Inside The Affiliate Lab: A Review of Matt Diggity’s Affiliate Marketing Course

affiliate lab review

The Affiliate Lab by Matt Diggity is an online course that focuses on teaching affiliate marketing strategies, particularly for niche websites and SEO (search engine optimization) tactics.

Matt Diggity is well-known in the SEO and affiliate marketing community, and his course is highly regarded for its comprehensive approach to building profitable affiliate sites.

In this review, we’ll explore the factors contributing to the popularity of Affiliate Lab and why it remains a preferred option for individuals looking to elevate their affiliate marketing game.

ℹ️ The Affiliate Labiis an in-depth affiliate marketing training program from highly respected industry leader Matt Diggity.

😍 What We Love: iIn depth training, engaged community, frequent updates

🙁 What We Don't Like: No refunds

💰 Price: The course is priced at $997 or can be paid in two installments of $597 each.

Bottom Line: Solid option for those who want to level up their affiliate marketing skills

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Table Of Contents

What Are the Best Platforms For Selling Digital Products?

The Affiliate Lab - One of The Best

We’ve gone all-in on exploring the realm of affiliate marketing courses, sifting through the hits and the misses. Following thorough research, we’re downright convinced that The Affiliate Lab holds its ground among the elite. Whether you’re just starting out or a seasoned affiliate marketer, this course packs a punch with its value

What is The Affiliate Lab?

The Affiliate Lab is a comprehensive online course tailored for individuals keen on mastering the intricacies of affiliate marketing.

With a focus on niche websites and SEO strategies, The Affiliate Lab offers a step-by-step blueprint for building profitable affiliate sites from scratch.

Through in-depth tutorials, case studies, and actionable insights, participants learn how to effectively research, create, and optimize affiliate sites to maximize their earning potential.

With its emphasis on practical techniques and real-world examples, The Affiliate Lab equips aspiring affiliate marketers with the knowledge and tools needed to succeed in this highly competitive space.

Your Revenue Road Map with The Affiliate Lab


The Affiliate Lab guides you in generating online income through content websites, focusing on affiliate marketing where you earn commissions for successful sales or referrals.

Specializing in niche websites or blogs, The Affiliate Lab helps drive traffic and conversions by crafting tailored, valuable content.

Imagine running a gardening blog where you share insights on plant care. Through strategic affiliate partnerships, you can recommend quality gardening equipment and earn commissions.

Once your site gains traction, The Affiliate Lab helps you potentially sell it for profit, offering limitless possibilities for online income generation.


Who Can Benefit from The Affiliate Lab?

Affiliate Lab is ideal for individuals who are interested in learning and mastering affiliate marketing to generate income online. It Caters to:

Beginner SEOs

Novice SEOs who are ready to take a shortcut to learning advanced SEO practices.

Advanced SEOs

Individuals seeking to enhance their SEO expertise and explore advanced techniques such as strategic linking, problem-solving, and monetization will find The Affiliate Lab invaluable

SEOs That Gave Up

If you’ve attempted other methods without success, it’s likely due to misinformation. In The Affiliate Lab, there’s no guesswork or theory; all strategies are derived from real tests and concrete data.

Client SEOs

Those aiming to expand their passive income streams through affiliate marketing will find The Affiliate Lab very beneficial.

Lone Wolf SEOs

SEO professionals working independently who are interested in joining an advanced SEO community.

Total Newbies

Complete beginners who have never built a website.

About The Founder - Matt Diggity Review


Matt Diggity is a well respected figure in the SEO community, known for his extensive experience and proven expertise.

As the founder of Diggity Marketing, Leadspring LLC, The Search Initiative, Affiliate Builders, and The Affiliate Lab, he has played a pivotal role in shaping the landscape of affiliate marketing and search engine optimization.

Furthermore, Matt’s leadership extends to organizing the prestigious Chiang Mai SEO Conference, a gathering renowned for its insights and networking opportunities.

His multifaceted ventures and unparalleled success as an affiliate marketer have solidified Matt’s position as one of the most influential figures in the industry.

Trusted by countless professionals, his courses and guidance are sought after by those striving for excellence in digital marketing.

👉Check out our list of the Best Affiliate Marketers


Diggity Marketing Review

Diggity Marketing is a prominent company in the digital marketing industry, specializing in affiliate marketing and search engine optimization (SEO).

Known for its data-driven approach, the company provides a range of services including SEO consulting, SEO testing, affiliate marketing strategies, and link-building services.

Matt Diggity’s extensive experience and expertise in the field have positioned Diggity Marketing as a trusted authority for businesses looking to improve their online presence and revenue through effective SEO and affiliate marketing practices.

What The Experts are Saying About Matt

“If I were to build an SEO site empire, Matt would be one of the very few people I’d go for advice.”

Tim Soulo, Ahrefs

“Matt brings clarity to the noisy SEO world.”

Lorenzo Green,
Affiliate World Conferences

“One of the most effective SEOs I’ve ever met.”

Cyrus Sheppard,

My Conversation with Matt on Show Me The Nuggets

Matt Diggity was the first ever guest on my podcast. 

To this date, that very interview has the highest number of downloads and views for the show. We talked about how to generate 5 figures a month with affiliate SEO.

Talking with Matt left a lasting impression on me. The valuable insights he shared sheds light on why he’s such a prominent figure in the industry.

Here’s that interview:

What Students of The Affiliate Lab are Saying

The feedback from students of The Affiliate Lab has been overwhelmingly positive.

Many commend the course for its comprehensive approach to affiliate marketing, noting its practical strategies and actionable insights.

Students appreciate the depth of knowledge shared by Matt Diggity and the real-world examples provided throughout the course.

Additionally, they highlight the supportive community and ongoing updates as valuable assets.

Overall, The Affiliate Lab is praised for delivering tangible results and empowering students to succeed.

Here are few examples of what they’re saying:

Here are few examples of what they're saying:

A Sneak Peak into The Affiliate Lab

Inside The Affiliate Lab, you’ll find over 24 hours of in-depth training. Each lesson is presented in video format and supplemented with concise text summaries for easy reference.

Leading the training are two primary instructors: Matt Diggity and SEO expert Jay Yap.

Here’s a sneak peek of what you’ll inside the course:

The Affiliate Lab Core Training

Course Curriculum

You’ll also get a good amount of bonuses:

Bonus Courses

How Much Does The Affiliate Lab Cost?

Gain lifetime access to Affiliate Lab for $997 with a one-time payment or opt for two payments of $597.

Keep in mind, implementing the course’s strategies may require a budget.

Depending on your approach, expenses can range from as low as $10-20 per month if you handle everything independently, to potentially $1000 per month if you choose to invest in SEO tools and outsourcing.

Get Your $200 Discount

You can get 200 dollars off by clicking on right here

The Affiliate Lab and Some Alternatives

After looking into many affiliate marketing courses, we found that The Affiliate Lab is among the best. There are other good options out there, too. We’ve put together a list of The Best Affiliate Marketing Courses to suit different needs and preferences.

Here’s a peek at what we found:

🏆Overall, The Authority Site System is the most complete and best for newbies to affiliate marketing

🥋Affiliate Lab is the best affiliate marketing program for advanced training.

 😎 Authority Hacker Pro is the best afiiliate marketing resource for seasoned entrepreneurs

The Affiliate Lab Pros and Cons

Here’s a rundown of the things that we love and didn’t like about The Affiliate Lab


We have a deep appreciation for The Affiliate Lab in its entirety. While it lacks a refund policy, we’re confident that its quality won’t disappoint.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are The Main Skillsets You'll Learn in The Training?

You’ll learn effective strategies for ranking in competitive niches, maximize your website’s monetization potential, and access a set of resources to guide you through any challenges you encounter.

Are There Any Additional Costs to Taking This Course?

One of the great advantages of affiliate content businesses lies in their flexibility regarding costs.

If you prefer a hands-on approach, you can manage everything yourself, from content creation to website hosting, with minimal expenses, typically around $10 per month.

However, for those aiming to scale more rapidly, investing in SEO tools, quality guest posting services, and content assistance can accelerate growth. This approach may range from $200 to $1000 per month.

Ultimately, the choice between a DIY approach (recommended for beginners) and faster scaling with assistance (recommended for experienced SEOs) depends on your preferences and goals

Is the Course Suited for Advanced SEOs?

A big YES. Numerous seasoned affiliates now consider The Affiliate Lab as one of the best affiliate marketing resources in the space and have made it their go-to standard operating procedure.

Wrap Up

Our recommendation for The Affiliate Lab extends to both beginners and advanced SEO practitioners.

Its comprehensive instruction is designed to accommodate various skill levels effectively.

Matt Diggity is known for his quality and reliability, you can expect top-notch content and guidance.

Plus, enrolling through our link offers a $200 discount, making it an even better investment



Joe Troyer

Joe Troyer is the Founder of Digital Triggers. He is leading expert in all things Internet Marketing: Pay Per Click Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Google Business, Reputation Management, Landing Page Conversion, and Call Tracking.

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