Is SEO dead? Why And How Will SEO Continue in 2024

is seo dead

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The world changes over time, and as it does, new ways of developing and managing content show up.

That is why some people say that SEO is dead and not worthy. but is it true?

To know whether SEO is dead, we have to analyze the users’ patterns of use of search engines, user queries, and what users consider relevant results are.

SEO is the set of strategies that help content creators and website owners increase their chances of being more viewed on the web.

The different practices that take place in SEO vary, depending on their purposes. The strategies you used the last year indeed need to be revised, as new ways of creating high-quality content updates and seeking to offer a more optimized user experience.

Some Search Engine Optimization strategies like keyword stuffing and link farms do not work anymore; the same will happen for some of the current ones we use.

As long as the way the web works evolves, so does the way of doing Search Engine Optimization.

Is SEO dead?

The marketing industry is worried about the question ”is SEO dead?”. After all, they invest time and money in doing SEO on their sites through many ways, such as paid ads or another SEO strategy, like link building to get more chances of ranking higher within the search engines and getting more customers.

Those practices take time, and in the case of paid advertising, money-consuming. Doing good SEO requires a set of tools and knowledge to manage your website properly and ensure it ranks in the top positions.

Since it was discovered that the web traffic does not come from Google, many people are wondering whether it is worth investing time and money in doing SEO or whether it is more auspicious moving to other ways of reaching a wider audience.

The strategies we use today may one day end, giving place to new amazing technologies and ways of managing them for marketing purposes.

SEO evolves as the way of sharing content does

The way people create and share content changes over time and lately audiovisual content has increased in number over written content.

Video creation and the edition is taking fame in the latter days as new platforms appear.

People create content to rank higher within the search results and increase search traffic.

It is the case with platforms like TikTok, Facebook, or Instagram, whose users create videos on a vast variety of topics.

Short video creation has become one of the most practiced strategies for sharing content.

How content evolves affects the way search engines work, and the type of information users get from search engines.

That could mean that the answer to the question ”is SEO dead?” is ”yes, SEO is dead”. But we have to take some other things into account.

Blogging has decreased in relevance and is giving place to vlogging, which consists of giving more relevance to content sharing through videos.

Website owners need to adapt to the new ways people create content and receive information to be up to date with their likes and to offer them what they look for.

That is how business owners optimize their website page experience, and service quality, getting to people in the way people like.

To succeed in the modern world you have to adequate your business strategies to standard ways of sharing information and getting to people.

In that way, you will be showing that you are offering excellent service quality.

It is necessary that you can manage some strategies and that you are open to new ways of applying them, or supplanting them, whether it is necessary.

Current SEO strategies

There are many ways to do SEO, depending on the purpose. Whether you are a blogger or a business owner that is seeking to increase their website traffic.

The most commonly used SEO strategies are:

  1. Backlinks

Backlinks increase traffic in the way that they act as referrals to your website from other sites. The better the quality of the website that refers to yours, the more chances will your business website have to be seen as a quality website and increase your organic traffic.

Link building is an essential part of generating more organic traffic to your website.

The domain authority increases as other high authority domains refer to yours. A link acts as a recommendation to websites.

  1. Keyword research

Through it, you can target gaps within the content from a website so that you can create your content based on those gaps.

  1. Technical SEO

Since sometimes there are issues related to webpage optimization, it is necessary to do a technical SEO audit on your website so that it can be more accessible for users. Mobile friendliness and page speed are the two most common questions you should focus on for that purpose.

Is SEO worth it?

Some business owners and people dedicated to digital marketing in some way believe that SEO strategies are not worth it since it is hard to rank higher in the search engines or they get no different results after applying SEO strategies to their website.

Search engine optimization is a practice that takes time, effort, and patience. Ranking higher in search results and increasing search traffic is not something that happens overnight.

To ensure that you are following the right SEO process, you should use as many SEO strategies as possible at a constant pace, and let time act.

Being updated on the new ways of doing SEO is also crucial to ensure that you succeed in the digital marketing world.

That changes the panorama to give the question is SEO dead? whose answer would be no this time. We could argue that it is not dead, but it is evolving.

For that purpose, you should focus first on providing an excellent page experience and keeping it.

Conducting SEO audits is also crucial for your website to succeed and have more opportunities to rank higher within the search engine results pages (SERPs). Thus, you will ensure that your website is high quality.

SEO tools

As there are many ways of doing SEO, there are SEO tools. You have to use SEO tools that relate to your business or digital practice.

Among the most used SEO tools we can find the following:

  1. SurferSEO

Surfer SEO is one of the most famous and used SEO tools. It has many profitable functions that will help you create excellent content for your website. It has keyword research and an easy-to-use content editor.

  1. Google search console

Known first as Google Webmaster Tools, it is a platform that enables website owners to keep track of how well their site is performing in Google searches.

The program does not only display your current keyword rankings but also offers some SEO audit tools that you may use to identify any technical SEO problems.

  1. Ahrefs

Another well-liked SEO tool that many websites utilize to enhance their search performance is Ahrefs. It features, among other things, tools for competitor intelligence, content analysis, rank tracking, and keyword research.

What will search engines focus on?

Search engines work depending on the type of content that users share.

Nowadays, several search engines focus on providing a complete and pleasant user experience.

Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and Pinterest are a few examples of platforms that have search engines.

Particularly TikTok search engine is winning relevance as it gets more users.

People are looking for an all-in-one platform that provides entertainment and high-quality search results or answers to their questions.

Those results or answers should be of high quality. That is why content creators must adapt to the new ways people receive information to create the ideal content for them. They are also encouraged to use relevant hashtags in their captions on TikTok to enhance discoverability and engagement.

The good news is that content creators can specialize in varied niches based on their interests and target audience to create relevant content for them. It is essential to look for trending keywords to ensure they are producing relevant content to rank higher within the SERPs.

What can we expect from SEO strategies for the next year?

Many more SEO tools and strategies will appear, as well as new ways of creating and sharing content.

Online marketers and people who dedicate themselves to the digital world must adapt to the new trends that appear.

The functions of SEO and internet marketing will evolve because of the interconnectedness of SEO, technology, human behavior, media, machines, and attitude.

Google’s algorithm evolution

Google’s algorithm changes over time to provide users with an excellent user experience. The entire SEO industry is evolving quickly as a result of Google’s algorithm updates.

Google has a long history of notoriety for its search index updates, algorithm updates, and refreshes.

With all the information they are acquiring, they are more equipped to comprehend your preferences and adjust the outcomes accordingly.

Whenever you go somewhere and have your phone with you (especially if it is an Android device), Google might be able to utilize that information to customize results for you.

Whether you are searching for a business on Google Maps or on Google’s main webpage, you will get local-based results.

What will we get in the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs)?

It is possible that shortly, users who search will get zero-click result pages.

Zero-click searches, often known as “no-click searches,” describe a SERP that displays the response to the search right at the top of a Google search result.

Zero-click searches are becoming more popular. After all, they do not require the searcher to do additional clicks because they provide them with the answers.


The answer to the question, “Is SEO dead?” is not, but it is evolving. As content creation and sharing change, so do SEO strategies and tools.

Soon, we might face new ways of implementing SEO and innovative forms in which search engines will work.

Website owners will probably see new and vanguardist ways of creating content and getting to people properly.



Joe Troyer

Joe Troyer is the Founder of Digital Triggers. He is leading expert in all things Internet Marketing: Pay Per Click Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Google Business, Reputation Management, Landing Page Conversion, and Call Tracking.

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