How to Write a Bulletproof Blog Post Outline In 2025 + Template

blog outline

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Table of Contents

Writing a blog article is not an easy task. It requires several steps, one of which is developing a well-organized plan. It helps to save time, enhance the final post’s quality, and also offers a guide for the post’s structure and content. 

Today we are going to provide you with an effective guide to help you write a concise and useful blog post outline. Follow the steps and recommendations listed below, and you will also boost your overall SEO approach.

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What Is A Blog Post Outline?

It is the very cornerstone of your content and acts as the necessary framework around which you can construct your final manuscript.

While the majority of the concerns should be covered in the blog post content, the article’s structure and outline are also crucial for retaining the blog audience’s attention.

Key Components of A Blog Post

The points you want to express, the structure you want for your work, and the format you want to use are all included in your outline. You can use it to stay organized or as a guide if you get stuck or experience writer’s block (which can happen to even experienced bloggers).

Before you write a blog post outline, there are some key components you need to evaluate and include:

Clearly-Written and Properly-Formated Text

Your article’s body should be well-written and organized to make it easy to follow. To segment the material into different sections, use header tags and bullet points. Carefully double-check it for grammar or other mistakes as well, or you can also have someone else do it.

When drafting a blog post, make sure to add internal (and why not? external too) links. For instance, while discussing technical elements such as QR codes in your content, inserting informative links can be very helpful. Consider comparing static vs. dynamic QR codes to offer readers thorough insights on when and how to use each type.

Make sure to add internal (and why not? external too) links. Your page views will double if people click a link in one of your blog posts and then read one more post. Keep it genuine and pertinent, though. Internal links should preferably go to more resources on the same subject or provide in-depth explanations of certain concepts.

Call-To-Actions (CTAs)

A pertinent call-to-action (CTA) should be included in every blog article you’re writing to increase lead generation. They usually go at the end of the article, but be free to experiment and see if it would be more effective in other parts. For example, you could include a QR code midway through the article that directs readers to a free downloadable resource or a sign-up page for a webinar.

A CTA is the step you want your viewers to take next. Make at least one recommendation for what they might do next related to the post.  

Engaging and Pinneable Visuals

If you want to write an interesting blog post, it must be enhanced with relevant multimedia material. The text should be broken up with images, gifs, etc. to make it more aesthetically pleasing. Not many people want to read a huge block of text with zero visuals, it can be… boring. 

Also, make sure that at least one of your visuals is Pinterest-friendly. It will have a strong possibility of performing well on Pinterest if you and your audience pin that image, and that will help to increase your page visits.

Tip: Add alternative text to your images, as it helps you with SEO.

Tips for Creating a Blog Post Outline

Brainstorm Hook Ideas

Create a catchy and memorable opening or subheading. Start by outlining the issue or posing a rhetorical query to your audience.

Define your Content’s Goal

To help visitors understand what to expect from your blog’s material, ask yourself questions about the topic you are covering and use them to create headings and sub-headings.

Analyze your Competitors’ Articles 

Spend some time reading articles on your topic to develop a solid blog outline.

Look at the top-ranked article headlines for your term as a starting point. Not only to learn more about the topic but also to determine what works and what doesn’t.

How to Create a Blog Post Outline Step-by-Step

Creating a strong outline is important because it is a sign of a great content writer and will help in your blogging career.

How, though, can you create a solid article outline? Follow these steps to find out!

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Do Exhaustive Research

You likely already have a theme in mind if you’re writing an article, but you need to look beyond the obvious concept. EssayTigers recommends diving deeper into various sources to gain a broader perspective.

Before you start writing, spend some time doing keyword research, researching the main points of your subject, and consider the following questions:

  • Does the topic have a lot of information?
  • Is this a suitable subject for the kind of article you are crafting?
  • Does the subject have adequate, confirmed information?
  • Is your material too short or too dense compared to the others?
  • Is there anything that needs to be clarified before jumping to the main points of the article?

Keyword Research

Finding and classifying keywords for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) campaigns is known as keyword research and analysis. It is undoubtedly one of the crucial stages in the blog outlining process, as the more visible your blog article is to search engines, the more likely it is that it will get a lot of visitors and help you establish yourself as a successful blogger. These are the factors you need to consider before picking a keyword:

  • Keyword search volume
  • Keyword difficulty
  • Conversion rate

Create an Eye-Catching Title

The title of your blog post will be the first thing readers see, so it must make it obvious what the piece is about. Use detailed, descriptive language and action verbs whenever possible. Aim for a title that is succinct and to the point, and avoid using ambiguous or general words. 

The H1 element is the most crucial for SEO. Your title should also be short, eye-catching, and include relevant characteristics such as the current month or year.

Identify the Main Points and Supporting Details

Start outlining any question you can think of that relates to your main takeaway. You don’t necessarily need to know all the answers, but putting your most crucial (original) ideas down on paper as soon as possible is a primordial step in learning how to create blog posts more quickly (and more effectively).

Create a Captivating Intro

The introduction is the first part of your blog post. It is decisive in drawing the reader in and establishing the tone for the rest of the piece. It should state the topic and give an overview of the key ideas and supporting details that will be presented next.

Set Up the Main Sections and Themes of Your Blog Post Outline

Your writing should flow naturally from one idea to the next, making educational points along the way.

One of the best justifications for creating a blog post plan is this: Without this stage, your writing can easily go off course or lack the coherence that readers expect from a well-written post.

Add Pertinent Research, Information, and More Sources

It’s a good idea to cite facts, statements, and graphs from subject-matter experts when you add supporting evidence to your writing.

Every argument should be written, followed by a summary and your concluding remarks. Your article comes alive as a result. Writing from your perspective can help readers connect with what you write and increase their attachment to it. If your essay is in a PDF, you can use a ChatPDF to help you easily summarize the entire essay in just a couple of bullet points, and then choose the most important sentences.

Clean Up, Edit, and Revise Your Blog Post Outline

Regardless of how much research you’ve done up to this point, some of your ideas might not completely gel together, and others might not flow naturally into a coherent plot.

Before you start writing your blog article, you have the chance to remedy any visible problems with your outline (before big modifications become a more time-consuming task).

Start Developing Your Blog Post

After you’ve finished the blog outline, you should head to the content editor of your choice and begin filling it out. You should always have a content editor and an outline document nearby.

Add a Frequently Asked Questions Section

Go to Google, enter your topic, and look at the “People Also Asked” box. There are usually answers to inquiries about your search. These are probably common inquiries, so you might want to address them in your article.

Write A Conclusion

Plan a summary (not more than three or four lines) of the whole essay, along with references to more reading or a closing thought for readers to ponder.

Bonus: Blog Post Outline Template

  1. Blog Post Title (This has to be the only H1)
  2. A brief introduction explaining what readers will encounter throughout the article
  3. Question 1 (H2)
  4. Question 2 (H2)
  5. Question 3 (H2)
  6. FAQ Title (H2)
  7. Actual FAQs (H3s)
  8. Conclusion (H2)

Note: If there are sub-topics to cover for each question, these have to be in H3s.

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Why Does Blog Post Structure Matter?

  • It helps you write better and faster
  • It helps in developing your goal before the development of the piece
  • It structures your ideas. When you have a clear outline, things will flow easily
  • It shapes your article. Your essay should include an introduction, a body of text, and a conclusion. That is easier to set up and accomplish through your outline

Is A Good Blog Post Outline Important for SEO?

Absolutely. Due to the content outline’s recommendations on keywords, word counts, content subtopic organization, FAQs, and other factors, the published article can get higher search engine results.

Couldn’t I Use an AI Blog Outline Generator?

Yes. An AI outline generator can assist you in developing outlines for your blog entries. Your posts will be more coherent if you can better arrange your thoughts and ideas with their help. However, make sure to edit it, add your touch, and optimize it, as we know AIs are not perfect.

Wrapping Up

It’s a lot simpler to write a blog article when you have a clear structure for it. Just summarize your primary arguments and the points you wish to develop in your outline. If you conduct your research before you start writing, you will save time.

Because it is well-structured and the material flows smoothly from one point to the next, your viewers will be more inclined to read your post all the way through. Happy writing!



Joe Troyer

Joe Troyer is the Founder of Digital Triggers. He is leading expert in all things Internet Marketing: Pay Per Click Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Google Business, Reputation Management, Landing Page Conversion, and Call Tracking.

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