The Brambila Method Review: Is The Adrian Brambila Method Legit?

brambila method

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Table of Contents

Do you want to create an internet business and generate passive income by mastering affiliate marketing? Or do you need assistance with your online business and are seeking a review of an affiliate marketing course?

Therefore, you should read this Brambila Method Review.

Okay, so the Brambila Method doesn’t exactly fall under a tidy heading. In the end, affiliate marketing is a distinct way of thinking about earning money. Adrian takes advantage of social media as a traffic source to drive customers to his website, either to make sales there right away or to gather email addresses for future marketing campaigns.

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Who Is Adrian Brambila?

Self-made billionaire Adrian Brambila is a YouTuber, ex-pro dancer, and serial business owner. Most infamously recognized for earning $1 million a year exclusively from side jobs on the internet. Additionally, he has made seven figures through affiliate marketing, all the while living in a camper and traversing the nation.

The Brambila Method

The course, also known as 8 Figure Affiliate Marketer, consists of several courses that emphasize teaching fundamentals and ideal techniques of affiliate marketing.

The training course lasts eight days and teaches you five strategies to start earning money online without investing any money. Each method presented in the course has a case study (evidence that it works) and an overview, strategy, tactics, and walkthrough videos. Along with access to a private community where you can communicate with other students, you also receive an action plan outlining the precise steps you must perform for each approach.

An Overview of The Program

You will eventually earn a genuine income if you watch all the videos and put in the work. The Brambila Method will provide you with many prospective income sources to develop.

Adrian shows you practical ways to make money from who you are and the skills you have. He teaches side businesses that produce leads, makes money quickly, and ethically upsell. He offers techniques to help you overcome mental obstacles and work more efficiently rather than harder.

Day One: Selling Your Creativity Through Services On Fiverr

You’ll discover how to use Fiverr to create leads for money. While there are many ways to make money on Fiverr, Adrian’s method has a modification that enables you to gather customers’ email addresses and then promote repeat business to them. Additionally, you’ll discover what a “Value Ladder” is and how it may help you boost your revenue. Additionally, special guest instructor Alex Fasulo appears to give her insider knowledge and strategies for generating six figures from just Fiverr.

Day Two: Easy Digital Passive Income by Teaching

Students will learn how to write to-the-point courses in this subject, which they can then sell on online teaching markets like Udemy and SkillShare. The goal is to provide people with the tools to market their abilities and inventiveness. You can earn a good sum of money by offering online short courses.

This is a great place to begin if you want to generate the kind of genuine passive income that everyone seeks. Adrian provides a unique method for promoting affiliate products when earning money online with these lectures.

Day Three: High Ticket Residual Income on Top Marketplaces

Adrian gives his pupils very beneficial advice in this lesson that can help them find a more reliable source of income. He trains his students to persuade an organization or corporation to hire them on a retainer basis. Being on their list of monthly retainers will allow you to receive payment for a specific amount of time each month. The most effort is required in this lesson, but the reward is greatest with this approach. This business model is how Adrian made his first million dollars online.

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Day Four: Physical Product = Passive Income

Adrian introduces the students to a novel business strategy in this module: make money online by selling goods branded with your name. You can discover how to offer customized merchandise without inventory or start-up charges and information regarding print-on-demand. To make money, you can unleash your creativity and take advantage of web trends. A double win because it’s a terrific method to increase your income through another passive income stream without spending money.

Day Five, Six, and Eight: Affiliate Marketing and More

An 8 figure entrepreneur will teach you everything there is to know about affiliate marketing. Adrian also divulges how he chooses which goods to advertise and how he uses data and communities to generate a ton of free traffic for his offerings. To talk about products you genuinely care about, you also learn how to advertise goods that are not in the generating money category.

The course also includes comprehensive technical setup instructions. By the time this course is finished, you’ll understand how to buy a domain name, build a landing page, and launch an email marketing campaign.

Access to The Community

The Brambila Method Facebook group is your sounding board, support system, and cheer squad. It is a very active group of like-minded people trying to succeed online and supporting each other in the process.

These are some of the things you can expect to see in the group:

  • Requests for suggestions and ideas, along with helpful critiques.
  • Inspirational speeches.
  • Expressing frustrations and receiving assistance.
  • Excellent suggestions for anything you need.

You can be relieved that you won’t see anybody promoting their products or services, sharing their affiliate links, or creating drama.

Who Is This Program For?

  • People seeking to make their first online money: The typical beginner was considered when designing the course. Daily during the course, a new revenue-generating method will be taught to you, each accompanied by a strategy and tactics video and a case study (evidence that it works).
  • For people who want to make money online without enormous investments: The Brambila Method will teach you the skills to set up your affiliate marketing business. It’s important to note that this is not a get-rich-quick scam. The regimen is effective, but you must work hard before you start to see results. This course is NOT for you if you want to see results quickly and with little effort. People who are prepared to act and work hard to improve their life should enroll in this course.

Pros and Cons of The Annual Membership


  • Make one payment, and you will receive a year’s worth of course updates. Your lessons will apply to whatever is effective right now.
  • At the current pricing, each update represents a savings. So if you purchased it for a lower price, it is a complete steal.
  • Your price is locked at the point you selected when you signed up, and it increases with each significant upgrade.
  • Before the end of the year, cancellation is quite simple. Customer service is handled by Adrian’s mother, who is a delight to converse with. Additionally, you will receive emails letting you know before your subscription is up for renewal.
  • Each revision revitalizes you, which may occur at a crucial juncture in your quest for financial success when you are feeling worn out.


  • To terminate your membership, you need to email customer service or reply to a renewal email. Wait until your renewal period to acquire as many course updates as you can.

Constant Updates

People may initially be hesitant to sign up when they learn it requires a $97 annual subscription. But that’s because the course will receive updates every month. Online educational packages far too frequently become outdated.

Typically, the creator of the course produces content that is current at the time it was made, but by the time someone buys it three years later, it is out of date and useless.

That won’t take place here. The Brambila Method will always be state-of-the-art, and it will always be updated. You will receive an email from the Brambila Method about a month before your subscription renews outlining the changes and providing an opt-out link.

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Is The Brambila Method Course Expensive?

The Brambila Method has an annual charge cap of $97, which is very reasonable. However, if you decide to enroll in new training programs and want to access more premium content, you will have to pay extra—$297, to be exact. The price structure’s biggest feature is it includes a 14-day money-back guarantee. So you can still request a refund if you feel the course is not for you.

Is the Brambila Method Legit?

The Brambila Method is a genuine technique. This program will introduce you to a variety of employment options and provide you with the opportunity to have an online income without having to make any significant financial commitments.

However, it’s crucial to emphasize that affiliate marketing is not easy and takes a lot of slog, hard work, and patience for the rewards to materialize. In the very competitive niches of lead generation and traffic creation, your efforts may occasionally be in vain.

Can You Make A Living Out of the Techniques In the Course?

The quick response is “Yes.” You can. Most likely, you won’t start off producing a lot of money right away. However, using the strategies and techniques outlined in the Brambila Method, you can create a respectable sum.

What are Alternatives to the Brambila Method?

If the Brambila Method isn’t quite what you’re looking for, considering courses like Authority Hacker, Savage Affiliates, ClickBank, and Wealthy Affiliate could be worthwhile.

The Wrap-Up

You can make money online by following the instructions in the Brambila Method. These actions feed off one another, increasing incomes in a snowball effect. But it all depends on your attitude because, again, it is not a magic way to get rich in one week. We hope our review helps you decide whether it is the right program for you or not.



Joe Troyer

Joe Troyer is the Founder of Digital Triggers. He is leading expert in all things Internet Marketing: Pay Per Click Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Google Business, Reputation Management, Landing Page Conversion, and Call Tracking.

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