The Top 6 Reasons Agency’s & Freelancers Sell Pay Per Call

Reasons Agency's & Freelancers Sell Pay Per Call

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Joe Troyer: Why do you want to be in Pay Per Call? I want to get some feedback from you guys. Okay. Of all the different services that you could sell, of all the different offerings that you could sell, from SEO, to PPC, to social media, to retargeting, to pay per click, to reviews. There is a lot of options for things that you could sell. As an agency, as an entrepreneur, why are you interested in Pay Per Call? Why do you want to be in Pay Per Call? I’m curious to hear your guys’ take on it. I have my reasons, after being in the industry since 2008, 2009, I guess. Roughly ten years. But I’m sure I have a little bit of a different perspective than you.

Joe Troyer: Easier to explain to a prospect. Okay, I like that one, Scott. Hey, Scott, [inaudible] good to see you bros.

Joe Troyer: Okay. Faster results. Quantifiable results. Yeah.

Joe Troyer: Okay, so obviously it can get hard sometimes getting trapped in lingo and all the different vernacular that we use as marketers each and every day, and when people don’t understand that, AKA our prospects and our customers, that can be very difficult. It can be much of a learning curve, or a lot of a learning curve.

Joe Troyer: All right, [inaudible] says because I’m in the telling niche and Pay Per Call is ideal in my niche. Okay, so for you it’s more about you have figured out a niche, you’ve got the traffic, now it’s what’s the best offer for the traffic? That’s interesting. All right.

Joe Troyer: All right, here we go. Duplicatable if in a single niche. Once you do the work, once, it’s somewhat easy to be able to pick it up and move it to another city, another city, another city.

Joe Troyer: Easier to scale. Feels good to give a contractor a good lead that makes them money. Definitely agree with that.

Joe Troyer: Very easy to set up, yup, yup.

Joe Troyer: Because it’s the easiest to sell. Okay.

Joe Troyer: Pay Per Call gets customers coming in very quickly. It’s what everybody wants, results. It’s a win win.

Joe Troyer: What’s up, what’s up? Good to see you, good to see you, Jeff.

Joe Troyer: I got two clients in the towing niche very quickly. Fast results. We can provide immediate results versus waiting.

Joe Troyer: Low risk for the clients. All right. Great.

Joe Troyer: All right, here we go. I’m surprised it took this long to get to. All right, owning the lead gen properties. Basically owning assets. At the end of the day, for me I thought this would have came a lot earlier in the conversation. This is why I wanted to kind of talk through a lot of these points with you guys, because my opinions may be a little different than you guys. Being in the industry so long, and also just my point of view versus yours, right? Can be different.

Joe Troyer: At the end of the day, one of the biggest reasons that I got into Pay Per Call is owning assets. For me it’s just the simple idea that once I get something set up, I can replicate it over and over and over. That’s the first thing, but the second thing is that if a client left me, let’s say that I was working in the roofing niche and in Jacksonville. If I was getting leads in Jacksonville for roofing, and a client left me, I didn’t have to go get a client from scratch and then start doing fulfillment from scratch again. And that’s what would happen with PPC or SEO. Instead, I just go find a new client and I say, “Look at what I’m doing. This is what I was doing for X, Y, Z, and I sell them the existing lead volume and lead flow that I already have built. Because of that, I’m not starting from scratch again.

Joe Troyer: Okay, good stuff. Do, do, do. Easier to show ROI. Seems more ethical. Don’t have to babysit quite so much.

Joe Troyer: Aaron says, “My biggest obstacle is getting the most money per lead.” We are going to crush that today, Aaron. All right, great.

Joe Troyer: We’re going to keep layering on here. I tried to take all the questions that I thought that you guys would have when I was planning out this webinar, and I tried to put them in a logical sequence, where we’re going through some basics and we keep stacking and stacking and stacking.




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