Show Me The Nuggets

Joe Troyer

The Power of Retargeting Campaigns in Digital Marketing with Joe Troyer

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In this episode of Show Me The Nuggets, we’ll be sharing an awesome presentation by Joe on how to make prospects think about you 24/7. Joe is a big proponent of being a specialist over being a generalist. And if you’ve made the proper steps to becoming an expert in your niche, it’s high time that you get more eyeballs on your brand with Joe’s next-level retargeting method.

What is Retargeting?

Retargeting, also referred to as remarketing, is a strategic technique employed in digital marketing. It involves showing targeted advertisements to individuals who have previously interacted with your website or online content. This ingenious method capitalizes on the fact that many users often leave your website without making a conversion or purchase.

Retargeting allows you to re-engage these potential customers as they continue to browse the internet, reinforcing your brand presence and increasing the likelihood of converting them into loyal buyers. It’s a potent tool that can help your brand stay top-of-mind even after users leave your website. By utilizing retargeting, you extend your brand’s reach, amplify other marketing efforts, and position yourself as the go-to brand in your niche.

How Retargeting Works

When a user visits your site, a small piece of code, known as a pixel, is dropped onto their device, enabling you to track their behavior. This pixel then allows marketers to retarget those users as they browse other websites or social media platforms.

Imagine a scenario where a potential customer visits your website, explores your products and services, but ultimately decides to leave your site without making a purchase. This is where ad retargeting comes into play. With retargeting, you have the opportunity to remind them of your brand at a later time when they’re browsing other websites or scrolling through their social media feeds.

The Benefits of Retargeting

Enhanced Conversion Rates: Studies show that website visitors who are retargeted with display ads are 70% more likely to convert. By staying top-of-mind, you increase the chances of converting potential customers into actual buyers.

Cost-Effectiveness: Retargeting campaigns tend to be more affordable than traditional advertising efforts. With lower costs per acquisition, businesses can stretch their advertising budget further and achieve better ROI.

Brand Recall: Consistent exposure to your brand through retargeting reinforces brand recall. When potential customers repeatedly encounter your ads, your brand becomes familiar and trustworthy in their minds.

Omni-Presence: Being present on multiple online platforms is key to successful retargeting. By showing up across various channels, including Google Display Network, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn, you ensure maximum visibility to your target audience.

Amplifying Other Marketing Efforts: Retargeting works synergistically with other advertising initiatives. It amplifies the results of your Google Ads, Bing Ads, and Facebook Ads campaigns, generating more engagement and conversions.

Types of Retargeting

There are different types of retargeting that marketers can use to retarget users who visit their site and then leave without converting. One common type is “site retargeting,” which targets users who have previously visited your website. By showing relevant ads, you can entice them to return and complete the desired action, whether it’s making a purchase or signing up for a service.

Tips to Optimize Retargeting Campaigns

Define Your Audience: Clearly define the audience segments you want to target with your retargeting ads based on their behavior and interests on your website.

Create Compelling Ad Content: Craft engaging ad content that reminds users of their previous interaction with your brand and encourages them to take action.

Set Frequency Caps: Avoid bombarding users with excessive ads. Set frequency caps to control how often your ads appear to avoid ad fatigue and irritation.

Use Dynamic Retargeting: Implement dynamic retargeting to show users personalized ads based on the specific products or services they viewed on your website.

Measure and Adjust: Regularly monitor the performance of your retargeting campaigns and make necessary adjustments to improve their effectiveness.

Key Takeaway

Retargeting is a powerful tool in a digital marketer’s arsenal that can significantly impact brand awareness, customer engagement, and conversion rates. By consistently reminding potential customers of your brand as they browse the internet, you increase the likelihood of turning them into loyal customers. Embrace the power of retargeting to become the go-to brand in your industry, just like the giants such as BMW, Coca-Cola, and Apple. With strategic implementation and constant optimization, retargeting can propel your digital marketing efforts to new heights.

Show Notes

  • Becoming the goto brand in your industry {1:15}
  • The basics of retargeting {2:27}
  • The great thing about retargeting {3:20}
  • A ridiculous amount of opportunity {6:41}
  • Real results and case studies {7:15}
  • Step number 1 – Omnipresent {8:24}
  • Step number 2 – Omnichannel {8:44}
  • Gmail is a must {9:15}
  • Being in Youtube {9:58}
  • Facebook Ads {11:11}
  • Getting on twitter {11:55]

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How many of you by show of hands want more reach more impact and more income in your lives? those of you guys that didn't raise your hand, I don't know what you're doing in here.

Today, I'm going to help you do just that. Specifically by showing you how to make your prospects think about you guys. 24 seven, I want to help you guys become the go to brand in your industry, right like the BMW, the Mercedes Benz, the Coca Cola, the apple, the brand that comes to mind when you think about a specific category.

I want to help you guys become right, the big fish in your small pond. There's been a lot of talk about picking a niche right sticking in one or two verticals. Have you guys taken that away so far? Okay. So I think that that is very, very important. I've built sold multiple agencies. And one of the things I kick myself in the butt for is not sticking to one agency are not sticking to one niche. I highly, highly recommend that you guys walk away from here and You've picked one or two niches and you go really, really deep in them.

And if you follow what I'm going to show you guys today, you'll be able to turn into a big fish in that specific industry. How do we make our prospects think about us? 24 seven? The answer is retargeting. The answer is retargeting. And we're gonna talk about some next level retargeting stuff today that nobody is talking about.

But before we do that, we need to talk about the basics. Right? We got to get a good picture here too. I just pulled them out, Miller. Thanks, man. So right with retargeting, how it works, somebody visits your website, right? you capture those visitors by dropping a pixel guy and then you're able to show ads to those people all around the internet.

Now the time that you're able to show that ads for those ads for the changes depending on what different advertising platform you're working with, right, call it one to three months to, you know, a year in terms of how long you can cookie that person and follow them around the internet. Showing them ads.

This is an amazing, amazing case study. website. visitors who are retargeted with display ads are more likely to convert by 70%. How many of you guys aren't doing remarketing in your own business right now? Don't be scared. I want to see those hands. Most of you guys aren't. You want to convert 70% of people right? 70% more of course you do. The great thing about remarketing and retargeting, and I use those two words interchangeably, is that it works. Okay, by default, basically, just by doing it. You don't have to worry about like, is that setting ticked correctly? Right. or anything else? Like if you set it up, it works outside of the box, right? So check this out.

So this is this one campaign. When this isn't what's let's say, this is a furniture store. So 17 out of 159 conversions for last month. 11% came from retargeting, so all of you guys that said you're not doing retargeting, this is a this is a bad case study. This is a bad example you're missing out on 11% of your sales.

Right 11% of your actions formfills website purchases you're missing out on. The great thing about retargeting to is that it is cheap. It is dirt cheap, it is literally pennies on the dollar $1 36 for the CPA cost per acquisition versus the account average of 1039. Okay, and again, this is an Uber Uber basic campaign. There is nothing special about this. Okay, my seven year old son Silas could have built this campaign.

Seriously there's there's like just following the instructions on the screen. Okay, there is nothing next level about this. I'm going to share with you guys though how to get next level with this stuff. retargeting for me is amazing and nobody is really leveraging it and using it like they should be. In fact, I believe that retargeting is the only advertising medium that improves every other advertising medium.

So if you're running Google Ads retargeting gets your Google ads, more results, right? If you're running Bing Ads, it helps you get more results. If you're running Facebook ads, right retargeting helps you get more results, you're driving traffic, you know, cold traffic that helps you get more results. Does that make sense? So it is a campaign that every business owner should be doing the campaign that every business should be running, but nobody is.

Okay, the only thing that makes every other advertising initiative more effective that I know of is retargeting. Okay, you guys are going to learn how to blow this up in a great way here today. And there's just a ridiculous amount. I'll try not to swear I swear when I get excited. There's just you guys know me. Well.

There a ridiculous amount of opportunity with retargeting. I shared just surface level some cool stats with you guys. I did some lead Kahuna searches, I tend to use that quite a bit 28,593 total prospects I just looked at and one vertical right as an example, and I went through and I looked at how many of them were using Google retargeting chango perfect audience or site scale 7% . 93% of people in the market, not using any of those retargeting platform.

That's not just like one that's not like some secondary third, third tier networks. That's frickin Google retargeting. So is there an opportunity here for you guys? Absolutely. Abs a frickin Lily. Alright, so how about Facebook retargeting? How many of them are dropping Facebook retargeting? 9%. That's it again. 91% of people aren't using Facebook retargeting Okay, and I'm going to be really bold in saying this that 91% of those people right are leaving 10% 15% or even 20% of their conversions sitting on the table, just up for grabs, because they're not running retargeting.

So I said that I was going to share with you guys lots of case studies. So I know I want to make sure I deliver on that. So here's a massage campaign massage company. I don't know the location on this one. But 26% of their conversions coming from Guess what? retargeting real estate case study 19% of the conversions last month, 16 out of 83 came from Guess what? All as well at a cost per acquisition of about 25% of the account average. Right. And again, the cool thing is it was Uber base. Sick.

There was nothing next level about it. Uber basic retargeting getting these results. It really depends upon the account. Average CPA is what across the entire account across all the campaigns. This is the cost per acquisition.

Okay, so it's it's a 75% less than every other campaign. Okay, so I want to teach you guys now how to take this to the next level. All right, so step number one is to be omnipresent. So I'm going to drop that pixel and we just want to show up repeatedly. Simple enough, right? Like that is basic retargeting as we know it, right? That makes sense. Cool. So step number two is to be omni channel.

Okay, so omnipresent is step number one. Step number two is to be Omni, omni channel. So we want to show up everywhere, not just on one network and this is a biggie for me. I see a lot of people missing the boat on this one. So Showing up all across the internet. You can go after, let's say just for Google, you can go through and you can do Google Ads network or the Google Display Network. So Google Display Network reaches about 90% of internet users worldwide. And they currently publish those ads, your ads when you use retargeting to more than 2 million publisher sites.

Okay, you should be in Gmail, though. Who's that going up there? Gmail has about 1.5 billion monthly active users. How many of you guys use Gmail or G Suite in your business today? I think maybe you should be retargeting there, too, right? There's a lot of people there every day, basically each and every one of you guys, and it's why you see me running retargeting right there inside of Gmail, because that's where my customers are.

I want to be omni channel and I want to be omnipresent. YouTube ads, right? You can do the same thing with remarketing with retargeting, right? So a customer comes to visit. at your site, you can show them your ad. Again, with YouTube YouTube is a little different though, because it's a video, right? It's not just a text ad. It's not just an image ad.

So YouTube 1.5 billion users per month, okay? And the average user on mobile spends an hour per day watching videos on YouTube. So the unique thing about YouTube is people are going there to watch videos right? When people go to Facebook, and you're showing them a retargeting ad, you're a distraction, right? You're having to really sell that click.

Does that make sense? when they're on YouTube, they're there to watch a video. So you running an in stream ad, like this ad right here that plays at the beginning. They're there to watch content anyway.

So if you can just get them interested in what you're talking about, right, there's a good chance that they'll watch a lot of your content. Does that make sense? The difference there. So YouTube is a little bit of a different beast and what's talk about that a little bit later.

So again, be omni channel and right through Google ads that used to be called Google AdWords. Now it's called Google ads. You can run Google Display Network Gmail, ads and YouTube ads. Obviously, Facebook ads, we don't need to talk about how big Facebook's distribution is. We know all about that. Instagram ads, right, like 1 billion monthly active users 500 million of which right? Our daily active users. So if your prospects if your customers that you want to retarget are there, right, we want to show our ads there. So through the Facebook ads interface is actually how we run retargeting on Instagram, right? So really, we're only using two platforms up to here, right? We're using Google ads to run these campaigns and then also Facebook ads. But we're not done yet. Right? We take it a step further. I'm not, you know, satisfied with good enough, right. We also hit Twitter.

Because if our customers are there, we want to be in front of them, right? They spend 20 minutes a day on Twitter. I want to show that impression. Right? I want you guys to see me then. Okay, LinkedIn we run as well. And you guys should all be using traffic fuel, obviously. So when you do this, you're gonna start getting messages like this. So Patty is one of my content writers and Patti says, Yo, man, how's it going?

I think I should call you Mr. YouTube lately.

Check this out. Every single night these last four days when we go to stream our I don't even know frequency music to go to sleep. Your ad pops up. Love it.

Every single day I'm showing up in her life. How am I not omnipresent? I'm not uh, not Omni relevant. How am I not making them think about me every single day. Crazy.

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