How to Transition into Keto

How to Transition into keto

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Joe Troyer: All right. So, I want to talk to you guys next about how to transition into Keto. Okay? So if you want to follow in my footsteps, do you want to take the same path? Okay. I want to talk to you guys about how to transition, okay? And the first thing that you got to understand is that there’s just some very, very basic like do’s and don’ts, okay? And you just follow those do’s and don’ts to start. And you don’t have to get more complicated than that. Okay? So things that you do want to do and you want to eat fatty meat, right? You want to eat eggs, you want to eat cheeses, you want to eat avocado, you want to eat low carb nuts. You want to eat butter, you want to eat healthy oils, you want to eat leafy Greens, right? You don’t want to eat grains and flours and breads and pastas and, fruits that are really made of a lot of sugar, right?

Joe Troyer: Or that turn to sugar or processed like sugar, okay? That solicit a insulin response, okay? That changes our glucose levels, right? You don’t want to be drinking just like milk for example. That doesn’t mean dairy is out. Just milk is very, very carb heavy. Right? We don’t want to have soda and we don’t want to have sugar. Okay, at the end of the day, what we’re really doing is we’re getting our body to one awful fat as its primary fuel source. Okay, so at the end of the day, if you look at like the old school food pyramid, so to speak, right, but they got grains and all that stuff in there. Really at the end of the day, what we want is we want 75% fat, 20% protein and 5% carbs.

Joe Troyer: Okay, and these macros longterm, you should play with yourself. Yeah. You should play with yourself. You may find that you’re the type of person that needs less fat and more protein. You may find that you’re the type of person that needs more fat and less protein. Okay. Or vice versa. You’re going to want to play with those numbers. Okay. For me, I started out right there though. That’s exactly where I started. For me, I find that if I go a leaner, okay, and I don’t do as much fat, but I don’t have the energy. My body is relying on that energy and I’m a very highly active person these days. I’m in the gym, I’m running right? Waking up early, right? All of these things like I need that fat to feed my body and I have very low body fat these days.

Joe Troyer: Okay. The next thing when you’re making kind of this transition and you want to try Keto, the number one thing that you gotta do besides the do’s and the don’ts, is you got to really make sure that you’re supplementing your electrolytes, okay? Because what’s going to happen is you’re going to lose a lot of water weight. When you switched to Keto, you’re going to lose weight and it’s going to be typically, it’s really rapid for people. They’ll lose 10 pounds, they lose five pounds in two weeks, right? And they’re like, holy crap, it’s just fricking gone. Right? And some haters will be like, yeah, but that was just water weight, right? Dude? Like when, when people told me that like, hey man, what’d you do? What are you doing? Yeah, but that’s just water weight. I’m like, man, I don’t, I don’t give a shit. I feel amazing, right?

Joe Troyer: I just lost 10 pounds. Right? Don’t let that hold you down. But what I want you guys to think about is this, like with all that water gone, it really messes with your electrolyte imbalance as well. Okay? You’re not going to hold as much water, you’re not going to hold as much electrolytes. So you got to make sure that you’re supplementing with your electrolytes, right? So the big thing to supplement is with magnesium and potassium. So I’ll share with you guys what I do. Hang on one second. Periodically. I will do that. I’ll walk away from the camera if there’s a visual aid that I can share with you guys, right? So you need magnesium and potassium and you guys can look up kind of the suggested daily allowances and, I wouldn’t count on your food alone to help you guys get these electrolytes.

Joe Troyer: Okay? and if, if you do rely on food alone to get these, I can almost guarantee that you’re going to, in this transition, have a period where you think that you get the flu right? And at the end of the day, it’s just that your electrolytes are off. Okay. So I supplement with something called this natural calm, and you can get this, I’m pretty sure on Amazon. I pick it up just locally at whole foods and then, no salt. And then finally, just some good Himalayan pink salt. Okay. And so you will see me make up this little drink concoction, right? That, that I found that I’m good with. You’re going to have to play with it and see like how your body reacts. And if I’m ever dragging, I will literally take a drink of that. And then 10 minutes I’m like, whew. Like, oh, like I just woke up, like I just rolled out of bed and I have all the energy in the world.

Joe Troyer: Okay. So you got to make sure that you’re supplementing with these things as you’re making the transition, especially, but even longterm. I think that you should be doing it as well. And especially if you end up like me, like I was the type of person that never wanted to work out. But with Keto and, and following the regimen that I’m going to share with you guys, I’ve got so much energy, right, that I was expending a lot of calories in, a lot of energy at the gym, right? It made me start working out something that it made me start running something that I would tell you like you’re crazy. If you ever would have ever told me I’d run a 5K or at 10K, I’d be like, you’re flat out of your fucking mind. Right? Like, but it made me do that because I had so much energy that, so because I’m expending a lot of energy and electrolytes, obviously I got to re-replenish them.

Joe Troyer: And folks, if you just try to replenish and you’re on Keto and you’re just trying to replenish with water alone, it’s not going to do it. Okay. So just look up, look up the, the daily allowances for magnesium and potassium. And if I were you guys like this is really the only supplements that you guys need on Keto. The only quote unquote supplements or vitamins. Okay. Okay. Yeah. So next up, um, well if, if you’re gonna kind of transition to Quito, all right? Next up is I want 100% recommend that you don’t track your macros. What does that mean? So I have an app on my phone called Keto and it’s just a blue and I’ll pull it up for you guys, see if you guys can see it. So the blue background here, you guys missed it. It says Keto, but it shows you, shows you your macros in your calories, right?

Joe Troyer: And it shows how much fat you got in for the day, how many carbs and how much protein, right? It helps track that 75% fat, 20% protein, and 5% carbs. Okay? And it helps you also track how many total calories you had. That’s good. But when you’re transitioning, don’t even worry about tracking your Macros, right? Okay. So just eat until you’re full, even until you’re satiated. Okay. An interesting thing happens for most people when they transitioned to Keto from a standard American diet, okay. What happens is they’re not used to eating all that fat and not used to eating. Like you eat on Keto and you get full very quickly. And what happens is you like kind of in this transition period, eat less almost by default because your body’s just getting used to eating that way. Okay? So most people lose weight without tracking and our full the entire time just because they’re not used to it. So I recommend for the two first two weeks, just eat intuitively and follow the, this is what you eat less. This is what you do eat. And this is what you don’t eat. List, Supplement your electrolytes, right? Like we talked about and don’t track your macros. Just eat naturally. Okay. And the, the first two weeks on Keto, I believe I lost like seven or eight pounds.

Joe Troyer: Okay. Now I’d have to look up the number, but I believe it was seven or eight pounds. Okay. And again, people will tell you like, oh, that’s just water weight though. Like, I don’t give a shit. It’s seven or eight pounds. That is dawn guys. Seven or eight pounds is a lot of fat. Like you guys will, we’ll see a huge difference. And the great thing is, is that initial, that initial jolt, we’ll give you guys a ridiculous amount of um, enthusiasm and the ultimate, I’m kicking, kicking the ass, right? Because you just lost fricking eight pounds or seven pounds or six pounds in a week. Does that make sense to you guys?

Joe Troyer: so it’s like instant motivation. Okay? So what happens after that? And what I found is by then starting to track my macros is I can lose about a pound to two pounds a week and I can do that very safely. I can do that without limiting my calories. How very much. And I can do that consistently.

Joe Troyer: So if you got, let’s say hypothetically you got 20 pounds to lose. And again, these are just hypotheticals, but let’s say you lose five pounds in the first two weeks, right? Then you lose two pounds a week after, right? You’re going to be on the Diet for about nine weeks. Just just high level or that’s how long it’ll take you. Okay. But, I’m betting for those of you guys that, that go on it and that follow it, you’re going to get adaptive, you’re going to get fat adapted and your body’s going to like it and you’re going to like it and you’re gonna feel good. And most of you guys are never going to want to go back to the standard American diet.

Joe Troyer: Alright. So transitioning to Quito, um, the, the last thing in terms of transitioning that I wanted to talk about was that your Palette’s going to change, right? What you guys have cravings for is going to change what you guys want to eat is going to change, right? It takes some, like, you’re changing the foods that you eat in the amount of the types of foods that you eat and it’s very different. You’re going to be like, dude, I don’t know what to do. Like, how do I eat this fat? Right? Like, I can’t get my macros quite right. Like, what do I do? And I’ll talk to you guys about that here in a couple of minutes, but understand that your palate is going to change and you’re no longer going to crave sugar and you’re no longer going to crave carbs. If you can get through that first initial transition period.




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