Project 24 System by Income School Review

Project 24 by Income School is an online course for individuals looking to build a successful digital business.

Known for its straightforward and practical approach, this program has garnered positive feedback from beginners and experienced marketers alike.

In this review, we’ll explore what makes Project 24 a go-to choice for individuals aiming to generate passive income through blogging and YouTube, and how it stands out in the crowded field of online business courses.

ℹ️ Project 24 is comprised of courses focused on building profitable websites or YouTube channels

😍 What We Love: multiple courses bundles, accounts of student achievements, exceptional community atmosphere

🙁 What We Don't Like: no refund policy

💰 Price: $499 for the initial year, then $299 annually, or alternatively, $29.99 per month

Bottom Line: effective instruction tailored for novice bloggers or YouTubers

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Table Of Contents

What Are the Best Platforms For Selling Digital Products?

Top Affiliate Marketing Courses

After reviewing several affiliate marketing courses, we’ve found that Project 24 really knows its stuff when it comes to affiliate marketing. But there are plenty of other solid choices available too.

We’ve put together a list of The Best Affiliate Marketing Courses to suit various needs and preferences.

Here’s a preview of what we discovered:

What is Project 24?

Project 24, a brainchild of Jim Harmer and Ricky Kesler, is a online training initiative tailored to empower individuals in crafting thriving niche websites and YouTube channels for generating passive income.

Over the span of 24 months, this meticulously crafted program furnishes a comprehensive roadmap, ushering participants from ground zero to a realm of sustainable online earnings.

The training emphasis of the program is on the creation of premium content, mastery of SEO intricacies, and adept utilization of diverse monetization avenues. It’s one of the better affiliate marketing resources in the market.

Your Revenue Road Map with Project 24

Project 24 teaches two primary methods for making money online:

Blogging System

You’ll be give a omprehensive guide comprising 60 steps, this blueprint outlines the process of establishing a niche website, fine-tuning it for optimal SEO performance, crafting valuable content, and integrating monetization tactics like display ads, affiliate marketing, and digital product sales.

The ultimate objective? To achieve a monthly revenue milestone of $1,000 within a span of 24 months.

Youtube System

Likewise, the training provides s60 actionable steps dedicated to cultivating a prosperous YouTube channel.

From niche selection and video production to audience engagement and monetization avenues such as ads, sponsorships, and affiliate marketing, this module equips participants with the essential know-how to thrive in the realm of online video content creation.

Who is course for? the

Project 24 caters to a diverse group of individuals who are interested in building an online business. The program is well-suited for:


Individuals with no prior experience in online marketing or website creation will find the training ideal for getting started.

The course provide allthe tools and necessary knowledge to create a thriving niche site or YouTube channel from ground zero.

Stay-at-home Parents and Retirees

Individuals looking to supplement their income while managing other responsibilities will appreciate the flexibility and potential passive income that Project 24 offers.

The program allows them to work at their own pace and balance their new business with other commitments.

Failed Entrepreneurs

Those who have previously attempted to launch an online business but have not achieved the desired success can benefit from the structured guidance and community support provided by Project 24.

The clear, actionable steps help avoid common pitfalls and provide a roadmap to profitability.

Experienced Marketers

Marketers who already have some knowledge and experience in the field can use Project 24 to expand their expertise in niche website development and YouTube content creation.

The course offers advanced techniques and up-to-date strategies that can help seasoned professionals refine their skills and stay ahead of the competition.

About The Course Creators

Jim Harmer and Ricky Kesler are the founders of Income School and creators of Project 24.

Income School Review

Income School is known for its transparency and commitment to helping members achieve real-world results, making it a popular choice among beginners and experienced marketers looking to improve their online business skills.

Jim Harmer Review

Jim Harmer started as a photographer and blogger, successfully monetizing his photography blog before venturing into teaching others how to create profitable websites.

“Success online is about finding a method that works, staying consistent, and adapting to the ever-changing landscape of digital marketing. It’s not a get-rich-quick scheme, but with dedication, anyone can create a thriving online business.”

Jim Harmer

Ricky Kesler Review

Ricky Kesler, with a background in business and marketing, joined Jim to co-create Income School.

“There’s too much misinformation out there about passive income websites. And there are way too many ‘get rich quick’ schemes that leave you broke and more deflated than ever. We both believe, very strongly, that having figured all this out, it’s our responsibility to give back.”

Ricky Kesler

Together, they provide a practical and relatable approach to online business, emphasizing transparency and real-world results

👉 Check out our Best Affiliate Marketers list

What Project 24 Students Are Saying About The Course

Feedback from Project 24 alumni provides a diverse spectrum of perspectives on its effectiveness and influence.

Students commend the program for its pragmatic approach, actionable insights, and measurable outcomes, highlighting transformative journeys and significant financial progress.

Conversely, a segment of individuals express reservations about the program’s steep learning curve and the substantial time commitment necessary to attain desired goals.

Here are what a few of them have to share about their experience:

What You'll Learn Inside The Course

Here’s a sneak peek at the course curriculum:

Blogging System

YouTube System


Additional Courses

Enrolling in Project 24 comes with a suite of extras to enhance your learning and growth. These include the Acabado Theme for an optimized website, the Project 24 Vlog for insights, a glossary and recommended tools, a podcast for industry expertise, the Content Warrior Challenge for skill-building, P24 Events for networking, and access to a supportive Private Community

How Much Does Project 24 Cost?

Project 24 is a subscription-based course with an initial fee of $449 for the first year and a reduced renewal fee of$199 for subsequent years.

The pricing reflects the comprehensive nature of the course, including access to all training materials, tools, and community support.


We’ve looked into many affiliate marketing courses, and Project 24 is definitely  right up there.  There are other good options too, and we’ve put together a list of  The Best Affiliate Marketing Courses that caters to diverse needs and preferences.

Here’s a sneak peek:

🏆Overall, The Authority Site System is the most complete and best for newbies to affiliate marketing

🥋Affiliate Lab is the best affiliate marketing program for advanced training.

 😎 Authority Hacker Pro is the best afiiliate marketing resource for seasoned entrepreneurs

Project 24 Site System Pros and Cons

Here’s a rundown of the things that we love and didn’t like about Project 24


Frequently Asked Questions

Is the course suitable for total beginners?

Absolutely, Project 24 is crafted to be beginner-friendly, welcoming those with no prior experience in online marketing or website creation.

Its step-by-step approach and wealth of resources ensure that newcomers can easily navigate and grasp the concepts presented.

What type of support does the platform provide?

Project 24 members gain entry to an exclusive community forum, facilitating interaction to seek advice, exchange experiences, and garner feedback.

Jim Harmer and Ricky Kesler actively participate in this forum, offering valuable support and guidance to the community.

Are there any additional costs?

Yes, beyond the course fee, you will need to invest in web hosting, domain names, and potentially other tools such as email marketing services​

Wrap Up

Project 24 by Income School is more than just an online course; it’s a practical guide to creating successful online businesses.

Whether you’re new to the game or a seasoned marketer, this course gives you the support and insights you need to reach your income goals.

From niche websites to YouTube channels, Project 24 teaches you how to navigate the online world and turn your passion into profit. 

It’s good stuff.



Joe Troyer

Joe Troyer is the Founder of Digital Triggers. He is leading expert in all things Internet Marketing: Pay Per Click Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Google Business, Reputation Management, Landing Page Conversion, and Call Tracking.

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