How To Get Video Testimonials From Customers In 2022 And Beyond

How To Get Video Testimonials

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As digital transformation accelerates and the digital economy gets stronger, more companies understand the value of customers and their word.

They focus on creating value for their customers in the product and the shopping experience.

Video marketing and customer testimonials are among the best ways to make your company visible, build trust with your target audience, and establish credibility among your employees and associates.

Therefore, it is fundamental to think about your strategy for customers and testimonials from day one.

Why Do You Need To Start Collecting Customer Testimonials?

If you are not collecting video testimonials, you are missing out on one of the most fundamental marketing tools you can access. There are some amazing video testimonial tools available in the market that can help you with this. 

Customer testimonials are a great way to show your customers that you are a credible and reliable business. Testimonials can also help build trust and credibility online, which can be essential when the objective is attracting new customers.

Make It Easy

There are a few tactics you can use to collect video testimonials easier.

  • Make sure you have a system in place for collecting and managing customer testimonials. This can include creating a testimonial policy, setting up a system for collecting and reviewing customer testimonials, and developing a process for responding to customer feedback.
  • Make sure you are using customer testimonials in your marketing efforts. This can include displaying customer testimonials on your website, using them in your marketing materials, and including them in promotional emails.
  • Make sure you are allowing your customers to share their testimonials publicly. This can be done through your website review system or using online review platforms like Google Business, Yelp, or TripAdvisor.

By taking these few simple steps, you will be well on your way to building a reliable video testimonial source.

Build Trust

Consumers are more likely to purchase from a brand they trust, and testimonial videos from other consumers or customers are one of the best ways to establish that trust. “Social proof” is at play here.

It is an emotional connection that ties in with the phrase “social validation.” When potential customers see real people discussing how a product or service has helped them, it convinces them that the brand is reputable and the product or service is worth trying.

As a result, consumers look for online evaluations before purchasing goods and services.

Increase Conversion Rate

According to research, video testimonials on your sales page can increase conversion rates by up to 26%.

That means you are losing out on many potential sales if you do not collect video testimonials from your existing customers for your website or social media platforms.

Most visitors who land on your page are going through purchasing decisions.

If you put a testimonial video in front of them, you showcase other customers that have decided to purchase. You are more likely to increase sales.

Build Authority

The public responds better to an authentic advertisement.

A customer testimonial video is the best way to build your authority in the eyes of potential and existing customers, especially in the age of digital transformation.

It shows you as a business owner who is confident in your products and services and willing to let your customer speak for your product.

So besides the emotional impact that video content can have, it also helps increase your brand authority and, in return, it will increase your sales.

Use on Multiple Channels

A video testimonial is a powerful way of showing the audience how other people feel about your product.

It is a great way to get more people on board with your brand and an effective marketing tool.

Video testimonials can be shared on multiple channels like social media, websites, email marketing campaigns, and more.

Providing customer stories is a great strategy to spread your brand’s story.

You can also create Instagram stories about what you are doing for current customers.

Do not forget to include powerful hashtags!

Testimonials Are Always Fresh and Relevant Content

A video testimonial will always be fresh and appealing to consumers, and you can use it at any time.

It is not like a YouTube video or a TikTok post that may lose relevance after a few years or months.

You may include customer reviews on any final product page because people are always searching for that bit of validation.

Now that we have learned a few reasons why you need video testimonials, it is time to see how to get testimonials from your happy customers.

The 8 Proven Methods to Get Customer Feedback and Video Testimonials

Make it easy

Sometimes, your customer may be satisfied with a product or service but too busy to take the time to do so. Consider also that not everybody is familiar with fancy and complicated software for video creation and editing.

Find a way to make the process easy for your customers, using the appropriate tools. You can benefit from video testimonial software or services. Consider using one that allows you to send a link to your customers, like Affilimate, ClickMagick, or Voluum.

Consider incorporating tools that simplify the process of collecting video testimonials, including facilitating audio enhancements. For those creating testimonial videos on platforms like CapCut, it’s easy to add voiceover to CapCut for a more polished final product. Leveraging these techniques can greatly enhance the quality and effectiveness of your video testimonials

Ask First

Why don’t you try the easy way first? Ask for it.

Remember to explain why you are asking for a review and how you will use the video testimonial.

A customer pleased with our products or services is likely to reward you with positive feedback about your brand or the experience you provide.

Ask them in a friendly way, and you may be surprised by the results.

Offer Incentives

Create a positive experience for your existing customers, or enchant the new ones by offering an incentive in exchange for a positive video testimonial. Consider offering a discount on the next purchase, a gift card, or early access to featured promotions.

This is an effective way to find a review in the early stages of your business. It is a good strategy, use it wisely.

Focus on Happy Customers

Identify and focus on satisfied customers because they are more likely to take the time to reward you with a positive review. Encourage them to share their feedback on a public platform to gain more visibility.

Monitor the ones that leave negative feedback as well. This is a valuable opportunity for improvement, fix the problem, and then ask them for a testimonial. It is your second chance to offer a better shopping experience.

Create Profiles on the Major Platforms

Use the review platforms for your benefit. Consider Yelp, Google Business, TripAdvisor, and any other site that lets customers find your brand.

Create and care about your presence on these sites, provide accurate information and monitor your reviews.

People will trust the reviews they read and share additional testimonials.

Send a Personal Request

When you personalize your request, you increase your chances of a positive review.

An effective method is sending an email to thank them for their purchase and asking them politely to leave a review.

Another method that helps you prevent spam is to request your video testimonial or feedback during the checkout process.

Incentivize Your Staff to Get Video Testimonials

Your staff is key to finding those priceless video reviews. Let them know how crucial they are for the business to grow and how they benefit everyone in the organization, and they will be more likely to ask users to complete one.

Consider developing a bonus program – if it makes sense for your business – to encourage your marketing team to find video testimonials.

Thank Them Afterwards

Getting video testimonials is only the first part of your task. Do not forget to thank them afterward.

Think about sending them a freebie or discount code to show that you appreciate their effort.

How long should a video testimonial be?

According to Forbes, a testimonial video should range from 45-60 minutes. Condense your main ideas and keep them in a friendly and conversational tone.

Ideally, your testimonial should range between two and three paragraphs.

Testimonial videos have to be accessible and easy to understand, so you can connect with potential customers.

Do I need permission to use a video testimonial?

Yes, you do. So remember to go for verbal or written consent to be safe and avoid a potential lawsuit. You can get consent using a video testimonial app, an email request, or verbal consent.

What should a video testimonial include?

It’s not only about the review. A professional-looking video testimonial will help your brand, not only your sales.

For an authentic yet engaging video testimonial, consider the following guidelines.

  1. Use high-quality equipment


If you do not have any filming equipment, you can rent what you require for your testimonials.

  1. Do Not Use a Script

But prepare at least an outline to know where you are heading. Find a subtle balance between preparation and improvisation, or the result may seem fake.

  1. Be Clear With Your âťťWhyâťž

It is the number one rule for video testimonials. Talk about a problem, offer your solution, and let people know how you can enhance their lives.

  1. Go for an Emotional Connection

Win your customers’ hearts before you go for their wallets. Personal insights drive conversion.

  1. Do Not Overextend

This is one of those cases when less is more.

  1. Use Graphics and Text Wisely

To enhance the visual interest and engage the audience.

  1. Opt for an Appealing Filming Technique

Do your research and find the style that suits your image

For more tips on the best practices for video testimonials, go check to unscreen.

Now you are an expert on how to get video testimonials from customers to include video testimonials in your marketing strategies. Including high-quality videos will boost your online marketing strategy and make your brand visible through trust and reputation.

Thanks for reading!

If you do not have any filming equipment, you can rent what you require for your testimonials.



Joe Troyer

Joe Troyer is the Founder of Digital Triggers. He is leading expert in all things Internet Marketing: Pay Per Click Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Google Business, Reputation Management, Landing Page Conversion, and Call Tracking.

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