8 Proven Ways to Make Money With AI Writing Software

8 Proven Ways to Make Money With AI Writing Software

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Everyone is talking about artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning. From tech experts to business leaders and company owners, people still have questions about what AI means for our lives, companies, and jobs.

While there are many aspects of AI are still being explored and defined, today’s businesses and freelancers are already seeing the potential of this technology in changing how they operate, market, and sell products and services.

If you’re ready to earn money with AI, this article will help you answer all your questions. Following the proper steps, starting an AI-based business can be as simple as 1-2-3 — no matter your experience level or technological expertise.

What is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial intelligence is the simulation of human intelligence using machine learning processes.

We use AI widely in new technologies, some of its applications are expert systems, natural language processing, speech recognition, machine vision, and writing software.

Artificial intelligence can learn from experience using iterative processing and algorithmic training.

You can think of AI as a form of intelligence used to solve problems, come up with solutions, answer questions, make predictions, or offer strategic suggestions (source).

Because AI can do all these things, it is fundamental to modern businesses and industries.

Can I Earn Money With AI?

Yes, you can! Otherwise, we wouldn’t be here. AI writing tools have become popular in recent years, powered by the growth of social media sites and the constant need for relevant, engaging, and updated content.

Artificial intelligence software is present in the writing industry and other related fields, which increases your possibilities of making an income using it. For now, we will focus on AI writing.

8 Ways to Make Money Using AI

There are various options to make money writing with the help of AI. It all depends on your interest and talents. We build up a list of what we consider the most profitable options for you.

Become a Freelance Copywriter

There are many benefits to becoming a freelance copywriter. The most relevant is the freedom to work from anywhere, including your home.

Copywriting is a versatile skill used in a variety of industries.

You can use it to create marketing materials, website content, or even advertising. In addition, copywriting can help you build a strong resume and get the job you want.

If you have used AI software before and have experience creating content this could be your best option for making money using AI.

Decide what type of copywriting you want to pursue, choose the software to enhance your natural skills, and go and market your services.

Artificial intelligence will make the writing process so simple that you will see the results shortly.

Get Paid to Do Keyword Research

One way to benefit from AI is to sell keyword research and let Artificial intelligence do your research.

Using AI, you can easily find the right keywords, generate content ideas and then use them to write content that is highly relevant to your client’s target audience.

You can also use AI to help rank your content for search engines and position your services to get more clients.

Improve Existing Content

If you are already a freelance writer another way to make money is to offer a new service to your clients. Offer to improve their content using AI.

To improve the content, think about using tools to improve grammar, tone, and sentence structure.

Use assistants like Grammarly or Hemingway App. They both will improve your text with only a couple of clicks.

Use SEO auditing software to ensure you consistently rank and set your new business!

Begin or Improve Your Blog

Finding new ideas to write a post or starting a blog can be challenging, but AI can assist you with your efforts.

With AI writing software it is easy to identify topics for blogs and articles. All you need to do is feed your subject into the software. It will instantly provide a list of related keywords.

Artificial intelligence saves you the time you would spend on online research and provides a topic that will attract readers because it will explore a relevant and trendy subject.

Create AI to Help with Your Writing Workflow

A professional content writer constantly seeks new ways to improve the writing workflow. One impressive way to do it is by making custom tools to enhance your writing process.

There are several approaches, but we suggest you create templates or plugins people can use with popular AI Writing Software and tools.

This method may need a more technical approach, but it is a win-win situation. You can make money while helping others to improve their writing workflow.

Create an Online Course on Using AI Writing Software

In case you are thinking of a more passive income, you can create an online course about using AI writing software.

Think about it! Once you have created the course, you can enjoy the fruits over time. High-quality online courses that provide value to the students may be a successful strategy to make money as the number of students grows.

It’s a fascinating approach to how to make money with AI writing software.

Start a Podcast About Using AI Writing Software

Another excellent way to make money with AI writing software is by creating a podcast about it!

Recording and editing episodes is a lot of work, but once you have a few episodes together, you can set and forget it! Building a steady audience for your Podcast can enable you to sell merchandise or market other products to enhance your income potential.

Create Video Scripts For Content Creators

AI writing helps you create a wide range of content. You can create scripts for youtube videos for other content creators.

There is a vast market for youtube scripts because it is an activity that is tiresome and time-consuming.

Create scripts using AI writing software to speed up your writing process. Some AI writing tools (like Jasper AI) have custom templates for different types of videos to create flawless scripts efficiently.

This is our list of the eight proven ways to make more money using AI writing software. But let’s take a look at some of the most common questions about AI in writing so you have a better understanding of it.

Is AI Writing Worth It?

AI-powered writers can help you speed up the writing process. Whether for your own website or to sell your service to others, it is a wise investment. However, like most things in life, there are pros and cons.

The main reason for the popularity of AI writing is the ability to create and publish more high-quality content in less time and with less effort. This increased productivity comes with a lack of human touch.

The accuracy and natural flow of your writing can also be affected. So Rely on technology, but don’t leave the human hand out of the process.

Which AI Tool Is Best for Content Writing?

In case you are a newcomer to internet marketing, we provide you with a list of the top AI software for writing engaging and converting content.

Jasper AI

This AI powered tool instantly generates texts for emails, ads, websites, listings, blogs & more. To write better-optimized content faster Jasper AI is for you.

Surfer SEO

Rank your content in search engine results. As you enter keywords into the Surfer Content Editor, you will see related keywords used to rank your content higher.

Surfer SEO also shows recommended densities for all these keywords, making it easier for you to create SEO-optimized content for your blog.


This free AI writing assistant (paid version has premium features) helps you deliver accurate texts by checking on your grammar (fix typos, spelling mistakes, and grammatical errors) and the tone of voice in your writing.

Grammarly is also available as a Google extension, so you can check while you write on all your sites.


Prepostseo is a platform that offers multiple AI-based writing tools. Its paraphrasing tool is prominently used to optimize and uplift the caliber of different types of writing, such as emails, articles, marketing blogs, etc.

When a text is passed through the Prepostseo AI paraphraser, it revamps the words, phrases, and sentences to make the content SEO optimized, unique, and engaging.

Can Google Detect AI Writing?

Yes, Google can spot AI writing. Google detects the quality of the content, and recently released a guideline stating that they consider AI-written content spam.

However, if you pay attention to the quality and relevance of your content, you can benefit from these tools.

Check your AI content to see if it is informative and well-written. Check it also for plagiarism, and you will be safe.

Will AI Take Over Writers?

Though there have been remarkable improvements in Artificial Intelligence and machine in recent years, it’s still in its early stages. They still can not replace the uniqueness of human creativity. They are tools to help you, not to replace you.

Final thoughts

AI software is fundamental to enhancing your writing while making or increasing your income. Discover the way to use it in your agency or think about starting a new business to make extra income in your spare time. Save time using AI wisely and a whole world of possibilities will open for you, your brand, and your business.



Joe Troyer

Joe Troyer is the Founder of Digital Triggers. He is leading expert in all things Internet Marketing: Pay Per Click Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Google Business, Reputation Management, Landing Page Conversion, and Call Tracking.

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