Show Me The Nuggets

Joe Troyer

How to Grow a Six-Figure Agency in Just 90 Days [Part-2]

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In this episode, we’ll be giving you part 2 of Joe’s panel interview with his mastermind student Justin as they dive into the key takeaways of Justin’s road to success growing a 6 figure agency in just 90 days. This episode and part 1 from last week will provide you awesome insights on what it takes for an agency to go from struggling to being profitable.

Topics Discussed:

  • How to handle multiple customers in the same area
  • How to leverage data to handle customer complaints
  • The level of coaching that needs to be
  • The KPIs that you need to watch out for
  • When to start building assets
  • Building a team and bringing in salespeople

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Joe Troyer 0:36
How do you handle I'm curious, your multiple customers in an area? Do you let them know that you have customers and do you leverage that you push on that you play on that? Your level of extent there or how you leverage it? And like what, what what's what's good for the goose? What's good for the gander? Like how far do you take it?

Justin 1:00
Yeah, you know, I'm, I'm pretty open with that, you know, because we have more calls than most any one contractor can handle in any one area anyway. So I'm like, yeah, you want 200 calls? They're like, No, you know, so I'll definitely let them know like, Yeah, I definitely have somebody else in the area who I send calls to too as well, I still have an overflow this many, you know, and that makes that conversation easier. As far as the upsell.

Obviously, I don't want them to know who that person is. And I don't want them talking, you know. And then also, like, if you have a big guy in the area, then you get a small guy, you know, the guy who you couldn't sell on the $2,000 month package, but hey, look, maybe 500 bucks, take any calls. See how it goes, and you build them up from there. Yeah, but you know, I don't pit them against each other, you know, so to speak, by let them know, to like, I'm not I'm obviously dealing with other companies. And we have more calls than we can handle. Right. So, you know, as many as you can take let me know. And I got, you know, another company is taking some too as well, it's that fear of loss too, because they don't want somebody else getting the business especially, you know, definitely, again, getting those install calls and whatnot,

okay, so in this area, you'll still use some fear of loss, let them know that you have a bunch and they're only getting some somebody else is getting too, right. I think that's cool. Given that, you know, you know, do you want 2000 calls a month? No, I can't handle 2000 calls a month? Well, that's why we have to work with multiple people on an area. I think it's like some really good positioning. Right? You're asking them first you want it? No, no, I can't take that. Okay, well, great. Like, that's why we have to have you know, more than one customer. That's cool. I'm interested. So like in a market where you've got a bunch of customers over time, I won't divulge that keep keep that safe for you will divulge enough,

Joe Troyer 1:59
in a market that you've been in for a long time we've been working on for a long time, if a new customer comes on board, and complains. Do you do give them some reference points? Like because you know, because you're already in the market, right? It's not like this is something you're trying? Like this is the market that you've sold many customers in, right? Do you store that data, use that data to, like leverage that data so to speak? What do you mean, if a customer is like, Oh, I'm not getting anything out of this? Oh, they're missing a bunch of calls and they're complaining, right? This isn't working for me? Do you use the data from having other customers in the area to help them understand the numbers? Or do you leverage that at all?

Justin 3:14
Yeah, absolutely. Most of the time, it's just a conversation. I did make a video case study like you know, one guy who made a bunch of money off of one month. And you know, I've used that a few times you know, has mixed results, but I definitely will let them know like from an authority perspective, you know, like hey, look, you know, this is not our first rodeo You're not my only client in this territory in this niche on average our contractors are getting at least this much we shoot for this much I've seen as much as this so if you're not getting that, let's analyze why I can tell you right now it's because you're not answering the phone all the time. Yeah, you're getting quotes over the phone now give them you know, like a little bit of sales you know, training like hey look don't give him a quote you got to get in front of that person. This is a real business and once you get in front of them you have X amount of percentage more chance to close them you know in just little tips that I do listen all my calls too, I still do my call audits for the most part I'm getting ready to start outsourcing that and you know that's one of the benefits of listening to your own calls though is you hear what they're going through you hear what what their customers telling them and then what they're telling the customer back so you can give them advice you know, maybe even put together a script that they have a horrible admin be like Hey, listen like I hope you give me the

Joe Troyer 4:22
Your booking rates is this, this is what we see is like normal. You've got a problem. I help you fix it.

Justin 4:27
Tell her say this teller say that? Yeah. Cool.

Joe Troyer 4:30
Do you ever say like, customer calls you in an area that you're in, like Justin, I want to cancel not getting an ROI to ever just like, spout off to like, Alright, well, you know, x, y Z's getting an 11 100% ROI. So you want to cancel that's why you use the data to say that basically, you're an idiot, you have a problem. It's not my problem. Whether you push really hard with it, or whether you stay light like do do you use that that? Does that make sense? Like somebody says

I'm not getting a return Well, come on, dude. Like, I know, ABC XYZ and these other companies all in this area we're working with, this is what the this is what they're saying, Yeah, you use that you leverage that?

Justin 5:10
Absolutely, absolutely. I'm not combative. It's not my personality, you know, so I don't actually go out. I'm like, hard, like, What do you mean, you must suck, how are you even in business type of thing, it's not really my approach. At the same time, you know, like, how they come at me is how I'll come back with them. For the most part.

Joe Troyer 5:57
So I agree with that. And when somebody comes out us combative, we put them in their place. And if they don't like it, then it's over. But if we don't do it in a combative place, but if they get all crazy on us, it's going to be look, ABC, this is it. You're not happy with this, right? This is what the typical experiences like sorry, that's the we're not going to be able to do better. Right? If you want more than a 900% ROI, we may be able to get you to 1100. But that's going to be it sir, you know, that doesn't do it, you know, sorry.

Justin 7:22
That's how I start that conversation. Yeah, way of kind of letting them know, like, you know, you're missing some calls, and that they still don't get it that, like you're missing a lot of calls. And that's where your ROI is going. Yeah, you know, so, you know, I definitely bring that up, especially if they're when it comes to the missed call thing, because, you know, everybody wants to complain about that more than anything else. And that's their fault. And I let them know that, hey, look, you know, you got to answer the phone. Like, if you don't answer the phone, you call the person back five minutes later, they might have called somebody else, you know, so, yeah, absolutely. I can coach in there a little bit on the sales script, as far as like answering the phones. And then, you know, best practices to like you had that guy, you know, going back to the phone over the phone, that's one of the biggest problems, they give a quote like that. It's only $4600. Okay, I'm gonna call you back, you know, after the person's gonna say, you know, so I tell them, you know, don't give prices over the phone, get in front of them have a conversation?

Joe Troyer 8:09
Do you find that most of your HVAC guys offer financing?

Justin 8:12
You know, I'm surprised at how little do you know, and I've brought it up to a few of them. Hey, look, that's another revenue stream, you know, at least some of the value I can offer them to keep them on longer. If I don't get it, you know, come back from that. Whatever it is. But um, yeah, most of them don't. And it's surprising, you know, because it is a high ticket.

Joe Troyer 8:30
I mean, what do you expect when you tell a customer over the phone? Give me $4600? Like, are you crazy? Can we talk about KPIs for a second?

when you're prospecting? I mean, what's what's your goal for dials? What's your goal? for sets? What's your, you know, any of those numbers? Like, what? What's your focus?

Justin 8:52
Um, you know, I don't focus too much on the dials, you know, because I don't need that, like discipline to get on the phone.

Joe Troyer 8:58
I see you making 300 dials in a day and brag about on slack

Justin 9:03
you know, but um, you know, I know that I have to talk to enough people to have enough quality conversations that I'm building that pipeline. So, you know, like, old school b2b type guy, you know, 300 calls a day as a minimum. So that's a little bit extreme, you know, but I know that, uh, you know, I need to make like 100 100 calls a day or I'm not gonna it's not a set number, like I have to hit 100 but I know that if I don't have a certain amount of quality conversations, if I don't get a certain amount of you know, consults im, I don't get a certain amount of contracts out or things of that nature that I know that I'm not I'm like, I'm I'm gonna falter from where I need to be on my pace for sure.

Joe Troyer 9:38
So any kind of KPIs that like you watch in there at all like if I don't do x in a week versus a day like anything that you start to see like you're skidding or you're starting to coast or you're you're going backwards? Is there any KPIs, even just not dials or consults or closes, what are the KPIs that you see In your business that like, Oh shit, like, I gotta step it up, it's your warning sign. What is that?

Yeah, I mean, like, you know, if I don't, if I go a day without doing a console, then I, you know, I feel like I didn't do anything, either buy a bunch of calls and build a little pipeline. So I would definitely say, you know, quality consult is the main thing, like, if I'm having at least one quality consult per day, and I'm trying to have, you know, 5,6,7, and then you know, still following up with some people that maybe had one before and they're not on the fence. So the main KPI will be always having at least a couple good solid conversations every single day, you know?

What, what's your, what's your big fucking goal?

Justin 10:38
My big goal, 50 K residual actual residual, you know, like, solid contracts, you know, not going up and down and, you know, being consistent with it. 50k for this quarter.

Joe Troyer 10:52
So, um, what's next for you? What's on the horizon? What's we talked about the, the money side of it, right? But what's, what are the what are the things that you're focused on that are going to help you get there? What are the next steps? What are the things you're really zoned in on,

Justin 11:09
you know, analytics, I'm not nearly as onpoint with my analytics and my data and, you know, stay on top of calls and having those KPIs, you know, I do it more often, you know, have it and you know, routine, and you know, that's not duplicatable, and it's not sustainable either, too. So that's definitely one of my goals is to get a much tighter grip on my business. And then, you know, also started building assets, you know, like that, that's a sort of a pride thing. There's also a long term hedge, you know, and it's also, you know, something that makes you feel more like a business owner, you know, versus just like, you know, doing sales and doing sales and doing sale. So for me, that's an important thing is to start having assets that, you know, somebody can be proud of that, you know, is generating revenue. And it's, you know, the other side of the business, too.

Joe Troyer 11:54
I get it. Let me, I'll push back a little bit, though. You already have assets, every deal that you sign is an asset. And you don't have to deal with those headaches. At some point. If I were you when I start building assets, 100%. But I think it's the next level, right? I think you need to level up a couple more times before you start worrying about it. And the reason I say that is because it is a cash sucking monster. Right? It's it's expensive.We were talking about your PPC campaign, you want to tell everybody how much money you've dumped in your PPC campaign that went right out the window? Right? it's fucking expensive, right?

And the thing is, is that you can't, you can't shut it off. You can't like shortcut it, you have to be willing to make the investment for a certain amount of time. That's all right. Right. It's like, you know, when you run into an AdWords campaign, it's like six months for, like, consistency, losing or don't even try, don't bother. And so that's, you know, I think you got to stack the cash and be ready for it. And if you do it too, prematurely, you'll do it for two months, realize how much money you lost and then like, and then you didn't get anything out of it. You didn't learn anything, you didn't end up with anything. You just blew a whole lot of money in time. So that would be my like, words of wisdom, by all means. I think you should get there. I think that is something that you should focus on. Just Just be ready for it. Because it's it's a whole nother beast. Right? Yeah, getting through sales and learning sales like you came into the mastermind, doing well, but how long were you in sales before that? Right. So how much? How much fulfillment have you done to? in general? So it's just it's a whole nother learning curve. Right? It's, you've mastered 50% of your business. And you're talking about, I'm going to double on a triple. I'm gonna quadruple my sales in the next quarter. But I'm also going to go tackle this other side of the business that I don't know. Right like that. Just Just be careful. If I were you, wait a quarter?

Justin 14:09
Yeah, definitely. I think that's one of the main benefits of having like the mastermind like this, because, like, yesterday, when we talked about it, it was 20k. And then you were like, well, you need at least 30 you know, to start doing assets, while as I will, my goal is to be 50k then. So that's why, you know, main benefit there.

Joe Troyer 14:31
Any other like key things that like, are really on your radar for the next quarter? Obviously, big goal for the next quarter 50K but any other positions?

Justin 14:43
Yeah, hiring, outsourcing. I've always been the person who's like, you know, do it yourself, you know, I can do it the best and you think about yourself and you're like, yeah, you know, I could work 18 hour days for the next two years and make it and you know,and then you start doing it and you start burning out. You realize that it's not meant to be like that, like in business to grow, you have to bring on people, you have to have a team. So I definitely start outsourcing I want to hire, or I just hired my first VA. And she's doing like a lot of the admin tasks for me. And I'm learning how to really manage that and make the most of that and I want to bring on an SDR and bring on a salesperson even if it's just to have that interaction and then also to teach it back to somebody else. Because that makes you better too as well. You realize how much you know you do know and also how much you don't know and what you need to be focusing on too as well.

Joe Troyer 15:32
Awesome. One, one tip there. Your SDRs should be endup being your closers. Don't hire closer from somewhere else. Hire an SDR they do a good job being the SDR they want to get into closing, teach them the closing if they suck, guess what? They go back to being an SDR and still make 100 plus grand a year. Right? If you hire a closer you think about how much money could be gone like this. If you filled up the calendar, they didn't close any deals.Right? So we always go from SDR and then try to train into closer.

Because if they if they get that conversation, and they can start building rapport on the front end, the script is getting so much to the point where it doesn't need to be a closer right and especially with somebody like you that's been there, they've done it being able to push back into it. Right. You definitely don't need a "closer." So I would focus on hiring the SDRs and really getting them humming and then you know give both of them a shot at closing some deals and see how they do

Unknown Speaker 0:06
Welcome show me the nervous with Joe Troyer. This is the show's producer of wonderful debt. Thanks for tuning in. Today we'll be giving you part two, in this panel interview with his mastermind, Steve Justin, we're going to be diving into the key takeaways, Justin's road to success, rolling a six figure agency in just 90 days. This episode, part one from last week will provide you awesome insights on what it takes for an agency to go from struggling to being profitable. Let's dive in.

Justin 5:28
I also know that you know, people go through stuff, and it could be something like, you know, not related to business on why they're canceling. You know, it could be something personal life. So I try not to burn a bridge, there's only so many contractors in the area. And you know, so many contractors that you can get ahold of and buy leads from you. So I try not to burn that bridge. But at the same time, I don't back down. Because I know my product. I know what we're delivering. I listen to the calls, I know you made money off of this. And we have I made X amount. So yeah, I do to a certain extent, but just not like in a bad way.

Joe Troyer 6:30
One thing that we found, obviously, is that the difference in you know, the the roles beyond just getting the phone ringing in all local businesses is very different. very severe. The change, right? Like from it's 90% of their phone calls to like the opposite. They answer everyone, they book everyone, they upsell everyone, right, like, completely different. And so are you coaching them at all at like, I see, you're missing 30%? My average is missing? Maybe 10? I think you're probably you know, missing about 20% of, you know, the potential appointments that you guys could be having with the current calls? Like, do you go to that level of coaching?

Justin 7:09
Yeah, a lot of times how introduce that is like, hey, look at me, or, you know, put a certain caller ID or, you know, do you want text messages to as well, besides just email notice, whenever a call comes through.

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