5 Steps To Ranking Better Organically In Local Search

Ranking Better Organically In Local Search

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Joe Troyer: How do we rank better organically if we’re already ranking in Google Maps? John basically has a client that ranks number one organically, locally. I’m sorry, ranks number one in Maps in Colorado for the niche that they’re in. They rank in Maps really, really, really good. They don’t rank very well and for very many keywords though, when it comes to just Google organic. Okay?

Joe Troyer: I put together five tips here after reviewing his site and that all of you guys can use to rank better organically.

Joe Troyer: First and foremost, I found that the site doesn’t have an AP placement, meaning that in the footer of the site and on every page, you don’t see the name of the business, the address, the phone number. I would even go as far as to put a map embed of the location from Google in every single page. Put that all in the footer, put it all together. I would put it somewhere in the footer.

Joe Troyer: The other thing that I saw, number two, and that I see often and very, very, very often is that there were no locations included in the title text. Yes, by all means, if they’re going after Denver in Colorado, like Denver is on the homepage, somewhere it says Denver, founded in Denver in 1968, but we got to make it easy for Google and we need to optimize for Google. We need this in the title tags. We need this in the heading tags, the H1s, the H2s, the H3s, et cetera, on the page. We need it mentioned a couple times on the page. But like MVP here, at least get it in the fricking title tags. That is the easiest. When I go do a search, for example, for Denver and the niche, I don’t see them ranking very well because Denver isn’t in the title tag. Google is having to figure out that out themselves.

Joe Troyer: Next up, and we talked about this earlier, is build out city specific landing pages. If you’re a dentist in Denver, build out dentist in Denver, suburbs, and other cities that you go after on that website. Big, big 80/20 here. This is really going to move the needle.

Joe Troyer: Next up is all those pages that you build and all the pages that you optimize, a lot of people overlook those, but you got to ensure that these pages that they stay indexed because if they don’t stay indexed, they can’t …

Joe Troyer: Obviously, if you can’t rank in Google, then why did you do it in the first place? This seems obvious. This seems like, duh, Troyer, what the hell are you talking about? But at the end of the day, I see so many agencies, and so many marketers, and so many local businesses where a 10th of their site is indexed and the other 90% isn’t. If it’s not indexed, I just have a question. Why the hell did you even build the other pages? If you’re not trying to market those pages, why’d you even build them? What’s the point? Probably isn’t one, right? Make sure that you got a process to keep track of the pages that you want ranked and what keywords you want them ranked for, and then check the index thing all the time. Do a monthly audit for your clients or for yourself to make sure that those things stay indexed.

Joe Troyer: Then last but not least, in this example, all that was really missing was a good, high quality handful of links. I would be looking at building 20 to 30 very high quality, domain authority, 20 plus, 30 plus links. This website would sing. It would absolutely sing. These five tips would make quite literally all the difference in the world.




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