The Best AI Generator Text Tools in 2024

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Nowadays, in any job we do, writing plays a fundamental role, and even more so if the job is remote because many of them require the art of writing.

It is a fact that technology is advancing too fast, and this includes the growing use of AI. However, we must adapt and flow with the new modalities, which is why remote workers have opted for the use of AI text generator tools, as they help in the creation of content and customer service, among others.

Here we will show you the best and most used AI text generator tools in 2024.

What Is an AI Text Generator Tool?

In short, it is a kind of software called an AI text generator that creates text by utilizing artificial intelligence.


How Does the AI Text Generator Work?

AI text generators operate by analyzing existing text using cutting-edge NLP algorithms and then producing new text that is comparable to the original in both style and content. Using the patterns it has discovered from the training data, the language model can generate sentences and paragraphs that are remarkably coherent, fluid, and similar in style and content as it continues to produce new material.

The backend of 95% of these AI writing tools is made up of large language models (LLMs). The best part of these applications is that they are just GPT-3 and GPT-4 API wrappers connected to OpenAI, with a few more capabilities added on top.

What Makes the Best AI Text Generator?

Some aspects make a text easy to read and sound human-like.

Tools powered by GPT:

A language model with a track record of success

The possibility to manipulate text output:

It is best if you have as many options as possible for deciding on the tone, language, style, and other aspects of the work.

Easy to use

Excellent support documentation and smooth onboarding were both considerable advantages.


It will be free or have a reasonable price.

Without spam content

Content could be generated by simply changing words with their synonyms.

What Is AI Generated-Text Used For?

AI-generated text can be used for a wide range of tasks, such as summarizing text documents, producing blog posts and social media updates, emails, developing descriptions for photos, translating text between languages, project briefs, meeting notes, or other content.


AI Text Generator and AI Writer: Are They the Same?

Originally, they were the same. On the one hand, an AI text generator is used in a general way because you can edit, correct, create, etc. On the other hand, AI writers focus on those tools used only for writing, like texts, articles, stories, and poems, among others.

AI Text Generator Tools to Use in 2024

If you are seeking an AI text generator tool in 2024, you have come to the perfect place. A content generator can assist you in creating fascinating text, publishing blog articles much more quickly, and taking some of the slow-paced typing out of writing.

Here are some useful tools to use in 2024:

  1. Jasper

It excels at producing top-notch material of any length that can be altered to best reflect your brand voice.


  1. Surfer

It may assist you in creating an outline, a content strategy, coming up with fresh article ideas, analyzing your current material, and making suggestions for improvements. It makes greater use of AI to comprehend your content goals and keyword usage.

  1. GrammarlyGO

Although Grammarly is most known for its AI grammar checker, its creators have recently advanced the technology by including a GPT-powered text generator.

  1. Writesonic

It’s one of the few apps that lets you explicitly choose which GPT version to use while producing text. GPT-4 words are more expensive than GPT-3 words. However, for the highest quality content, it may be worth it.

  1. Copysmith

It can create product listings quickly and effortlessly. It can save you a ton of time if you list dozens or even hundreds of products on various marketplaces.

  1. Growthbar

It can scan Google results to produce blog posts and other online copy recommendations that are SEO-optimized for your business.

  1. Copy AI

You can create copy for everything from business emails to Instagram posts using more than 90 templates. Its purposefully question-based process is excellent for swiftly producing high-quality prose.

  1. Longshot

LongShot is an AI writer tool for creating blogs. With its FactGPT and fact-checking tools, you may create material on recent events and make sure your blog entries are factually correct.

  1. Simplified

Is an AI text generator that incorporates an integrated social media planner, AI-powered video and image editing, and text generation.

  1. Anyword

Any word is comparable to a somewhat capable underling who needs some micromanagement. The editor encourages you to direct the AI through the text-generating process rather than entering a single prompt and setting it free. It’s ideal for producing lengthy content, like blog posts.

  1.  Scalenut

Another complete SEO tool is Scalenut, in which you can utilize the content creator’s many tools to design your content and conduct keyword research. But you can also use AI to generate blogs entry, website copy, social media postings, and whatever else you require.

  1. Copymatic

You may directly create lengthy blog posts and articles utilizing its long-form AI content creator by following several steps. It is a great method for producing content with several thousand words.

  1. Sudowrite

One of the few fiction-specific AI writing generators is Sudowrite, and it does a fantastic job. In place of creating your tale for you, it’s AI capabilities like Describe and Brainstorm provide you with a writing partner with whom you may exchange ideas and receive some advice. It’s worth looking at for fiction authors.

  1. Hypotenuse AI

With just a few keywords Hypotenuse AI can create a complete blog entry, product listing, or social media post. One feature that makes it stand out is its batch production tools, which let you use AI to create product listings and SEO copy in mass.


  1. Paragraph AI

Your phone’s keyboard now features GPT-powered text production thanks to AI writer. You can generate text while you are on the road and swiftly respond to texts, emails, and other correspondence with AI responses.

  1. Rytr

One of the top AI text generators for beginners, amateurs, and hobbyists is Rytr. It’s substantially less expensive than some of the business-focused apps and, although less polished, produces results that are just as good because it uses the same AI models.

  1. Ink

Another comprehensive content marketing platform with AI text production is INK. From the same web interface, you can utilize AI to study keywords, discover related keywords, and create a copy.

  1. Chibi

It is employed to generate whatever type of text you like. However, it also has a community website where you can interact with the creators and other users, ask questions, receive assistance with prompts, and participate in challenges.

  1. Notion AI

Used to create first drafts, summarize the notes, improve language and spelling, and even brainstorm ideas.

  1. Smart Copy (Unbounce)

It is a powerful AI text generator used as a stand-alone to speed up the creation of single-page marketing sites, its best performance comes when combined with Unbounce.

  1. Neuraltext

Another AI with great integrated SEO tools is NeuralText. Its finest feature is the 20 free tools you use without creating an account.

  1. Mem

It stands out since it can access the notes you have saved on the platform. Therefore, the text created can be much more tailored to you and your requirements.

  1. Outranking

One of the most effective SEO tools is outranking. In addition to its AI writing features, it can produce content briefs tailored to your company.

  1. Frase

Frase is a potent SEO research tool with an integrated AI text generator. This implies that you can uncover valuable article ideas, create an outline, and then use AI to help you write them all within the same app.

  1. Storylab AI

One of the simplest and most economical GPT-powered tools is StoryLab AI if all you want is a straightforward way to get AI to generate text. It can help you develop blog title suggestions, essay topics, social media captions, and more.

  1. Writer

One of the few AI-generated texts without GPT is Writer. Instead, it has a unique Palmyra LLM that was trained just on business-relevant data. It can also be further trained using data from your own company, fully meeting the AI requirements of your organization.

27. Vondy

The AI Story Generator, part of Vondy AI apps platform, harnesses advanced AI algorithms to produce captivating, human-like narratives from user prompts. Featuring a simple interface, it allows customization of length, tone, and style, revolutionizing storytelling for writers and content creators seeking new ideas and storylines.



Instead of just creating text, Wordtune uses AI to make your writing better. It works incredibly well for changing the formality or informality, length, or style of something like an email. It also connects with Google Docs and Microsoft Word (through the Chrome extension), allowing you to use it in any software you like to write in.


Why Should You Use a Text Generator?

If you are not a good writer (because not everyone comes naturally to writing) you do not need to search your mind, your friends, and online resources for inspiration. You can earn money with with AI writing software. You don’t have to be a seasoned author to produce intriguing works. So a quick way to make sure you can produce something with the least amount of work is to generate text. The text creation engine consolidates that laborious effort into a single text. Your text will be generated and available for use or editing with only a few clicks, saving you time, effort, and stress. Utilizing the text generation tool can also you in learning and developing your creativity.

What Content Can a Text Generator Write?

Can create any kind of text in any language. You may use it to create blogs, articles, novels, and essays. A more detailed description of what the writer can create is provided below. It can also be a great inspiration, breaking through writer’s block, providing fresh concepts, and producing unexpected results.

Is There a Free AI Text Generator?

Yes. There are some of them such as:

  • HiveMind: It can help you plan strategic objectives, manage projects, write articles, and reply to correspondence.
  • WordAi: It employs natural language technologies to produce information of human quality, making it seem more distinctive and expert. It is also available in a variety of languages.
  • Quillbot: Quillbot is an AI writer tool that allows users to create great material quickly and also it tailored content automatically using a mighty algorithm.
    • Give readers dependable and engaging reading expertise.
    • Improve your brand’s degree of engagement with potential customers.
  • GPT-3: Creating material from scratch based on user suggestions enables users to write articles and blog posts that sound more natural and have fewer grammatical errors.


  • Automated Insights: This AI writ tool uses technology for natural language processing to produce data insights.
  • Lumar: This assists consumers in producing material that is search engine-friendly.
  • Byword: This is a solution that enables you to write articles produced by AI at scale and of high quality. With just a few clicks, you can quickly build SEO-optimized articles by uploading hundreds of keywords or titles.


AI text generator is an excellent writing tool, as it helps you to create any text or even improve any text with its various uses, such as writing in any language as well as editing and proofreading. As well as free AI writers, you can also find paid ones.



Joe Troyer

Joe Troyer is the Founder of Digital Triggers. He is leading expert in all things Internet Marketing: Pay Per Click Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Google Business, Reputation Management, Landing Page Conversion, and Call Tracking.

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