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Joe Troyer

How to Get Out of Your Comfort Zone and Achieve Personal and Financial Growth with Joe Troyer

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Getting out of your comfort zone to achieve growth

Stepping out of your comfort zone is crucial for achieving financial and personal growth. While it’s natural to seek comfort and stability in life, staying within your comfort zone can hinder your entrepreneurial journey. Here’s why it’s important to break free and steps you can take to do so:

  1. Overcoming Complacency: When we have a comfortable life with our basic needs met, it’s easy to become complacent. However, true success lies beyond the boundaries of comfort. By venturing into the unknown, challenging ourselves, and embracing discomfort, we open doors to new opportunities and growth.
  2. Pushing Limits: Those who have hit rock bottom and managed to turn their lives around often attribute their success to being pushed out of their comfort zones. When faced with adversity, the motivation to change becomes stronger, propelling individuals to take action and make significant improvements in their financial situations.
  3. Embracing Discomfort: Stepping outside your comfort zone requires embracing discomfort and taking a new challenge and calculated risks. It means setting audacious goals that challenge your current abilities and expanding your horizons. By pushing yourself beyond what you thought possible, you pave the way for personal and financial growth.

Steps to Get Out of Your Comfort Zone:

  1. Self-Reflection: Recognize the need for change and growth. Understand that if you don’t leave your comfort zone, your potential and hinders financial progress. Reflect on your goals and aspirations to gain clarity on what you want to achieve.
  2. Embrace Fear: Fear often holds us back from taking risks. Acknowledge your fears but don’t let them paralyze you. Embrace fear as a sign of growth and use it as motivation to move forward. Understand that the greatest opportunities lie just beyond your comfort zone.
  3. Set Bold Goals: Define ambitious yet achievable goals that challenge you. These goals should stretch your capabilities and require you to learn new skills, acquire knowledge, and explore unfamiliar territory. Having clear objectives helps you stay focused and committed to stepping out of your comfort zone.
  4. Seek Support: Surround yourself with a supportive network of mentors, coaches, or like-minded individuals who encourage you to step outside your comfort zone. Their guidance and accountability can provide valuable insights and help you stay motivated during challenging times.
  5. Continuous Learning: Commit to lifelong learning and personal development. Embrace opportunities to acquire new skills, expand your knowledge, and stay ahead in your field. This not only enhances your capabilities but also boosts self-confidence when venturing into unfamiliar territory.
  6. Take Calculated Risks: Be willing to take calculated risks in pursuit of your goals. Understand that failure is a natural part of the learning process and a stepping stone to success. Embrace failures as valuable lessons that provide insights for future endeavors.
  7. Celebrate Progress: Recognize and celebrate every step taken outside your comfort zone, regardless of the outcome. Acknowledge the courage it takes to break free from familiarity, and use each experience—positive or negative—to learn and grow.

Remember, achieving personal and financial growth requires embracing discomfort, taking risks, and continuously challenging yourself. Stepping outside of your comfort zone opens up new possibilities and sets the stage for personal and financial transformation.

Show Notes

  • Being set up for failure as an entrepreneur in the United States
  • How success comes down to comfort zone and belief
  • How his friend’s business exploded after a crazy life circumstance
  • How wealthy entrepreneurs put themselves in a point of pain and vulnerability to drive financial growth

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I believe that all of us, in the United States, especially from the get-go, are set up for failure in terms of business, in terms of being an entrepreneur. Why? Because most of us have a pretty good life. How many would say that they have a good life? Right? You have water, you have food, you have transportation, right? Everything else, right? We're comfortable.

So why get out of your comfort zone? Why do something about it? Right, why make a change? Right, life is good. And that's problematic.

I think that success ultimately comes down to obviously having good training as a given, right. Having a path to follow is very helpful, but it really comes down to comfort zone and belief, comfort zone and belief. How many of you guys have seen somebody hit like absolute rock bottom and then completely turn their life around? Now they're super successful because of it. Have you guys seen that? Why did that happen? Right? They got pushed out of their comfort zone. Right? They had to do it. Okay, they had to do it. They were backed into a corner.

I have a friend that this happened probably, probably about five years ago, who owned a local marketing agency. And he was always doing well created a very good lifestyle business for himself. take home probably, you know, 10 grand a month and worked a couple days a week, right? But he was always talking about the next level. I'm going to do this, I'm going to do that I'm going to build a million-dollar business right and never did shit. Why? Because he was comfortable. Right? Unfortunately, in his life, but also kind of Fortunately, he got divorced. And he hit rock bottom. And guess what happened? Literally, in the course of three months, he built a $ 50,000-month business.

Why? Because again, He's he was in a place where he had to do something. He was so uncomfortable with the way that his life was. So he got out of his comfort zone, obviously, he was feeling a lot of pain, and he dropped $25,000 for coaching, right to make somebody make him believe that he could do it to make somebody kick him in the ass every single day. Now, I'm not saying you guys need to go drop $25,000 on some coaching, and I'm not pitching that here, by the way. Now he's doing 50,000 a month has an amazing lifestyle business. He's literally like surfing every day, maybe works three hours a day, doing 50 grand a month, and he's at about 80% profitability. Right has very few people in his team, right and as in is just working an amazing business. What I see a lot of times with entrepreneurs is that they're doing okay and then something in life happens and their pain threshold gets pushed so far. And then their little business just explodes. Right? Crazy, crazy breakthrough. Have you guys seen that or experienced that yourself?

What I usually see then, or a lot of times see then is that it explodes. But then they start coasting again. life gets comfortable again. Right? And the pain has left. They don't have that pain anymore, right? So now they're coasting again, and a lot of times I see people do that they did the bomb. Right? They fall and then things you know, the business takes a crap. And then it's like, they get extremely, extremely discomfortable. Right, and there's a lot of pain, and then they shoot back off again. Right? And then that just happens again and again and again. I want you guys to know that what I figured out is that extremely well off entrepreneurs that Make a whole lot of money always are able to put themselves in a point of being vulnerable and being in pain. And most of them are very competitive. And how a lot of them are able to put themselves in pain is they look at a friend or they look at somebody else and they look at what they're doing and they go What the fuck? If that guy can do it, right? Why can't I right, and they make their pain threshold increase yet again.

So, they come up for air. Let's say it's been three months. It's been six months. They're feeling proud of themselves. Yeah, I hit my goal and then they look over at their friend and go shit, right? I can do that head back down. They take the actions that they need. They're scared, right? They're motivated. Okay, they put themselves in that period of pain and guess what happens? Another period of x financial growth. You guys can think about this as well, I think about just being comfortable, right people, there's a million quotes online about stepping outside your comfort zone, right. And I think that's very, very similar. If you think about Olympians and how they train, right, they're always outside their comfort zone. That's why they're Olympians. That's why they're great, because they are always pushing themselves to the next level. So it makes sense.

I want to share with you guys the system that I've built, after finally being able to sit back to look at this from the thousand-foot view to zoom out so that I don't have to be in those crazy life circumstances to turn it on. To be able to really kick business up a notch right, and to have that explosive growth that I want.

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