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Joe Troyer

Extreme Entrepreneurial Motivation with Joe Troyer

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This is the third and final installment of Joe’s Six-Step System to Smash All of Your Crazy Goals. In the last episode, Joe talked about the first 3 steps of his system, namely, surrounding yourself with people you envy, setting ridiculous goals, and getting out of your comfort zone. This episode is where it gets hardcore. Joe shares an extreme approach to self-motivation that will take your focus into overdrive. With this six-step system at your disposal, it’s high time to start smashing those goals.

How to Build Extreme Entrepreneurial Motivation

Motivation plays a pivotal role in the journey of a successful entrepreneur. By leveraging motivational strategies, individuals can cultivate the drive and determination necessary to thrive in the world of startup ventures and entrepreneurship. These approaches empower entrepreneurs to set public goals, embrace discomfort, and adopt an organizational mindset. With a strong motivation foundation, aspiring entrepreneurs can navigate challenges, stay focused on their objectives, and ultimately increase their chances of achieving success in their entrepreneurial endeavors.

Make your goals public

By announcing your goals to others, you create a sense of accountability. This external accountability can provide motivation as you strive to fulfill your commitments and avoid letting others down.

Share your goals with skeptics

Identify the people in your life who doubt your abilities or discourage your entrepreneurial aspirations. Share your goals with them to prove them wrong and use their skepticism as fuel for your motivation. Their doubts can serve as a reminder to stay focused and dedicated to your goals.

Reflect on mortality and regrets

Consider the limited time we have in life and the regrets of those who are nearing the end of their lives. Reflecting on mortality can create a sense of urgency and motivation to make the most of the time you have. Imagine talking to someone in a nursing home or imagine yourself on your deathbed to gain perspective and motivation.

Break down big goals into smaller, actionable steps

Take your big, ambitious goal and break it down into smaller milestones and daily tasks. By identifying the specific actions you need to take each day, you make progress more manageable and measurable. Track your progress daily and adjust your actions accordingly to stay on track.

Embrace discomfort and push beyond your comfort zone

Set goals that make you uncomfortable and push you beyond your current capabilities. Choose goals that make you feel nauseous or evoke a sense of fear. Stepping outside your comfort zone can be a powerful motivator, driving you to take bold actions and overcome challenges.

Establish a sense of urgency

Instead of setting long-term goals, focus on shorter timeframes, such as quarterly goals. Shorter deadlines create a sense of urgency and prevent procrastination. By setting a quarterly goal, you have a defined period to work towards, increasing your motivation and focus.

Remember, motivation is a personal and individual experience. These steps can help you build motivation, but it’s essential to find what works best for you and adapt them to your own circumstances and personality.

Show Notes

  • Taking it public {0:49}
  • Tackling the Negative Nancies {1:50}
  • Calculating the days you have left to live {2:29}
  • Imagining your death bed {3:47}
  • Writing things down {4:10}
  • Making it practical {5:01}
  • The new normal {6:55}
  • Finding that scary goal {8:12}

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Joe  0:49

four, so this is in order as well guys this is all in order. So for Making shit public. announce it. So you can't retract your goal so that you're accountable to somebody beyond yourself for those actions. With the mastermind I say, this is what your numbers are. And they're not that I'm going to be held accountable if they're wrong, right? If we don't do a deal if we can't fulfill for you, if we fuck up, we're accountable. Right? And I got 300 of you holding me accountable. Right?

Joe  1:33

Make it as public as possible. Tell everybody, post the shit on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, I don't know. Whatever it is that you kids do these days.

And one of the most important things I truly believe in this stuff is there's always a couple of people in your life that tell you can't fucking do it. Better than negative nancies. Right? Are the people Yeah, why don't you just go get a job? Why don't you just you know, take it easy step back. You're not gonna fucking make it. Right? Tell them your fucking goals. They're gonna hold you’re fucking accountable, you best believe. So number five This one's a little morbid but this is another exercise that we run in the mastermind that's, that's super important. We talked about how many days and calculating how many days you have left to live because it makes it real. Make it real real. If you want to get motivated or you find yourself not being able to get motivated, you know what your big goal is, you've done everything else. And you still can't get it done. You don't have the motivation. You're not doing it every day. Go talk to somebody in the nursing home. And I'm talking about as a random stranger. That's literally a week, a month a year. away from dying. Ask them about their life. You know what they're going to tell you? One of the first things first 510 minutes, they're going to tell you about their fucking regrets. So do that. If you don't do that if you're not willing to do that you're missing out. You don't do that. At least do this. At least for step five. I want you guys to imagine that you're on your deathbed.

I know it's morbid. It's not fun to think about. But what would you say?

Would you be happy

Joe  3:47

where you're at right now in life, if you are gonna die in a month, taking it to the deathbed brings a whole different level to the conversation. And that's what you need. You need that fear, you need that fire? You need that to be in that place of pain. So 6, 6, 6, 6, and this is an easy one, but I can guarantee you almost none of you guys are doing it. I'm sure you guys have all heard that saying right what you track never improves, right? Or some variation of that quote. Or maybe you've heard the studies that they've done about people in weight loss by just checking their weight every day, right and writing it down, what happens? What happens? They lose the weight, right? So you need to pull back your big ass hairy goal after you figure it out. And you need to figure out where you need to be throughout the quarter to hit that and you need to be looking at it every frickin day. Every day

Joe  5:01

To take this to a different level or to try and practice make it practical for you guys. Let's say that you're committed to lead gen business, you're going to go sell a bunch of deals, and you've made a big goal of 20,000 a month or $100,000 a month. What do you do? You break it down, right? So, if you're a good closer, you should be closing one in five console's 20%. If you're not so good, you're a little newer. You don't have the experience yet. Right? One in 10. Okay, just work it backward. Right? So how many consoles Do you need to set a day? Right? In order to hit that goal, right, work it back for the quarter. And every day, you know, I got to be at you know, five, five every single day. And every day did you do it or didn't you do it? Now when you think about going to the beach the next day or you think about slacking off or doing whatever right It's gonna be like, no, I gotta get my five first once I get my five All right, I'll do it. But if you're not doing it every day, I can guarantee you you're not gonna hit your goals. It's not just going to happen by happenstance, right? It's not just gonna happen randomly, like, Oh, yeah, I hit my goal. Oh, it's not gonna happen. You have to be taking steps every day. In order for that to happen. You have to know that every single day here the three things are the two things are the four things that I have to do every day in order to hit that goal. When the end of the quarter comes, and I want you guys to do it for the quarter. Don't do it for the year, the years too fucking long. Do it for the quarter. You want three months to make it happen. So those are the six. I truly want to give you guys a new normal. That's the goal. I want you guys always pushing

And I always want you guys in that, in that state of being envious, which brings you fear, right with those big goals. I want you in that panic mode, right? Like, I'm going to frickin crush it. I want that competition and that urge inside you because that's how you're going to crush the next quarter. What's the worst that could fucking happen? I'm scared to pick up the phone and call somebody. Hey, me too. fucking get over it. We all know what we need to do. We need to put pen to paper, we have to figure it out. We have to come up with the goal, right? And we have to run through those six things.

Right, it could be picking up the phone. It could be that you're fine picking up the phone and getting console so let's say right but every time you get a console, you let the other person run the whole fucking conversation and you don't take control of it. Wake the fuck up. Take control. Right, It could Be that you go through the console and everything's great. You do a good job holding the conversation. And at the end you don't ask for the fucking sale. Are you kidding me?

So I want you guys to take 10 minutes right now. And I want you guys to come up with that big scary goal that literally makes you nauseous. That literally in the next quarter, you're going to hit that makes you feel like you're going to fucking vomit. I'm not saying I'm going to get five sales by the end of the quarter. No, I want the goal that makes you fucking sick to your stomach. That's going to make you have that desire that's going to make you guys push. A goal that puts you so far outside your comfort zone. It's not even funny.

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