How To Structure Your Day For Optimum Productivity

How To Structure Your Day For Optimum Productivity

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Joe Troyer: So next up, what I wanted to do is talk to you guys about the biggest life hack. Um, again, my goal here on the channel and my goal in life and with everything that I do with you guys specifically, right, is, is trying to help you guys, right. To take what’s working for me and my personal life and in my business and to share it with you guys, right? So that you guys can rip it and deploy it and not everything’s going to be a win for you, right? Like you might look at something I’m doing and it might not be the right place. That might not be the right time. And that’s okay. Right? Just know at the, at the end of the day, right? Like my intention is just being here to help you guys, right. And to hopefully not let you guys go through the same bumps and nicks and bruises and scratches and broken bones that, that I have, right?

Joe Troyer: So I don’t claim to be an expert in all things. Right. That would be silly. But I can say that one thing really looking at, you know, what’s made the biggest difference for me over the last six months, seven months, eight months. One thing that I can definitely pinpoint as being the biggest life hack I want to share with you guys here today. Alright, so give me some feedback in the chat. How many of you guys could admit that you feel like you’re slipping right? You feel like you’re just not getting done what you should be getting done. The business just isn’t doing as good for his customers as it should be. Right? Like you know that you should be doing something in your business and you’re not, you know that you should be doing something in your personal life and you’re not right?

Joe Troyer: Like, and that’s what I mean by slipping. Let me know. Give me some feedback in the chat. If you feel like, man, there’s definitely some of the things in my life that I know that are just slipping right, that I need to get better control of. Give me some feedback in the chat if that’s you. Right. You know, you should be doing it and at the end of the day it’s just not happening. Right. Yeah. Not living up to my potential. Right. Or growing my agency. Yeah. So no question, Austin says so. So guys, I feel like at the end of the day it’s important for us to, it’s important for us to have this realization so that we can get it off of our chest, right? So that like we don’t have to live with this on the back of our head everyday. Like just acknowledge it and then come up with a solution to fix it.

Joe Troyer: And that solution may not be the perfect solution longterm, right? You’re going to have to iterate, you’re going to have to change the solution. It’s not going to be the final solution. But if mentally you know that you’re moving forward and you’re working on fixing that, your complete mindset and demeanor from day to day changes and you stop carrying the guilt of what you should be doing and that guilt of feeling like you’re slipping and like things are falling right and that you’re not doing what you’re supposed to be doing. Give me a three, if that makes sense. Right? So make a plan, right? And put it into motion. And I can’t tell you guys how much this is going to help you guys, right? Because you’re going to be able to stop thinking about this and being guilty of this, right? And having that guilt on your conscious all day, every day in the back of your head.

Joe Troyer: Yeah. So Brian says, my lack of frustration, right? Or lack of progress leads to frustration, right? We are meant to consistently grow. Exactly right brother. So at the end of the day, like whenever you’re growing stagnant, I want you to turn to this exercise, right? And I’m going to give you guys the exercise. All right. I’m going to walk you guys through it as best as I can in this distracting scenario here at Starbucks, right in this distracting a landscaper background here, I’m going to do the best that I can to walk you guys through this exercise. All right? So it’s easy, but I don’t want you guys to overthink this because I know that this will give you guys the clarity that you need to really start making some progress in your business. So first and foremost, guys, we got to figure out at the end of the day, right?

Joe Troyer: What the, what the important things are, right? So what are those things that are dropping? What are the balls that are dropping, right? What are the family commitments that aren’t happening? Right? What is the time commitment that you’ve, you’ve said that you’re gonna make with your kids and now has happen, right? What is the sales that aren’t happening in your business? Where is the, you know, the prospecting, that’s not happening? So the first step is just like, don’t judge anything that comes out of your mouth, right or out of your brain, right? Just rapid fire. Get the shit out of your head. Right? What is it right here, right now, right. And that you need to be doing in your business, right? What are the things that you feel like you’re slipping on and just like have, have a throw up type of moment, right? Like just get it all out of your head and yeah, I just said throw up. Like just let it come out. Right? And don’t correct yourself mid thought, right? Just write it all down rapidly as fast as you can. Right at that. Okay. And when your brain stops then move on. Okay. So I’m going to call this a rapid fire build a list. Okay.

Joe Troyer: And I’m going to say of the issues/opportunities. Okay. And so, there’s going to be a lot of personal things on here. There’s going to be probably some like family things on here is going to be some like spend some time with a girlfriend and the wife not doing that on a regular basis right. There’s going to be things on here like, you know, just, just need to take some care errands and for some things at the house, right? There’s going to be things on here like I need to start taking better care of my health, right? There’s going to be some things on here. Like, you know, I need to get more active, right? Even if it’s just starting with me, you know, walking a mile every day, right? But there’s going to be like health, there’s going to be wellness, there’s going to be personal things, there’s going to be like family things.

Joe Troyer: And then obviously there’s going to be business things. So let’s just say like health, wellness, personal, family and business. So again, at the end of the day, I want you guys to understand that business, is that you’re going to have a lot of different kinds of categories and different things that you guys are going to start writing down. And I don’t want you guys to prejudge these things. Just fricking dump it down on a piece of paper, right? Or for me, dump it down on a whiteboard. That’s my favorite place to do a big brain dump, right? So let’s actually call this rapid fire brain dump. That’s a good title. Alright. So then essentially guys, what I want you to do is I want you to boil down everything to the easiest to understand most critical action that you need to be taking, right?

Joe Troyer: So boil down to most critical, most critical action you need to take. All right, so for this, I want to give you got some contacts. I want to make sure that you guys are grasping this, right? So if you’re trying to lose 10 pounds, you know, working out and buying a Kettlebell right? Like isn’t gonna do the most for your health, right? And losing that 10 pounds, right? Dieting and controlling what you put inside your body is what’s going in to do the most good, right? And if you’re doing it well you’re doing it right, you’re going to lose a pound to two pounds, and you shouldn’t be aiming for more than that in a week, right? So if you are 10 pounds overweight or you want to lose 10 pounds, understand what that’s going to take, right? That’s going to take your body four or five, six weeks to do, and it’s probably gonna take a little bit longer as you try to transition in and understand what you’re reacting to and what you’re not reacting to and the body type that you have, etc.

Joe Troyer: So again, if you’re trying to lose weight, okay, understand that the best thing that’s going to have the biggest impact for you guys is going to be diet. Right now, I’m not trying to discourage you guys from, from tossing around some kettle bells, right? And throw in some exercises with some kettle bells, right? Uh, but that’s not what’s going to do the best for you. Does that make sense? Give me a five in the chat, if that makes sense to everybody. There’s a clear difference there. Like would it be good to do? Yes, that’s, that’s, that’s a good thing to do. You guys should all exercise with some kettlebells, but it’s not the best thing to do, right? It’s not gonna make the biggest impact for you guys as well. Alright, so boil it down to the most critical and then, right, we want to start chunking out our calendar. Okay. I want to start chunking out our calendar. Okay. So backing up just a little bit here, right? Like the most important thing for an agency consultant, uh, based business, a freelancer business, at the end of the day, if you had to boil it down, the most important thing to be doing on a daily basis, right? Like the, the minimum viable things that you got to do in an agency. What is that?

Joe Troyer: Austin says? Diet. Definitely most important for way 100% man. So again, with an agency like w w what is the 80 20 right? What are the things that you got to do to grow an agency, right? If we had to keep it as simplistic as possible, what is that? Yeah. So prospecting, Michael says, okay, lead Gen, my friend, prospecting. So at the end of the day, what matters is prospecting for an agency, right? And then running what I refer to as a console, the console. It could be a strategy session, it could be a demo, doesn’t matter what you call it, right? But it’s that medium where you have a prospect’s attention and you’re pitching them right? At the end of the day, those are the two things that matter in an agency to keep it growing and to keep it running. Now, obviously you got to actually be able to get results or fulfill on your clients, right? But if you’re trying to do the minimum, right, if you’re just trying to hit the MVP right now in your business, these are the two things that you gotta be doing to grow your agency today, right here, right now.




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