service industry or people like to contact them by phone to start, right? The web form leads aren’t really a thing in that niche, right? Then see if they’re running, call only ads.

Joe Troyer: All right? So if they’re running, call only ads, okay? If not show the case study about what running call only ads can do. Here’s a case study of how this one person went from an $80 cost per acquisition to a $40 cost per acquisition only by using call only ads. I can see that you’re not doing this, Mr. Prospect, right? You’re missing out on this right now. If you’re having somebody run right now, a company run your pay per click ads, right? They’re missing out on this on a really worried about your business and the hands that you’re in when it comes to paper click management, right? You should also be doing thing number two I found issue opportunity number three I found issue opportunity number four I found issue opportunity number five I found that are all pointing folks to I can help you get or for less and without a doubt it’s going to cover my feet. That’s the picture that you need to draw in the prospect’s head, okay? If you do that, you should be winning deals left and fricking right. Okay? And if you take this model and you, if you narrow it down then to focusing on one vertical, right, and you become the go to expert of paper, click management and lead generation for chiropractors or dentists or whatever vertical it is that you want to go after, right? This becomes a very scalable and sellable asset very fast.

Joe Troyer: Okay? So this is exactly how I would go. Start Build, run scale a pay per click Management Agency for Google. I would never, never even attempt, and I would run the opposite way of contacting people that are not running Google ads in trying to convince that to pay Google per click for advertising want to play that game. I want to say you go already doing this, you’ve been doing it for 12 months, for two years, for five years. You can see the costs are going to go up, right? You can tell me these goals that you have, right? You told me that you want to scale your business, your marketing has got to be more efficient, pointed out all these issues and opportunities that will clearly pay for my feet.

Joe Troyer: Honestly going to help you get a whole lot more for a whole lot less one. Can we get started guys? Who’s going to tell you no in that pitch? Who’s going to tell you no when that pitch? Nobody. Nobody’s going to tell you. No. Alright, so Frankie Alan says, I’m doing SEO for a pest control company and they spend 5k a month on Google ads. I’ve been afraid to approach them. This is it, man. Don’t approach them all Willy Nilly. Approach them and figure out the issues and opportunities. Okay, so and understand when I’m pointing out to a prospect issues that they have on pointing out the issue, but then I’m recovering immediately and talking about the opportunity. The reason I’m bringing up this issue is I like, I’m not trying to scare you. I’m not trying to give you more homework to do. I want to talk to you guys about the opportunity. This is what’s going to grow your business. You told me that you need to be growing faster. These are the ways by fixing these that we’re going to be able to do this for your business. Okay? So find the issues and opportunities Frankie, and have a conversation with the decision maker. That’s it.




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