How to Write Blog Posts Faster – Proven Strategies to Boost your Writing skills

how to write blog Posts Faster

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Just like racing cars, our lives are getting faster and faster, and sometimes it is hard to keep up the pace. Time management skills are more valuable than ever, but they are not enough.

This fast speed applies to every aspect of our lives, from personal to professional life we can feel the speed 24/7. The content creation industry is no stranger to this reality. Content creators understand the importance of writing high-quality blog posts faster.

Your writing process can be unique and personal, and what works for me may not work for you. Still, there are some tips and techniques you can incorporate into your process and customize as you prefer to ensure you speed up your content creation process to write your next blog post in record time without sacrificing the quality of your piece.

Read on to find out our best tips for writing blog posts faster.

Do Some Planning

We are so used to using our GPS that traveling without it can become an absolute nightmare, and before the advent of GPS technology, maps were a valuable resource to plan your next trip (though sometimes getting lost meant lots of fun). The same principle applies to blog writing.

A planned route helps you get to your destination faster and easier.

Find your Keywords

Finding your keywords and using them correctly can make the difference between a blog post that gets noticed by many and one that gets quickly overlooked.

The first step in finding appropriate keywords for your blog post is to research and identify which keywords are most often used by your target audience.

Looking for popular search terms related to your niche on Google is a place to start. The most efficient is using keyword research tools or analyzing your competitors.

Once you identify potential keywords, test them to check their popularity and understand the potential competition.

Use the keywords in your title, headings, and throughout the body of your post. When properly used, keywords help communicate the main points of your blog post to search engines, users, and other interested parties.

Build a Content Calendar

It is not a novelty but a step that content writers often forget or avoid. Writing blog posts becomes easier if you know what you are writing about. Planning takes the guesswork out of the way and helps you plan and think about the best sources for your research.

Your calendar is the map for all your blog post ideas for a specific period. Begin with your list of topics and then dive into the subtopics for that particular subject. For example, your main topic can be the best digital marketing tools, and your subtopics can be how to use Google Analytics for digital marketing, a review of the most popular social media marketing tools, an analysis of how artificial intelligence can be used for digital marketing, just to give you a few examples.

Corroborate that your calendar includes a list of topics, the creation dates, the resources, links, and keywords. Feel free to customize your calendar as needed.

Start with the end in mind

Know your destination, as well as the route. It is the moment to write your outline!

Outlining a blog post before writing helps you to organize your ideas and logically plan the structure of the post.

The outline of your blog post is an easy reference when writing the piece so that you know what information you need to include and how to organize it.

Additionally, an outline helps you identify possible gaps in your research or understanding of the subject you are writing.

The blog post outline is fundamental to creating a well-organized, comprehensive, and structured blog post fast.

Remember to break down the blog post into separate sections, each with its unique subtopics, to ensure you cover all the fundamental points of the topic.

Research Using a Timer

Making efficient use of your time is as important as organizing the topics and the structure of your writing. It is a common mistake to spend more time than necessary in the research stage and consequently waste more time without even noticing.

An excellent strategy to avoid procrastination in your writing because you are spending too long in your research phase is using a timer.

Unless you are writing a scientific or medical blog post, there is no need to spend too long in this phase. Use your outline to know the information you need and set a timer for efficient use of this resource.

Use your tools wisely

It is probably the part you were waiting for, tools! In the age of technology, there is a tool for almost anything, but you must use your tools wisely, especially with the current trend of AI writing tools.

AI writing software can be an excellent addition to the blog writer toolkit still, despite technological developments, they are tools to help you improve your writing, not to do the entire work for you.

Some tools that will help you write blog posts faster are the following.


Ahrefs is a powerful SEO tool that is invaluable for blog writing. Using Ahrefs, you can analyze the performance of your blog posts, see what content is performing best, and use that data to make your blog posts even better. You can also use Ahrefs to track keyword performance, monitor backlinks, and research competitors. Ahrefs also provides helpful advice to improve your blog content and make it more visible to search engines. Ahrefs is a great tool to help optimize your blog and guarantee it is as successful as possible.


Writing a blog post faster doesn’t mean being negligent with your blog article. Delivering the information in a clear and precise register and tone is fundamental for a quality blog post.

Grammarly is an AI-powered writing assistant and grammar checker that helps you write better and more accurately, no matter what write.

Ensure the quality of your entire blog post by checking your text for spelling and grammar mistakes as you write to produce clear text and write perfect blog posts consistently.

It also provides helpful tips and insights that can help you improve your writing skills. Grammarly helps identify and fix errors, eliminate typos and awkward phrasing, and verify your writing is clear and concise.

Surfer SEO

Surfer SEO is a tool for optimizing blog posts and articles for search engine ranking. It provides valuable insights into the content of your blog post, including keyword density, meta descriptions, and other important SEO factors.

It also gives feedback on how to structure the blog content and suggests related keywords to increase the search engine ranking of your blog post. Additionally, Surfer SEO can help you identify topics that are trending in your industry, allowing you to create content that will be more likely to rank.

Jasper AI

Jasper AI is a tool for writing high-quality blog content. Jasper has natural language processing capabilities that help it generate unique and relevant content you can use to create compelling blog posts.

It can also perform a wide range of tasks, such as researching topics, analyzing data, and optimizing content for SEO. Additionally, the AI-driven platform can identify themes or keywords to help writers gain more visibility on the web.

With its writing capabilities, Jasper AI can help writers create engaging and informative blog posts that capture the readers’ attention.

These are some favorites from my toolkit, but you can do your research to find the ones that adjust better to your blog writing process.

Write and Don’t Edit

Get your creative juices flowing and start writing. In this phase of your blog writing process, avoid editing, and focus solely on your writing. Shape your content using the blog outline you previously wrote, and write your blog post as it comes to your mind.

Write everything that comes to mind, and verify you include all the aspects you considered significant in your outline. It is a way to speed up your writing but also a strategy to generate ideas to improve or expand your content, let your creativity and ideas flow, and you’ll work on the details in the next phase.

Edit and Don’t Write

The following part of your content creation process has to focus on creating the perfect blog post. So this part is not about your creative side but about verifying that your solid outline becomes a quality blog post.

It is the moment to correct possible spelling mistakes and check your tone and writing flow to ensure you have a good blog post.

Investing your attention only in the edition process makes it easier to identify all the flaws in your piece because your attention is not divided between creating and editing.

Optimize for SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a crucial element of successful blog writing, as it enables content creators to maximize the reach of their blog posts and attract more readers.

Now that you have your piece make sure it ranks and gives your article visibility. You can use SEO optimization tools earlier in the writing process because they can help you craft a better-optimized outline by providing ideas on your topics and keywords.

Optimizing content for search engines helps to boost its rankings, giving the blog a greater chance of competing with other websites in the same field. Knowing how your site is ranking locally, using a local rank tracker, can be incredibly beneficial for businesses and bloggers alike, as higher rankings can lead to more traffic and more exposure for the blog

Work on your titles and visuals

It is the moment to beautify your blog post. You have already written and optimized your content, ensure that all your titles and subtitles are capitalized, and add some engaging and eye-catching images to make your blog post more attractive to your readers.

There are multiple resources on the internet for royalty-free images, some of the most popular are:

  • Pixabay
  • Unsplash
  • Picjumbo
  • Pexels
  • LibreShot

Remember, our brains interpret images better and faster than words. Adding the perfect amount of images can make a huge difference and determine a reader’s interest in your article.

Bonus Writing Tips

It is all about finding the right balance and discovering what works for you. If you feel you can use other tools to write a blog post faster consider the following writing tips.

  • Use blog post templates when possible.
  • Don’t write from an expert point of view because finding the information to back up your ideas may take longer than expected. Write from a learner’s point of view and share your findings with your readers.
  • Avoid distractions. Writing requires a fair amount of concentration. A time management strategy like the Pomodoro technique can help you make the most of your time, and it can also help you avoid burnout.
  • Leveraging AI tools can boost productivity and organization, improving writing planning skills.


How many hours should it take to write a blog post?

Every process is different and unique. Skilled writers can create a great blog post in about four hours. We are talking about understandable and optimized content for general content and basic and comprehensible information.

If you are not an expert in the area you are writing for, or you want to write a more in-depth piece and include the most updated data the entire process can take up to 8 hours.

Considering that organization is fundamental to shortening your writing time, ensure to have a clear workflow and follow it step by step. However, don’t be too hard on yourself. Take the time to test different approaches until you find what works best for you.

What is the 80/20 rule in blogging?

The 80/20 Rule, or Pareto Principle, states that “for many events, roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes”. This concept can be applied to blogging by observing that roughly 80% of the blog’s success (traffic, shares, etc.) is generated by 20% of the content.

For example, a blog may have published 10 blog posts, but two of those posts are generating 80% of the overall traffic to the blog. This indicates that the two posts are the most popular, and they should be the focus of the blog’s content strategy.

The other eight posts are still valuable, but they aren’t having the same impact as the top two, so they should be given less priority.

The 80/20 Rule can also be useful when creating content. It’s important to focus on topics that are likely to generate the most engagement and traffic. For example, a blog may focus on two main topics such as health and productivity, but the blog should focus most of its content on the topic that is more popular.

By following the 80/20 Rule, a blog can optimize its content to focus on the topics that generate the most success, and thus maximize the impact of the blog overall.

How often should I post on my blog?

Creating an effective content strategy for your blog requires careful consideration of your audience and the topics that you plan to write about. Generally speaking, posting once or twice a week is a good frequency to set for yourself. If you’re posting more often than that, be sure to only post quality content that is relevant to your audience. Additionally, be sure to vary the topics and formats of your posts to keep them engaging and prevent your readers from becoming bored.

Wrapping Up

Writing blog posts is a very rewarding experience, sharing information and your point of view with a worldwide audience is a unique experience. But it can be a time-consuming task, especially at the beginning. We tried to give you our best tips on how to write a blog post faster but other external factors can influence your writing speed.

Try our tips, include your strategies, and customize your writing process to end up with a perfect blog post every time.

Thanks for reading! Share your strategies and tips for amazing blog articles in the comments section.



Joe Troyer

Joe Troyer is the Founder of Digital Triggers. He is leading expert in all things Internet Marketing: Pay Per Click Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Google Business, Reputation Management, Landing Page Conversion, and Call Tracking.

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